1 – Nightmare
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'' Dad, wake up!''

I heard a cry from somewhere in my sleep, and it woke me up. I dazedly looked around and spotted the reason for my rude awakening. It was my son, Dante.

Forcing my eyes to stay open, I sheepishly said, '' Dante, wake me up later.''

Dante pouted. He didn't like that answer, '' But Mom and Sis have already woken up! Only you are still sleeping in the entire house!''

I wanted to get up, but I was too sleepy, '' Ok!''

Dante's face glowed, but dimmed soon after he heard the rest, '' Wake me up in one hour.''

'' DAD!"

After 5 more minutes of torture from Dante, I had to wake up. '' Ok, you win!''

I got up from the bed, almost fell because I still haven't woken up 100%, and looked around the room. Only me and Dante are there, ' So Dante was telling the truth... Sheryl and Linda woke up first. That is a surprise.'

'In normal days, it was me who woke up earlier... But it's normal. Yesterday was a nightmare at my job. The boss forced us to work overtime on a project which clearly will not be completed on the time he wanted. So now he's probably going to punish us.'

Cursigin my luck internally, I said to Dante, '' Let's go eat breakfast!''

Dante smiled, '' LET'S GO!''

Dante took my hand and led me toward our kitchen. The house where we live was a nice one since my job pays well. It had 5 rooms, 2 living rooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, and many other things. It was almost a mansion.

Sheryl worked too and earned almost the same as me. But we didn't like to spend our money, so we had a considerable amount in our bank accounts. Dante and Linda's college funds are already full, even though they are both under 10 years old, but we continued to pour more money.

Finally, Dante brought me to the kitchen. There, like always when I see her, I was dumbstruck and in awe by how much of a beauty my wife was, ' I'm so lucky to have married her!'

I gave a peck on Dante's head, passed Linda, and did the same to her, '' Good morning sweetheart!''

Linda looked at me, startled. She didn't sense me, '' DAD! Don't kiss me out of the blue!''

I chuckled, '' I'll stop when you reach 18. Until then, be careful of my kisses.''

Linda frowned. She seems to want to say something but said nothing at the end.

' I won again!' Feeling good after winning against a 7-year-old, I returned my attention to Sheryl.

Sheryl and I were childhood friends. We met earlier as 2 years old and stayed together since then. Of course, we only started to date when we reached 12, but we've been inseparable since then.

Besides Sheryl, I also had some other childhood friends. We are close too, considering each other brothers and sisters. Some of the boys had a crush on her, but I won in the end.

Approaching her from the back, I kissed the nape of her neck. '' Good morning.''

Sheryl put her hand on the back of my head. She looked at me, and kissed my lips, '' Good morning. How did you sleep?''

I wanted to continue kissing her, but I answered first, '' My boss is a pain in the ass, thanks to that, my sleep was doomed from the start. I think I slept only for 3 hours.''

Sheryl's face showed concern, '' How about you go sleep again? I can handle the kids on my own for a while.''

I shook my head, '' And lose precious time with all of you? No way. Besides, I can go to sleep earlier today, since it's Saturday.''

'' Are you sure? Remember that Sarah, Janet, Daniel and the others are coming here today. '' Sheryl asked once again. She knew how much her husband cherished his sleep, and he didn't sleep well.

When I heard the name 'Daniel', I almost screamed in rage. ' Weird...'

Regardless of what I was feeling, I responded to Sheryl, '' I'm sure. I want to spend more time with you and the kids.'' While my job pays well, it also meant I don't spend much time with my family, and that was starting to bother me.

' I'm not getting younger... Maybe it's time to consider retiring earlier? I have the money to sustain us for a long time, so I don't see why not.'

While I was thinking that, Sheryl smiled like an angel. I was lost in that smile, until she said, '' Your call. Go play with the kids, I'll bring your breakfast in a bit.''

Giving one last kiss to Sheryl, I turned my attention to the kids. They heard their mom say I would play with them, and their face showed a mixed reaction.

Dante was happy, while Linda looked annoyed. I noticed that, and grabbed Linda in a princess carry. Then I shouted, '' LET'S PLAY!''

Dante let out a '' YEAH!', while Linda, even though she looked annoyed, let out a small smile.

For the next 30 minutes or so, I played around with the kids. Sheryl had brought my food in the meantime, but I didn't stop playing with them.

'' I'm chubby and kinda fat. I live in various places, but I'm not human. Some consider me the King of the Forest/Jungle. Who am I?'' I was playing trivially with them.

Dante raised his hand faster than Linda.

'' Say your answer.''

Dante looked proud, '' It's a lion.''

'' That isssssssssssss... incorrect.''

'' HUH?!'' Dante was confused. But I already turned to Linda.

Linda knew it was her turn. She pondered for a few seconds, '' It's an elephant?''

''Ding, Ding, Ding! You're correct.''

Dante looked at his older sister in awe, '' Sis, you're amazing!''

I swear I could see Linda's nose grow, '' Of course, I am!''

After that, my stomach rumbled. ' It seems my body reached the limit without food.'

'' Kids, I'll go eat. Continue playing if you want, I'll be right back.''

I grabbed the food Sheryl gave me earlier. I eat while looking at my beautiful family right in front of my eyes. ' This is my dream coming true!'

Since I was a kid and met Sheryl, I dreamt of marrying her and having a beautiful family, and in the end, I managed to make that dream come true.

' I'm lucky!'

I went to bite my sandwich, but when I closed my mouth on it, there was nothing there. ' What...?'

I looked at my hand and there wasn't any sandwich there, only a bottle of alcohol, ' What is happening?'

Feeling extremely confused, I took away my vision from the bottle towards my family. To my horror and shook, they were not in the living room anymore.

I immediately jumped from my seat and started to scream. '' DANTE! LINDA! SHERYL! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?''

They were right in front of me until 10 seconds ago, and if they moved, I would have seen them with my peripheral vision. So the only explanation was they teleported, but this was impossible.

The house was normal, but only my family was diapered. I search around the house. I went to my room and trashed it all around but found nothing.

I went to the kids' room, all bathrooms, and the kitchen, but the search was unfruitful.

At this point, I was almost crying in despair, ' Where did they go!?'

Instinctively, I gulped down the bottle of alcohol in one go. I didn't find that action weird. A few seconds later, I finished the entire bottle but didn't throw it away.

' What do I do? Do I call the police, to report them missing!?' With no better option, I did that.

Miraculously, the empty bottle was refiled once more. I gulped it down again. A few seconds later, the call was picked up, '' 911, what's your emergency?''

'' Hi, my name is -----, and my family dissaperead! I can't find them anywhere.'' I shouted into my phone and continued to drink the never end bottle of alcohol.

'' Ok, calm down Sir ------. I need your address first.''

I passed the dispatcher my address, '' Ok. Can you please explain the situation again?''

'' I was eating my breakfast normally and was watching my family play around. I turned my gaze away for one second, and they were gone! They vanished!''

'' Ok...'' The dispatcher was silent for a few seconds, and I could hear her tapping away. After a few seconds of that silence, the dispatcher said, '' Ok, I got everything I need. I'll send some police cars and we will search for Dante, Linda, and Sheryl. We will find them in a heartbeat.''

I sighed in relief and gulped down the bottle one more time, '' OH my god, thank you! PLEASE HURRY.''

''Don't worry, sir. We will find them.''

My body relaxed and I sat down on my sofa with the call still on. Suddenly, something crossed my mind, '' Wait... I never told you the name of my family...''

Silence. I looked at my phone and the call was still on. ' Something is wrong...''

'' Hello?''

The voice of the dispatcher changed. It was almost demoniac, '' So you finally noticed, You alcoholic fucker.''

I paused. My body froze in disgust and fear of that voice.

'' You think you can have peace? Do you think Sheryl would marry your stupid ass? NO! You are destined to be alone, you imbecile.''

Finally, I noticed something was very very wrong. Fighting against my body, I got up with the phone still in my hands and ran out of the house. I expected to see my neighborhood, but I was met with something diabolic.

It was literally HELL. Blood was everywhere, with demonic creatures running rampant in the area. I instinctively tried to close the door, but the door was stuck. I tried to run to the house, but something held me in place.

My phone then went to my ear, '' Now you get it, you fucktard? You are nothing! Everything you experienced just now was a fucking dream! HAHAHAHAHAHA, you should've seen your face! You looked so happy.''

The demoniac voice didn't stop, '' Remember, what you experienced now will NEVER happen in reality. You don't deserve happiness!'

I was almost crying at this point, but the voice didn't stop, '' Huh? Oh, it seems you don't remember your reality! Let me SHOW you what shitty live you have!''

Memories and memories flooded my mind. I was so immersed in my dream that I forgot. I WANTED to forget.

When the memories influx stopped, the thing that was holding me in place let me go. At this point, I didn't have the power to run. I just laid down and hugged my knees, '' It's a lie! It's a lie!''

I did throw the phone away, but it seems my dreams also don't like me, as the voice continued in my head, '' HAHAHAHAH, did you see!? You're pathetic! You should just kill yourself, it would be better for everyone! HAHAHAHAHAH!''

I put a hand in my ear and tried to wake up. I shouted to myself, '' WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!''

The voice noted that and started to laugh, '' HAHAHAHAHAHA, why do you want to wake up? Your real life is worse than here! You better never wake up!''

'' No, wait! If you try to kill yourself here, nothing will happen! So please wake up and then kill yourself! That would make everyone happy!''

I ignored the voice and continued to try and wake up. '' Wake up!''

The voice now sounded tired, '' You see, if you wake up, nothing will change. I'm your friend, so trust me... Kill yourself and everything will be better.''

'' WAKE UP! WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!'' With a final roar, I disappeared from my dream.

The voice sounded sad, '' It seems I still have the will to live. Oh well, it doesn't matter.''

The 'voice' was my subconscious, but I didn't know that.


'' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.'' I, Matthew, woke up screaming. I looked around in a hurry and noticed it was all a dream.

' OH, thank GOD it was a dream.' I paused.' EVERYTHING was a dream...'

Even though I screamed at the top of my lungs, no one came to check on me. I slowly lay down on the bed again, ' Daniel, Linda, and Sheryl don't exist. Well, at least 2 of them don't.'

I wanted to just stay in bed for the rest of my life, but I knew it wasn't possible. I had to continue moving forward, even though my life is not worth living anymore.

Carefully, I got out of bed, opened my closet, and put on a trouser, some shorts, and a shirt. Yes, I sleep naked, sue me.

I slowly made my way toward my kitchen. The 'house' I was in now, wasn't the one in my dreams. It was a shitty apartment.

It's the only place I could afford, ' At least it's mine and I'm not on rent.'

The apartment only had 1 room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. I opened a cabinet in the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. I put on some Bowl, then added milk, ' I guess I'm pretty lucky to still have food.'

While I eat, I opened my phone. Immediately after the screen come to life, I frowned. There was a photo of Sheryl and me kissing.

Tears almost fell down, but I held them in, ' I don't know why I still torture myself... I should just delete this photo!'

With newfound courage, I went to delete it but stopped. ' No, I don't want to forget what we were at that time.'

Deciding not to delete the photo, I checked my Whatsapp, to see if anyone said something to me. ' 0 messages.'

I chuckled at that sight, ' Right, no one wants to talk with me.'

I checked other social media, like Instagram, but regretted it immediately. Right on my feed, I saw Sheryl with Daniel. Both are kissing each other.

My eyes got bloodshot immediately. The caption of the photo was: Happy six months together!

I almost broke my phone right then and there, but held it in. I turned down my phone after that, ' I should've just eaten.'

With nothing to do besides eating, I started to remember my dream, ' It was realistic. Almost everything in it was 'real'. Sheryl is real, and the friend group is also real. Only, I doubt I will be together with Sheryl again.'

I finished eating my breakfast, then sat down to watch TV. My job didn't start for now, and I have a lot of time. I watched TV to kill time, but something started to spur on me. ' I want to drink.'

Immediately as that came to my mind, I shut it down, ' No. My life is already ruined, drinking will only make it worse.'

Still, I looked over at the kitchen. The whiskey there looked quite cute and beautiful. I looked at it intensely.

I almost broke down again, ' Where did it all go wrong...?'

I knew where it went wrong, I just didn't want to accept it. Then, I started to remember why I'm in this situation.




Matthew was having the time of his life. He was only 18 years old, but he had all he wanted. His sweetheart from childhood was his girlfriend, his group of friends was united, and his parents and sister were wealthy AND healthy. His future was bright.

And today was his high school graduation. His group of friends made plans for a party after that.

Matthew and Sheryl were seated side by side, watching as his colleagues went to the podium to grab their certificated. The coupled clapped as soon as the names were said and when the others grab their certificates.

'' Say, how about we skip today's party? I honestly only want to spend time with you today.'' Matthew didn't like to party that much, but he knew Sheryl liked to socialize, so he followed her. But today, he didn't feel like it.

Sheryl looked at her boyfriend and future husband, '' All of our friends will be there.'' She saw Matthew's expression didn't change, so she continued, '' How about this. We go, stay for an hour or so, drink something, then go home to cuddle. How does that sound?''

Matthew knew that was the best he could get, '' Okay.''

Just then, the principal called Matthew name, '' Matthew Williams!''

Matthew smiled, and kissed Sheryl, '' See you soon.'' He then went to the podium.

The principal offered a handshake to Matthew, '' I hope your future is bright as you are!''

Mattheew accepeted the handshake, '' I hope so too!'' He grabbed the certificate, and everyone applauded.

Matthew could see his parents in the crowd, along with his little sister. They looked proud, at that made Matthew proud. He left the podium soon after and stayed with the others collogues. Now he was only waiting for Sheryl.

As soon as he went away, 3 people joined him. Sarah, Janet, and Daniel. Those 3 were one of the first friends Matthew and Sheryl had. Their childhood group had more members, but they weren't there for now.

'' Finally, it was your turn!" Sarah, was a brunette and had almost the same personality as Sheryl, '' How did it go? Did you feel nervous?''

Matthew shook my head, '' It was normal.''

Janet nodded, '' It really was easy. I thought I would be more nervous.'' She was a blonde, but her personality was more reserved, like Matthew's.

Everyone in the group thought they would end together, but Matthew only had eyes for Sheryl.

Daniel was the typical jock, big and stupid. Still, he managed to finish high school. Matthew didn't really like him, but he tolerate it because he was one of his childhood friends.

Both men just nodded at each other.

Sarah chimed right in, '' Are you guys excited about the party? I planned it to perfection.''

Matthew smiled at his friend, ' She really doesn't change.' For as long as he knew, Sarah was like that. Charismatic, full of energy, and always planned parties and others activities for the group.

'' To be honest, me and Sheryl will stay for an hour or so. Then we will head home.'' Matthew was honest with his friends.

Sarah didn't look surprised, '' I knew it! Come on, Matt! Let Sherryl have some fun!''

'' She WILL have fun with you for one hour, then she will have fun with me later.''

Matthew and Sarah continued bickering, while Janet and Daniel watched in amazement, '' They really look like brother and sister!''

Daniel had a strange expression, '' They do.''

The duo only stopped when they noted Sheryl coming towards them. Matthew gave a huge smile when he saw her. He came closer and gave her a bear hug.

'' Put me donw!'' Sheryl looked embarrased.

Matthew smiled and put her down, '' Did you get nervous?''

Sheryl arranged her clothes. She shook her head, '' It was normal. To be honest, I thought I would be way more nervous, but it went well.''

''That's good.'' Matthew was about to continue talking, but Sarah pushed him aside to talk with Sheryl.

'' Sheryl! Are you ready to party until you fell asleep!?''

Sheryl knew her friend well, '' Matthew told you our plans?''

'' He sure did! But I don't accept that! Let's leave now, the others must be already at the party!'' Sarah took Sheryl's hand and went toward the exit.

Matthew knew Sarah was stubborn, so she won't listen. He said to Janet and Daniel, '' Go ahead without me. I'll talk with my family first.''

The duo nodded, and Matthew went away.

Arriving close to his parents and sister, Matthew gave them a hug.

'' Son! You did it!'' His father, even though it was a graduation from high school, sounded proud.

Matthew's mother also looked proud, '' You did well.''

Matthew smiled at his parnts, '' Thank you!'' He then looked at his youger sister, '' Where is my congratulation?!''

Lucia rolled her eyes, '' Congratulations!''

Matthew gave her a big kiss on the cheek, '' Thank you!''

'' EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Why did you do that!?'' Lucia put her hand on her cheek and exclaimed.

Matthew smiled at her reaction, ' I love doing that to her! I will do the same to my future children.' He then looked at his parents, '' I will go to the party now. I'll see you later.''

'' Stay safe. Send us a text if anything happens.''

Matthew nodded, '' See you later.''

After saying goodbye, Matthew went to the parking lot. Arriving there, he saw his friend in a van. He waved at them.

''MATTHEW! HURRY UP!'' Sarah was driving and shouted.

'' COMING!'' Matther hurried up and entered the van, '' Let's go!''

Sarah then speeds up ahead, towards the place where the party was.


Firstly, this chapter originaly would have around 6 to 7k words, so I cut that in half. The fic will be 20 - 30K words, and if it's received well, I can write a sequel.


Thanks for the support!