Chapter 2
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       My identity was Aurelia Aurelius. I lay in bed.

             "But why can't I remember anything?"

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I could not fall asleep as well. I got up from my bed and walked toward the balcony beside the bed...

           I opened the big glass door of the balcony, and the wind immediately blew my hair and made me wave like the wind. In front of me, a mother of Luna appeared in her full form in the sky; her appearance was so big and white. She illuminated all the places with her form. I leant on the balcony. The wind was so windy that it kept blowing my hair; it made me comfortable after the things before. It felt like she sent me this wind and made me clear my mind. I stayed on the balcony for a few minutes while looking at the garden in front of me. After my mind was clear, I went in. I closed the curtain's balcony door, lay on the bed, and tried to sleep, In a few minutes, I fell asleep.


              When I was asleep, I felt something patting my body and pushing. My vision was suddenly full of red and not dark anymore. It meant there was a light illuminated for me, so I opened my eyes. The curtain’s balcony door had been drawn, making my vision blurry for a few seconds. I regained my vision and saw it was the maid from yesterday.

           "My lady, Good Morning.." The maid greeted...

           "Good Mooooooorning.." I yawned...

           "Did you not sleep well, my lady?"

           "I slept well, but from yesterday…it made me a little bit tired.."

           "His grace and everyone is waiting for my lady at the table for breakfast.."

           "Oh my really? I better go right now.."

I immediately got up from the bed and walked toward the door. But the maid stopped me in front of her.

           "My lady, I think you need to dress before you go there.."

           "Dress? It's just breakfast, right? Why do I need to be dressed? What’s wrong with my pajamas?"

           "There is nothing wrong with my lady pajamas, but it is appropriate if you are well-dressed at the table."

           "But…they are waiting for me...It's not more appropriate to make them wait."

           "I believe his grace and madam will know my lady's condition.."

           "If you say like that, sure I will be dressed."

           "My lady can follow me.."

           I was led by the maid to the dressing table; I saw there was a bowl of water, a small towel, and soap on the floor, and I sat in the chair in front of the dressing table. She took the soap and mixed it into the water in the bowl; after that, she used the small towel and washed it on my face.

           "Excuse me, my lady.." She started to rub the towel on my face.

She finished washing my face. I saw her open the drawer of the dressing table, take out a few small jars, and put them on top of the table. The maid started combing my hair with a wooden comb. it took some minutes to comb my hair. I saw her take a powder from a small jar on the dressing table and apply it to my hair; it had a rose scent. My hair smelled like roses. I saw her take another powder from a different small jar and rub it on my face. After that, she took a cream from another jar and rubbed it too on my face.

She took the oily powder and mixed it with the rose scent; after that, she rubbed it on my face. Next, she applied a blush to my cheeks mixed with a rose scent, and she did not forget to rub my lips with another powder mixed with honey. I thought the makeup on my face was done because she walked toward the wardrobe.

           She came back to me with a dress and some sort of stocking with a garter belt. She started to undress me. After undressing me, she crouched down to put on the stockings for me, and before she dressed me in the dress, she rubbed me some deodorant and dressed me. I looked in the mirror; my face was so different than last night; it was more sparkling. The dress was so well made and fancy—it was a white dress.

           "It’s done, my lady.."

           "Is it necessary to do all of this just for breakfast?"

           "Of course, it is necessary, my lady; it is my job to maintain your beauty every day."

           "Every day? You said."

           "Yes, every day.."

           "It’s like I will go to a party if we do this."

           "If my lady prepares to go to the party, there will be more steps to beautify you."


           "Yes, as my lady sees in this dressing table, there are 2 sections of drawers. What cosmetic I used for my lady is in the right section; it is just a cosmetic for daily basics, and if my lady goes to the party, I will use the drawer of the left section too; there will be more treatment for my lady’s face."

           "All of this baffling my mind.."

           "My lady doesn’t need to think of it; just let me do it for my lady.."

           "Right..and I am still not catching your name.."

           "My name is Adeline, my lady.."

She had black hair and appeared to be in her twenties.

           "I will remember it..let’s go to breakfast. Can you lead me to the breakfast room?"

           "Of course, my lady."

           We left the room and walked to the breakfast room or dining room. On the way, I didn’t recognize anything from the house, and the house was huge. There were a lot of fancy ornaments and paintings on the wall. There were a lot of fancy objects too, not just on the wall. My room was on the second floor, and it took us more time to arrive at the breakfast room.

           In the room, I saw everyone in their seats already. Adel led me to my seat; it was in between the little two, Aurelio and Ophelia. She set up the chair on the table before I sat, and after I sat, she set up my chair again on the table, and she left the room. In front of us was our mother, and our father was in the middle of the table. There was still nothing on the table.

           "How’s your feeling, Aurelia?" Mother said to me

           "It's getting better. sorry for making Mother so worried about me."

           "It’s alright…I think your brother and your sister are the ones who worry you so much."

           I turned my face toward each of them and patted their heads with my hands.

           While patting their heads, I said, "Forgive this big sister; that makes my little siblings so worried."

           "I will forgive sister Aurelia, if sister Aurelia plays with me" Ophelia said to me

           "Sure. I will play it with you later.."

           "UNFAIR!!.. You will play with me too right, Sister Aurelia?" Aurelius intervened.

            "It’s alright; I will play with all of you two later.."

The two were so happy, but…

           "Aurelia will play with all of you tomorrow, today I want to introduce Aurelia to her tutor.." Father finally spoke a word.

           "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.." The two whining.

           "It’s okay, if your father said tomorrow, it means Aurelia will be free all day tomorrow, and you two can play all day with her." Mother calmed them.

           "Really??" Aurelio was excited.

           "Aurelio….Don’t get excited first.." Ophelia intervened

           "Why, Ophelia?"

           The two started talking to each other secretly in front of my lap, but everyone could hear them talking.

           "It is father…Aurelio, do you learn something from all the things that our father said to us?"

           "What do you mean Ophelia"

           "Father is a cunning person…So we are better not to trust his word…"

           "But mother agrees with father, does it mean we can trust father’s word?"

           The two turned their faces to their mother.

           "Mother is an ally of father…maybe she schemes with father to take sister Aurelia from us.."

           "It makes sense."

           Mother and father started to make small giggles from the little two's conversation and behaviour.

           "See Aurelio, they are laughing at us…"

           "Right, right, how about sister Aurelia, is she laughing right now?"

           They looked at me, I just used a poker face.

           "Sister Aurelia is our only ally, Ophelia.."

           "Because she is sister Aurelia.."

           "Are you aware that your father and your mother can hear your conversation right?" Father intervened.

           The two faces were surprised…

           "We don’t try to steal your sister from you.." mother said

           "We don’t believe it, right Aurelio.."


           "What will make you believe us that we will not steal Aurelia?" Father said.

           "Promise to us…that tomorrow we will get sister Aurelia all day" Ophelia said

           "I promise you will get Aurelia all day.." Father promised...

           "No…Father needs to raise one of the father's hands so we will trust your promise, right Ophelia.?"

           "Yess, Father needs to raise hand.."

           Father raised his right hand "I promise you will get Aurelia all day.."

           "What will happen if father breaks the promise?" Ophelia asked

           "Yess…what is the consequence?

           "I will take the family to stroll in the city and take the family to shop—"

           "DEALL…" Ophelia immediately agreed to the father's promise.

           Mother and Father were giggling...

           "Ehhhhhhh.." Aurelio was surprised and turned his face toward Ophelia "Why are you suddenly agreeing, Ophelia?"

           "Just agree with it, Aurelio.."

           "Well, Ophelia is a girl too, so it will be agreeing.." Mother intervened.

           "Maybe it is inherited from you, my dear.."

           "Oh my…Aurelio acts more like you too, dear.."

           The little two were arguing for some moments in front of my lap, and mother and father made a conversation. But there was something important...

           "When will we start to eat breakfast? I am so hungry right now..." my thoughts...

           After a few minutes had passed, the table situation became normal again. Father clapped his hands, and immediately some maids went to the room with some plates in their hands. They served it in front of us. Finally, we started to eat...

           The breakfast was finished, and Adel led me to my room. Arriving in my room, I wanted to lay down in bed, immediately I ran to the bed and jumped into it.

           "MY LADY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Adel with a worried tone...

           "I just want to lay down in bed."

           "You are in a dress; it is not appropriate to do that.."


           "How about sitting on the balcony, my lady? And enjoy the view of the garden."


I got up from the bed, and I realized there was a table and a chair on the balcony. What I remembered from last night was that there was no table or chair. There was a tea set, cookies, and cakes too. Adel set up the chair for me; I sat on the chair, and she set up the chair on the table. She started to pour tea into the cup. I took a sip of it, and enjoyed the view and the wind. Adel kept standing beside me.

           "My lady, you can eat the cookie or the cake.."

           "I will try it if I want it."

           "I am already full from breakfast; I cannot eat anything for now." My thoughts

           Someone was knocking on the door, Adel immediately went to it and checked who it was. It was a butler, and I saw the butler say something to Adel, after that he went off. Adel passed the message from the butler to me.

           "My lady, his grace, wants to meet my lady in his room."

           We immediately went to my father's room and Adel led the way. We reached in front of my father's room, and the door was so big, I thought it must be 3 times taller than my height.

           "You can enter the room, my lady, I will wait here."

           "Are you not accompanying me inside?"

           "No, I think it will be better if my lady and his grace talk privately, it will not be appropriate for me to disturb it."

           "Alright then.."

           I pushed the door and saw the room was so big, with a lot of bookshelves full of books, and there was my father sitting at the working desk with a lady standing in front of me. I saw the lady didn't wear a dress like I do, but it felt like a man's clothes and had blonde hair. I walked toward my father. father's eyes met me.

           "Aurelia, you are already here.."

           "Yes, Father..Is there something that you need me for?"

"I have told you in breakfast before, that I will introduce you to your tutor right.." Father's eyes went to the lady "She will be your tutor and lady in waiting for now.."

           "Greetings, my lady.." She bowed to me "My name is Octavi Claudi, I will be your tutor and your lady in waiting.."

           "Greetings to Octavi.."

           "She is from the Palace Academy, her knowledge and her ability are so excellent…"

           "If my father praised Lady Octavi so much, it must be true.."

           "It's an honour to me that Lady Aurelia and his grace praised me.."

           "You two can have a tea party, so you two will know each other.."

           "Like Father said, I believe there are some cakes and cookies on my balcony…How about Lady Octavi accompanies me on the balcony and enjoys the view of the garden."

           "I will gladly accept it.."

"I think it is better to have a tea party in the garden than enjoy it from the balcony," Father suggested...

           "It's a great suggestion father, I ask Adel to prepare it."

           "No, father will ask a butler to prepare it.." Father clapped his hands...

           Immediately a butler opened the door, I was amazed that the sound of father's clapping could be heard from outside.

           "Prepare a tea party for my daughter and Lady Octavi in the garden!"

           The butler bowed and left...

           "With that, the tea party is settled, you two can go to the garden to enjoy the tee and the view."