Ch 2 a Surprise
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Now after Garen arrives in his bedroom he looks at his old belonging from another world…


Well in truth he don’t know if currently, he was in another world or if he is in the future, still he felt so different and he just assume it was a different world.


He look at his wallet, there are some paper money, a debit card, an id card, and so many membership cards that he just collects and not used…


It was the same so he just let it go, then he try to turn on his Android phone, and to his surprise, it can be turned on!


But his phone data was already gone and only one app was available, what more it was a game!


When he open it he soon feel something happen to his body… it was like something was being sucked by his phone!


This makes him almost throw this phone, but after a while, he starts to relax...


it is because he feels fine, nothing happened aside from this feeling as if something flows from his body and gathers in his hand and then vanished... when he focuses on this feeling he can feel that something is really gone from his body but quickly replenished! this makes him blink a few times and sigh.... in the end, he starts to do something else...


what he do was to see what kind of game was installed inside his phone! he click on it and soon after the app start to load!


A picture of a medieval shop can be seen and in Infront of it was a character with a big belly and a long mustache he look happy and don't have anything to stress about!


and Garen can see the title being written there, and it was Shop and Heroes!


After that, the backstory unfolded.


A paper mannequin starts to dance and mountains and sea made out of paper can be seen. soon a text appeared.


“this world was so big….. so big that makes one want to explore and conquer it! But disaster struck and poverty comes…”


The scene changed and now this paper mannequin's appearance changed from normal looking it was now disheveled and looked thin.


What came next was a war!


“Monsters and the myriad race of this world start to war! Each race wants to conquer the world while monsters want to end everything!”


after that a scene appears and many paper mannequins can be seen, some look like humans, some look like pointy-eared elves, the short dwarfs, and much more fantasy races fighting against monsters, and on another side of the screen, Garen can see another small war, this was a rather chaotic as even the same race fighting against their own! this makes fire spread everywhere...


“Heroes rise and fall! .... Many countries rise and fall…. amid this chaos a young human was forced to take over his uncle's shop, it was far from this war but soon? who knows! As for what that shop will be? it was up to you! The main character!”


Soon the scene changed from a paper model to normal 3d animation, a young man with black hair and a medium build can be seen walking on a dirt road and soon arriving at a small village.


When he arrived, a bald old man come and greet him “Ohoho! Welcome young Garen to our village! your uncle leaving this village saddens us… now let's forget about the past, his shop already not operating for a while, let's come and see it!”


With that, the old man with the title of [Village Chief] brings the young man into a shop while the real-life Garen was frowning.. why was the name similar to his name!…. Maybe it was a coincidence…


With that, the scene of an abandoned wooden shop can be seen and it was filled with dust and spider webs.


“oh… it is a mess! Come let's clean this shop!” the village chief said.


With that some arrows pointing to spider webs on the walls and dirty floors can be seen, it looks like he needs to press it to clean this area.


Garen press down and hold it until a channeling bar was finished and soon that area become clean as new!


And so he did that a few times until the place looks fresh and great!


“Now now it looked like a real shop! Just it was rather empty… why don’t you fill the stock first ?"


"come let me introduce you to your supplier!” the village chief starts to talk and walks somewhere, Garen's character automatically follows this old man.


Soon after they come to a big area where he can see a few buildings, then a text bubble with the village chief image appeared below and start explain something, some arrow pointing to each building appeared too.


“This is where you find your supplier! this one on the right was a blacksmith that made any item from normal farming tools to weapons and ore-based equipment!”


“that one in the middle was where alchemists stay, here you can buy medicine of all kinds! Even health potion for injury and some uh.. weird one…”


“Next, over there we have a tailor shop where you can buy any fabric and leather-based item.”


“that one was artisan where you can buy any accessory”


“And did you see that tall circular building on the back? it was where the mysterious Grand Mage reside! He can help you craft any magic-related item for a fee of course, in truth you need money to buy anything from these people… or you can craft on your own!”


“now while we were here, I will explain to you any other buildings, you see the one over there?" the one that was being pointed to was a two-story building with a huge jar of alcohol as a sign....


"This was an inn where adventurers take a rest! When you have money they will do anything for you! They a bunch of money slaves….. sigh.” the village chief shakes his head...


“uh.. that last building …. I don’t recommend you to go over there… it looks shabby and dangerous… it was a place where normal people don’t want to come close at all…. so be careful of it!” this village chief looked rather disgusted with that place...


Even though the village chief does not explain it well there is a title of [black market] over that building so Garen knew it is not a good place for normal people….


“Now let’s continue!” the village chief bring him to another area this one was outside the village and one can see just one thing it was a big portal!


“This thing here was a place for you to get your raw material! just little tips you can sell anything in your shop, raw material included, and maybe some people will buy that.” This time village chief explains.


“back to the topic to gather material it was not safe for us, only adventurers can come there and gather raw resources for us…. haa this is where they are useful huh!…” the village chief shake his head a bit, he seemed did not like anything that has 'dangerous' vibes.


“well you can go on your own to gather material, but it was easy for an accident to meet you there…. anyway, I suggest you recruit an adventurer so they can gather material for you, it needs money but is much safer!"


"here was a gold coin your uncle left for you, I will keep it for now, and let’s get back and look for an adventurer!” the village chief shop him a bag, from his word it was a bag to store gold coins.


With that, they come back and walk toward the inn, from his screen Garen can see many people sitting and drinking, male, female, young, and old! It was a mess …


“Let's go to meet the innkeeper and ask him if there are any adventurers that we can recruit with this little money... you know they are kind of expensive...” the Village Chief said.


With that they walk inside and talk to the innkeeper, he is around the same age as the village chief just his build was different… he is bulky as a bear!


“mighty bear! come and meet this young one! this is Garen ‘his’ nephew!” the village chief introduces Garen.


the innkeeper sigh "Come on can't you call me a bear already? it's not even my name sigh..."


and soon he looks at Garen's game character, he then starts to laugh and say happily “Puahahaha! Welcome to this village! well, you look like him a lot huh."


"Alright, what do you want? did you want to be an adventurer? you can find a party over here if you want, just expect to not get any on your first day…”


But the village chief looks annoyed and explains “Come on! how can he be an adventurer? he will continue the shop! You know the shop! It already abandoned for so long!”


The innkeeper can’t help but shake his head “ yea yea, alright so you want to recruit one of these guys? I am afraid that it needs money for that, so how much was your budget I will help to look for a suitable one for you!”


With that, a number panel appeared in front of the screen and Garen can choose on his own how much he want so after thinking he choose a number!


“hum 999.999.999 Gold coins... I can help you to look for one but I believe you don’t have that many gold coins so tell me the real deal now” The innkeeper can’t help but laugh and ask for the real one...


Garen doesn’t know what to type now, but soon the Village chief helps him.


“Alright alright stop joking! Tell us the cheapest one….” the village Chief can’t help but be a bit shy when he says this….


And the innkeeper sighs and nod “ yea yea so here it is, there are some newcomers this time so you can choose one of them!”


With that a few people in the inn have an arrow pointing at them, they all look young and lack fierceness, and even their weapons and armor look unreliable.


Garen click one of them and some information appeared on the screen.


[name : Adventurer 1 ]

[Job : Warrior ]

[Description : ??? ]


it was a male adventurer with leather armor and an iron sword, from his look he is around the same age as the main character of this game.


Garen then click another one, it was a woman with a rather long robe she use a long staff as a weapon.


[name : Adventurer 2 ]

[Job : Mage ]

[Description : ??? ]


And he looks a few more


[name : Adventurer 3 ]

[Job : Archer ]

[Description : ??? ]


[name : Adventurer 4 ]

[Job : Barbarian ]

[Description : ??? ]


When he clicks on this adventurer 4 the innkeeper suddenly talk


“It seems you are lucky! this time, a rare adventurer comes as a newcomer, even from his build, you can tell that he is strong!


Yup, adventurer 4 was a bulky young man it really stood out among the newcomer… even among people in this inn he still stood out because of his build.


But there is still one on the corner that he does not click yet so Garen has not decided to choose no 4 for now.


And this last one was rather peculiar as the pointer was small and even almost covered with other people, if not because Garen wanted to see if there were only four adventurers to choose he will miss this one!


Soon he click the one on the corner, it was a young and gentle-looking girl…


[name : Anne ]

[Job : ???? ]

[Description : ??? ]


When he clicks on this young girl the innkeeper sigh...


“Haa.. this young girl… what can I say.. she only tell me her name what more her voice was rather soft.. when I ask her to tell me her job she only mumbles something....” the innkeeper shrugged.


But as a player in many games, which one do you choose? of course, Garen is more interested in this young girl! After all, different from the others she have a name and her job was a question mark!


From this girl's disposition and character template, she looks like a healer or magic type.


Still, even if she was a healer, he can gather money again and pay an additional adventurer to work for him right?


As long as he doesn’t need to pay for every time he sends out his adventurer…..


even without all of these reasons he wants to choose this one!