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Selene is halfway through her eighth century of life but will forever remain sixteen, in appearance. And also in mind. Let's not forget how young vampires always stay the immature sort, okay-

Vampires in this reality are a thing; after being so long hidden in the shadows, all sorts of fantasy creatures are revealed to be existing. Some of them, even things which go 'bump' in the night. But it's not all bad; those human scientists have formulated a 'cure' to take the bite out of so many creatures ― and, for those who resist, or are too much for the 'normies' ... there's Solitary.

Having undergone some number of centuries kept within the Solitary block, Selene is once again out in the world. But since she first went in, a large number of things happened to her: summoned to another world and had her race changed to an elf, becoming a hero for a kingdom in that world, and given birth to a number of children too. She had people who cared for her; but also the humans hated her, and made her dead.
Then to come back 'home' at the end of it, just to be back in her cell.

Also since being taken into Solitary, Earth has changed. A lot. Like, exploring space, meeting other humanoid and other races, creating this vast interstellar community ― all of which Selene didn't get to witness. But for her time alone, she's given enough credits to start a life in this new galaxy.

First, she's gonna buy a starship; maybe get a crew and also search for passengers and crew. Then she's gonna just fly away-


Selene. "No given last name, cause duh why give one. I got put in Solitary for a number of ... let's just say 'years' and leave it at that. Also got beat to death while in Solitary, and some frikkin goddess in some fantasy world thought to pull me into that world and, like, yeah make me a hero or something. Haha, yeah I lived as an elf babe too, running around screwing everything, and oh sometimes being a 'hero'. Thankfully my life ended there and I came back ... unfortunately into my body, still in Solitary. Yeah I may be sassy and I may on occasion just say random shit in my head, and too I also play around with the school aged boys and break them. I can screw them black and blue; no skin off my back because I never get pregnant, but diseases are another thing. So fun to do, for a few centuries. Hmm I wonder why the humans put me in Solitary; I didn't deserve that-"

Glen. An earth-type golem who comes along into Selene's life, having known her in the previous incarnation where she lived as an elf woman. For an unspecified reason he wanted to be mating with Selene; the deity who allows him to cross universes to be with her, also allows him to convert to a 'flesh and blood' human, so he could have this experience. Oh; and also ― if he and Selene should have sex, something in his biology will also allow Selene ― vampire girl ― to become pregnant and have children with Glen.

Karl. A male vampire who was the one who first bit Selene, making her what she is today. She'd tried killing him in the past ― succeeding three times ― yet he still comes back. He comes back now into her life early on into the story, and she cannot seem to shake him. Even if she doesn't want him in her life, he wants to hang around. In the earlier centuries he was so moody and morose; now, he's just a bit too playful and eccentric.

Denney Gunderton. The bartering agent for the starport's scrapyard, and the agent who appears at the first of the book. Later, after a misunderstanding, he's let go from the yard and goes to find Selene, to beg for a job. Hey now, he don't like it none either, since his great grandpappy or something were kilt by a vamp; but a job's a job, ya dig-

The rest of the cast and crew of this lazy hazy crazy days of summertime ... er, of this starship, will come and go for a while.


It's pretty much the space beyond our known Earth, one would say. Places got colonized though, and sometimes name-changed from their modern scientific nomenclature to more 'friendly' names.

A point is made within the story to say Selene was bit, then twenty years later the nonhumans 'came out of the closet' so to speak, and then shortly after (vague time) humanity and the newly publicized other races also went to the stars. Also within short time, other/alien races showed up, and there you have it.

In the seven and a half centuries Selene has been a vampire, she spent a good three to four centuries in Solitary ... for some reason not important to plot right now. This doesn't even account for the time 'in another world' where she gets to play at being a 'hero' and having her non-vampire fun. It's also a reference to how Rowney (a god from that other world) said something about giving Selene a gift for her service to them, and she acknowledge it as being a century and a half too late. So I got room to play with on timing of things.

For places referenced, solar systems named 'Dungeon' and 'Pakkaratta' may feature. One lunar colony called 'Paradise Moon' is referenced. These will be fleshed out as time permits. Earth is also referenced in separate sections, 1.) as having experienced a world war three; and 2.) as having 'popped', in Selene's inner thoughts. what either of those mean I will leave up to the reader, unless I later specify it. ('popped' could become 'populated' such as Coruscant in the Star Wars mythos, for one thing, depends on the lingo.)