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      I was running, to where? I don't know. From what? I don't know. All I know is that I must keep running I shouldn't stop. My body does not feel like my own. I can neither change directions nor turn around. The only freedom I have or rather this body has, is to stop or keep running. I have this feeling that if I stop, this body along with me will be engulfed whole by something ominous. Every step I or this body I am in takes something is getting closer and closer. This body as if attracted by it is getting slower and slower. I try to run, but it does not go faster. I try to scream but this body doesn't. Along the slope of the mountain, It loses its footing and turns and twists in the snow below the mountain and yet I feel no pain, It was a fall that would usually kill any human being but this body does not show any signs of pain nor did it scream. Who or why is that thing chasing me?




      Why am I here?

      I can't stop moving. Why is this happening? 

      The presence behind me gets stronger and stronger. I look back, the word fell apart as if being chewed by the void I could feel my bones and flesh being ground.

      I wake up in cold sweat, the sun hasn't risen yet. I check the alarm clock it shows that it's 1:30 am. My body feels so cold which is probably why I am shivering. I get up and fold my futon, and try to distract myself from that dream. I feel so suffocated here, I briskly slide open the door and move out of the room. The cold hard floor with every step sends chills through my spine.

      Where Bathroom, go for wasdh fa ce uruhrt ehit run where up and down sky







     n.......... run

 to sto










      I wake up and --- ouch my head hit something when I look for the culprit I see a.... sink? It seems I somehow got to the Bathroom and fell asleep. I don't remember what happened or how I got here. My head hurts, probably because I hit the sink with my head. I brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water, I get out of the bathroom, and on my way to my room I am greeted by my mother she says "You woke up early today, I should probably check for the weather report if there is any storm today"

      "wha- Mom!! How rude, I can wake up early if I wanted to Ok?"

      "Of course, you always wake up before I even think of waking you up and never say "Mom let me sleep a bit more" every time I try to wake you up," she says sarcastically. What, why is my mom so rude early in the morning on the day I woke up early for once? I mean it's my fault that I always ask her to wake me up and end up oversleeping until 8 in the morning. "Alright, Alright Mom, I am sorry. I'll get ready now" she says "Right, check if you are taking everything you would need with you"

      On my way to my room, I meet Akane, Based on her appearance one can deduce that she just got up. " Sup, you're late". She blinks numerous times and starts to walk past ignoring me. I call out to her "Good morning, Akane" and she says "Wait, you're real?? what universe did I wake up in to see you're up so early" What, first it's my mom and now her. I mean I know I am not a morning person but why is everyone dissing me on the day I am early for once shouldn't they be praising me instead? I get frustrated and decided to rebel against this unjust "Nice hairstyle you got there, oops my bad it's your bed hair HAHA" she says "Ahh, I see now, you just wanted the iron fist of justice, you could have just said so." she says that with a cute expression which makes it 100 times scarier, I instantly regret my decision, now I just have to smooth it over, Even a single mistake in my wording would lead to death, I do my best to come up with a line which will save me from this crisis and say "I-I have to go to my room and check up if I am taking everything needed so, see you later" and briskly move out of there.

      I make sure that I have taken everything I need and head to the living room." Good morning Father" he says "Good morning Kazuki, the vehicle is ready, keep your things in it and we will leave after having breakfast" I say " Ok Father" and do as I am told to. After loading my luggage in the vehicle I make my way to the living room." loading my luggage huh." I suppose that's where uploading and downloading come from, that was pretty obvious now that I think about it but these tiny realizations in everyday language we use are kind of cool.

      I slide open the door to the living room where I am greeted by everyone sitting at the table ready to have breakfast. After having our breakfast, we get in the van with my father and brother in front and Akane, Mom and I in the back row seats. I sat beside the window seat, looking outside the window is the world I lived in and now, I am leaving this place, it's funny to think when I was little I thought beyond this village there was nothing outside, probably because I never went outside of this village. I remember when I was little there was a huge circus just on the outskirts of this village, and all I could see was a red tent from the roof of my house, One night on the last day of the circus I finally mustered up some courage and set out to visit there without telling anyone and it was very dark outside but using the illumination of circus as my guide I somehow reached there, by the time I reached there it was already over I cried because I couldn't make it in time, luckily a lady who knew me was there and she took me to home. I spent my time pondering on such silly things and chatting away before I knew it we reached our destination. 

      The clock shows that it's 8:23 AM, and it's one hour from home, We get down from the vehicle and "download"(unload) the luggage. In front of us is an old-looking building made of wood that is not too big or too small just enough for me, I picked this house because it's very cheap and not too far from my university, and relatively peaceful. We enter the house with my brother helping me carry my luggage. "Thanks, brother," he says "No problem, Kazuki" We then enter the new home. At the entrance of the house, there is little space to keep the shoes aside. then the living room is right in front of the entrance and to the left of the living room, we have the kitchen, and to the right, we have a bedroom. We set up the things like tube lights and an electric stove which is all the rage these days, and finally, we are done. That took us almost a couple of hours and we finally relax in the living room.

      "Kazuki, how about you let Akane show you around the city since it's new for you here?" My mom asks me, I say "Alright, mom"

      "Please show him around Akane," to which she says "Alright Aunty, leave it to me" with a thumbs up. We leave the house and she guides me through the city, we come across many huge supermarkets, convenience stores, many vending machines, cafes which I rarely saw, and medicinal stores, while we were walking I could see tall buildings and skyscrapers, well scraping the sky...it almost looks like that no wonder that's what they are called. While I am thinking such things she suddenly spoke up saying "This is where I live" She shows me a tall apartment that looks new, which may have been probably built just a couple of years ago."If you have any problems at your place you can come here. Ok?" I say "I will, thanks". After a bit more walking, we decide to head back. On our way back quietly walking beside keeping each other company is the most comforting feeling I have ever experienced in the past few years, that is probably because um, she uh is my first love, it's embarrassing even if I am just thinking about it....ahem L-Lets change the subject.

      "Now that I think about it what job do you exactly do?"

      "It's a Software job, we just develop programs for hire," I say" Ahh ok. That's cool" that's awesome, like in the movies." And yea it's not like the movies you're thinking about".  " Wha- did you just read my mind or something?" she says "It's so obvious when you make a face like that" We spend the rest of our time on the way home chatting away and teasing each other. This time we spent together was very pleasant to me and it would make me happy if she feels the same way.