Chapter 2.5: Yuuko
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Kaito's room door slammed shut as he entered, his body collapsing onto the bed. He buried his face into the pillow, the weight of his emotions overwhelming him. For years, he had devoted himself to the martial arts, striving to become a worthy heir to his family's dojo. But now, that dream lay shattered at his feet.

His father, the current master of the dojo, had dealt him a cruel blow. Kaito couldn't understand why his own flesh and blood would treat him so callously. He had always thought that he would inherit the dojo one day, carrying on the family legacy. But now, that future had been ripped away from him, leaving him with nothing but pain and confusion.

As Kaito lay there, he couldn't help but wonder if his father was playing some kind of sick game, toying with his emotions for his own amusement.

Currently, Kaito’s room was shrouded in darkness by the power outage, but he couldn’t care less. After a while, seeking a distraction, Kaito opened his phone and found several messages from his friends.

Shou: "Hey Kaito, just wanted to remind you to review the marked content in the notebook. It's important for the test. Let me know if you need any help."

Emi: "Kaito-kun, I'm sorry I couldn't come to help you tonight. I'm feeling really sick and didn't want to risk getting you sick too. I hope you understand and that you're doing okay. Let me know if you need anything."

Aya: "Sending you my energy!," and included a cute picture of her cosplaying in a cat costume.

Though he had no intention of replying to any of the messages, reading them helped lift his mood a bit. He continued scrolling through the news on websites and saw the hottest key searches: "Popular Miko singer caught in cheating scandal with mystery man," "Teenage killer released due to being underage," "Car plows into pedestrians in Akihabara," "Restaurant riot in Shibuya,"...The list went on. "What is happening to Japan?" Kaito thought, he wanted to watch something fun, but all he found was a deluge of negative news articles.

Feeling uncomfortable, he shifted his body position to the side. At that moment, there was a noise coming from behind his back. Turning over and, using the light from his phone's LED screen, he saw a girl standing there. His instincts kicked in, Kaito rolled off the bed and hit his back on the leg of his study table. He winced in pain, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the fear that was building inside of him. Just as he was about to scream, the girl spoke up.

"Hey, don’t yell, wait!" she said, her voice clear and cute. Kaito found himself momentarily charmed by her words.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly as he tried to steady himself. He remembered its face, the same one as the ghost he had encountered earlier in the library room.

Suddenly, the room was illuminated by the return of the light, revealing the whole image of the girl standing opposite on the other side of the bed. She had long black hair that reached her shoulders, flowing down her back. Her eyes were big and round. Her skin had a translucent quality that allowed the wall behind her to be faintly visible. She wore a flowing white dress, with the fabric emphasizing her ample bust.

Kaito was struck by a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen this girl before, not just earlier that night, but long ago. He was lost in thought, unable to move or speak, completely unaware that the ghostly figure was slowly making her way towards him.

"Moshi moshi, are you all right?" The girl's face was close to Kaito's as she waved her hand in front of him, trying to get his attention. The sudden appearance brought Kaito back to reality, and he quickly stepped back to create some distance between them.

Noticing Kaito's fear, the girl raised both hands in a gesture of peace and continued to wave them in the air. "Calm down, I'm not going to harm you," she reassured him.

"Who are you?" Kaito asked.

"Ah, ehem," the girl cleared her throat before standing up with fluid and graceful movements. She struck a pose, her expression serious and solemn. "Listen carefully," she began, her voice carrying an air of authority. "The name is Yuuko. I am your ancestor."

She paused for a moment, letting the words sink in before continuing. "And I have come to make your wish come true."