#016 Swordplay and First Days
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It was finally here. First day in a brand new environment. First day at OSA, which he learned was short for Oathsworn Academy. It was both exciting and nerve-racking. Nick had arrived went to bed shortly after arriving in his dorm and hadn't unpacked yet. The exhaustion from his trip still affected him. Luckily, the school already gave him the uniform he needed in his closet.

After taking a quick shower, he put on the uniform. At first, he thought it was a bit too big for him, but as he put it on it seemed like the clothes adjusted to fit him, shrinking a bit to fit him perfectly. His uniform consisted of a black pair of pants with a thick blue stripe around each leg, a simple white undershirt, and a black jacket with the same blue stripe around the sleeves. Finally, a matching blue tie to finish the look.

It was a surprisingly nice look on Nick. None of his schools back in his old life required such a strict uniform but it was a nice experience. As he left the room, he noticed that his new energetic roommate was nowhere to be seen. It seemed like some classes started before others did. Knowing he won't need his mana for now, he cast Invigorate for the skill xp and left the dorm, making his way to the large building just a quick walk away.

As he approached the academy, he started noticing more and more people walking toward the building. All of them seemed to have some variation of his uniform on, except that some people had different colors aside from blue like red, green, and yellow. Lucky for him, the women's uniform was quite the sight. 

Instead of pants, they wore black skirts with the same stripe he had. Along with black thigh-high socks and a similar jacket to the men. They also wore the same white undershirt and a colored tie. Some of the students even seemed to have boots that went up to their knees, truly a wonderful sight to take in.

Pulling his mind away from the women's short skirts, he followed the signs laid out to where his Bladework class was supposed to be. The academy was surprisingly big. It was divided into sections since many of the classes were outdoors, including today's class. There were still proper classrooms for his Water Elementilsm and Ethics class. Speaking of, why was he in an ethics class of all things?

As he approached the small field where his class would take place he saw about 20 students waiting there as well. Many of them talking to each other, others waiting alone, and the rest looking at the many swords that were sitting on the weapon racks. It was an open field, but there were a few benches where the students could sit and wait under a roof.

An older man with graying hair suddenly interrupted everyone with a loud clap. All eyes were on him as he made his way to the center of everyone's attention, followed by a woman with dark pink hair.

Old Man Yan (Level ??) (Age ??)
OSA Bladework Instructor
RS: 2

Nick had quickly cast an Observe on the teacher before he noticed him looking directly back at him. It was only a short moment of eye contact, but it was clear that the teacher had noticed his spell. The old man gave him a slight smile before turning his attention back to everyone. That was enough to discourage him from observing the woman staying close behind him.

"Scary..." he thought to himself, only now making the realization that his spell wasn't undetectable to someone as impressive looking as his teacher.

"Good morning. I am your instructor for this course. Call me Yan." he stated to the class.

"And this is Lilia." Yan finished as he motioned to the pink-haired woman. She looked only a few years older than the students present here but had a relatively small figure. Matching pink cat ears sat on top of her head. The more Nick looked, the more pink he saw. Even her lips and eyes were that same deep pink shade. She even had markings on her face that looked like pink whiskers tattooed on her skin. Last but not least, was, of course, her long pink tail.

Despite her pink everything, her clothing was the opposite. A black pair of stockings along with a black skirt reaching just over halfway down her thighs. She wore a black blouse with a pink ribbon, the only pink item of clothing she had. Part of Nick was curious about what colors she was wearing beneath those clothes.

"I'm here to assist Mr. Yan with his duties, please direct all questions to me," Lilia said as she was introduced, focusing Nick's attention back on the class.

"Raise your hand if you have used a sword before," she asked. All the students around him raised their hands in response. Nick knew he couldn't lie his way through experience, and kept his hand down.

"So two of you? Everyone else, please follow Mr. Yan's instructions. You two can come with me."

"Two?" Nick thought to himself before noticing a short girl who was stuck in the middle of the other students. It was relieving to hear that he wasn't the only one who hadn't picked up a sword before. The other girl's face was bright red, likely from embarrassment as she started walking to Lilia, who had now stepped away from Mr. Yan. Nick could hear him start issuing instructions to the other students as he caught up with the short girl.

"So both of you are inexperienced?"

"Yep, sorry," Nick replied as the girl next to him nodded her head. That was when he noticed two black horns sticking out through her black hair.

"Don't apologize, that's part of what the class is for. Be sure to learn quickly, you don't want to fall too far behind the other students." Lilia explained in a friendly yet blunt tone.

"So, your names?"


"Jade..." the horned girl responded in a somewhat quieter voice. She seemed really shy and was even playing with her fingers while Lilia talked. She was really cute though. Her black hair reached to her small chest and matched the white hair clips she had. She wore the women's uniform and had a blue stripe just as he did.

"Ready for your first lesson?"