Chapter 4 Olivia
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A few days earlier...

"It's right there, mom." In one of the households of Satan City, a family of three was staring at a computer screen flashing a bunch of names. The young boy sitting in his chair pointed at the screen, suddenly making his parents jump out in shock. 

"You did it... Olivia!!" The man exclaimed and embraced his wife, making their son smile gleefully. "It's a job well done, mom. I knew you can do it if you put your mind to it." 

"Thanks, David. Thanks, my love.." The lavender-haired woman thanked both her husband and her young child, hugging both of them. Though already in her late thirties and a mother, Olivia had wanted to resume her studies which she could not complete due to various reasons. 

Because of this, she applied to the Orange Star public school. Yet, to her bad luck.. before she voices even sit for the exams, tragedy struck the earth in the form of a monster called Cell. He devastated the cities of this world until he was eventually put down by the one and only Mr. Satan. 

Even after Cell was gone, it took years for humanity to get back on track. Subsequently, this year the high school in her city resumed taking in new students. To her luck, she managed to crack the exam and get an enrollment. 

Fortunately, the school authorities were very helpful, repeatedly assuring her she can continue her studies without any hiccups despite the age difference between her and the regular students. Even with the hesitation that came with her situation, Olivia was convinced to get a degree and do her husband proud. 

David was employed at a big corporation in the city. She being his wife had always lived with a severe lack of confidence, a drawback that she believed only a degree from a prestigious institution can offset. 

When she spoke up about her plans, not only David but even her son was extremely supportive of her. "It is about time you did it, Olivia. Damn that Cell bastard.. he almost destroyed our lives." 

Though the monster had been defeated, its memories remained fresh in the minds of the residents. So much death and carnage can not be easily forgotten. "Indeed. It delayed the plan by a long shot. However, I think not everything is bad." 

The young boy who made sure his mum was listed with passing grades before shutting down his system, rolled his sleeves. "How come?" His dad bunched up his brows, not sure what his boy meant by it. 

"Think about it.. if not for the delay. I would not have gotten the chance to study alongside mom. For all we know, both of us might be assigned the same class group as well. That will be exciting haha..." 

The family had a good laugh together. "It's a momentous occasion. Let's go out for dinner tonight." The man of the house proposed and no one denied it. "Sounds like a plan to me." Olivia cheered, leading to the family get ready to head outside. 

**At present**

"Hey Gohan.. you better put some good words for me, man. Ain't I your best buddy?" In the changing room, Kent slapped Gohan on his back giving him a wink. "Ahem... I can do that. But I hate to break it to you, but she is married and already has a kid with another one of my friends." 

As it turned out, Gohan found out his sports teacher was none other than Android 18. At first, he was confused by the name Lazuli. But that turned out to be an alias Android 18 was using at the moment. 

Both of them were pleasantly surprised to discover each other, but in their current setting, they could not talk more. Though he was yet to ask her directly, it wasn't hard to guess that she must have found a job at this institution and coincidentally, it turned out to be his school. 

"Damn.. so you are telling me Mrs. Lazuli is married?" Gohan chuckled for the first time absolutely relishing in the misfortune of his friend. "Why is life so unfair?" Kent dramatically lamented, even pretending to bang his head on the wall to make the situation even funnier. 

Gohan realized it was only his first day and he was enjoying the school so much. He would give all the credit to this goofy guy he had made friends with. Kent was amazing. He could adapt in a blink of an eye. He can talk with his classmates while at the same time holding a dignified conversation with someone as old and experienced as Mrs. Olivia. 

Unknowingly, Gohan had made it his goal to learn Kent's social skills. 'Mom will be proud if I can be just like him.' His friend was equally as good as him in all subjects and didn't have the same awkwardness as himself while communicating. 

"Even so..." Kent swung his head with a jerk with all the passion of this world. "I must strive for it. Who knows.. maybe I can get lucky?" Gohan laughed awkwardly. He was fascinated to see how a regular human teenager behaved. Just like his mother told him, sex is always the first thing on their minds. 

"Okay... I will introduce you to her. We will see how far you can go." "Nice...!!" Kent shook his hands fervently. Together, the boys stepped out to find Erasa and Oliva waiting for them. 

"What were you two gossiping about?" An inquisitive Erasa demanded to know, only for Kent to throw his arms up in the air. "Ahahaha.. what a nice day to do some stretching." 

Erasa's face was red at being ignored so ruthlessly. "This bastard... It's not even been a complete day and looks at that frivolous attitude." Both Olivia and Gohan consoled the girl who was ready to swing her foot at the boy in anger. 

"There there... I think he didn't hear you." Gohan tried to come in support of his friend. "Oh.. yeah? Then why don't you tell me?" The boy in the tracksuit immediately let go of Erasa, feigning ignorance just like Kent. There was no way he can admit things they were discussing in the boy's changing room. 

Unable to bring himself to lie, he chose to run away as well, leaving a seething Erasa behind. "Such goofy kids they are," Olivia remarked, relishing the lively atmosphere. "Don't think too much about it. I am sure they must be talking about some girl, that's why they don't want to answer." 

Erasa nodded her countenance a little relaxed. "That must be it." She huffed and made her way to the open grounds followed by Olivia. 

Outside, the students of class A had been made to line up in rows. "My name is Andr... Ahem... Lazuli." The blonde lady with straight hair up to her neck proclaimed, correcting herself midway. 

Possessing a stern face with an excessively cold demeanor, Android 18 was able to prevail over the initially unruly kids. "There is nothing else you need to know. Now I want you all to give me 10 laps of this ground. Those who come last will do 10 laps more." 

Her words caused a commotion within the class. The second clause was completely cruel. There was no way the entire group can come in the first position. That means a smaller group will certainly be repeating those laps once again. 

"Get going..!!" Android 18 raised her arm, shooing away the students. Led by Videl, who didn't think much of it, they were on course to run around the field. 

***At Goku's house**

A lady with a large black hair bun on her head stood outside a house, putting out her laundry to dry under the bright sun. She had a tall frame with an accentuated figure that gave an impression of a martial artist. 

"I am so nervous." Her name was Chichi, the wife of Goku and the mother of his child. It was Gohan's first day at school and as his mother hen, she was worried about how her son will manage to fit into human society. 

Since both his parents were secluded from the regular humans, Chichi knew there was nothing they could have done to prepare him for the tainted world outside their little bubble. 

"Hopefully he makes some good friends.." Muttering to herself, she abruptly came across a figure behind the fluttering sheets. "Hohohoh.. looks like the boy is finally able to leave your nest." Came a grumbling voice after a burst of depraved laughter. 

"Master Roshi? Do you have to be this creepy every time?" Chichi rolled her eyes but didn't bother with the old man any further. "Hehe... I am not being a creepy girl. Lost in your daydreams you didn't see me coming. A martial artist never lets their guard down no matter the situation." 

The old man countered, that it had little to no effect on Chichi. Putting her last sheet to dry out, she wiped the thin perspiration and turned on her heels. "Spare me your lessons, master Roshi. I am more than happy with my life as a housewife. Those martial art days are far behind me.." 

The image of Chichi's perky ass swaying under her tight cheongsam reflected in master Roshi's black glasses. "Hm... I think you might be right. After all, I can see you have put on some weig.." *Bang* 

Even having expected a strong reaction, master Roshi miserably failed to block the empty bucket thrown in his direction. "Ewwooo..." It hit him squarely on his head making the old midget wince in agony. 

"Hmph.." Wounded Roshi lay flat on the ground listening to Chichi snort and shut her door with a thud. "Violent as always.. but I like it." Pushing himself back on his feet, he followed the lady inside her house. 

It wasn't a luxurious residence by any measure but it had two separate rooms and an open kitchen, where Chichi stood right now peeling vegetables. "That was too harsh, Chichi." The man complained, approaching the tall woman while rubbing his head in a grimace. 

"Be satisfied that you are still alive and breathing." Chichi rebuked, taking a murderous glance at the man who even failed to reach her chest. *Pah* "You are growing insolent." With a familiar swing of his hand, Roshi slapped one of the two absolutely rounded ass cheeks. 

Chichi's glare only grew more severe, however midway, she lost the motivation to even give any attention to this pervy guy. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Roshi wrapped his arm around the slim waist of the mature house matron. 

"I only came to check on you. I thought you will be all sad since Gohan will no longer be at arm's length from yourself." Master Roshi's hands gently stroked Chichi's side belly, as if trying to pacify her with rubs. "Though you seem to be doing much better than I anticipated." 

"Many thanks.. now that you have done that.. the door is that way. Please show yourself out." An emotionless Chichi pointed towards the exit with her knife. Roshi laughed, choosing to stay silent and continue with his belly rubs. 

"Come on Chichi... I traveled so far for you. Do you have to be so cruel to a benign old man like me?" Under his glasses, Roshi's eyes were glued to the perky bottom of the house maiden. Although that was his goal to reach from the very beginning, having pursued the woman a lot of times in the recent past, he knew he had to be meticulous in his approach. 

"Android 18 and Krillin had left my place, you know. They even took Marron away." That was a piece of news to Chichi, showing some interest in the talk. "They left? Where to?" She inquired, making the old man smile cheekily in his mind. 

"To Satan City. Same old rant about raising the kid in a modern environment.." Roshi spat out the words, looking genuinely adverse to the idea. "I just can't understand what is going on in their minds. Did they think I will have a bad influence over the kid?"