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Hello Reader’s,

I would like to tell you that the one who has written this Update is not the author of “twisted hearts” but an online friend of his. 

It’s probably been more than a month since any of you have seen a new chapter by Gustortre. Sadly, he has committed suicide. I wish to not specify any details on his death as his relatives wish not to either. 

As a sort of last wish perhaps, he asked me to continue his novel under his name. However, I will bring some changes. There are two novels under Gustortre’s name. “War and brother” and “twisted hearts”. I have been given the drafts written by him as well. I noticed that he has only drafts for war and brother mostly. The only thing left of twisted hearts is a half completed chapter.

In all honesty, I do not know how to finish twisted hearts. Hence, I will halt twisted hearts and keep war and brother in continuation.

Happy news for all, I will start another romance/sports novel at scribblehub. It was a story that both of us have discussed to lengths. It already has a heavy plot. I wish to start this journey soon enough.

Thank you for reading till here. I hope you all remain for the coming future. 

It would give his soul good rest if you could pray for Gustortre. As a person who listened to his troubles most of the time, I already know how much trouble he went through…