Chapter 40
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Other chapter will be late. Didn't spend much time writing today so I am still writing right now. Should be out in an hour or so.

---Sylvia's pov---

The next day, I was sitting in the group lounge on the main floor. I don't know why this lab has one, but I am grateful for it. It must be quite expensive to have the facilities built like this. I don't think I will find another lab so convenient anytime soon.

Across from me, sat Emy, Marvin, and Shin.

"So have you all had the delivery?" I asked them.

"Yeah. It was amazing," Marvin said. 

"Emy like," she started drooling at the memory of it.

"Though I do wonder who sent it," Shin chimed in.

"I think I can answer that," a voice came from behind me.

I turned to see Susie walking over.

"A while ago, sir Mordesin asked me to order food in case anyone stays for three consecutive days. But I didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to do so. You kids really surprised me with how obsessed you are with the project."

"Emy got to good parts," the little girl started waving her hand around, trying to convey her meaning through gestures.

"Can't help it. We all started making quick progress so it didn't make sense to leave," said Marvin.

"Just don't overdo it, ok?"

"No promises."

"Emy will try to come out."

"I will try."

"No time to waste."


"What am I going to do with all of you?"



Over the next couple of days, I would work on the stages of the project. I would occasionally practice my will manifestation as I try to improve my magic circle. Trying to see if there are any spots I overlooked. Occasionally, a knock would sound. When that happens, I would drop everything I working on and greet the delivery person.

"Hello there."

"Good to see you again, Ms. Sylvia."

"Thank you for always bringing me such delicious meals."

"No problem. Your place is pretty close to the restaurant."

"Is it? I should go some time."

"Consider it. The food is always better when it comes right out of the kitchen."

After I finished my meal, I would go back to whatever I was working on. It's very nice not having to worry about my meals for lunch and dinner. After working late into the night, I would head back to campus to sleep. The following morning, I would eat at the cafeteria before I head over to the lab to continue my testing.



On this day, I managed to complete the 5th task. Everything came as a surprise to me since I was just practicing by casting spells. When one of them was cast, I noticed that it was different than the ones before it. At first, I couldn't tell what was different. There was this faint feeling of familiarity, but I just couldn't wrap my finger around it. I tried to observe it, but my tests show no indication of any changes. Yet my senses keep on telling me that this IS different. 

So what was giving me this feeling? I pondered on it for a few minutes before I realized it. This spell reminds me of myself. The way it shifts around. The slight edge when I draw corners. It's faint, but those traits are definitely there. At this moment, I don't know how this trait will impact my spell-casting but if the instructions tell me to master it, then there must be a good reason for it.

So far, everything Deverick had me practice has been useful in my learning, so I expect this to be no different. It is just a matter of when I figure it out.



What a major discovery! By infusing my will into the spell to the point it takes on some of my characteristics, I get to form a connection with it. This connection allows me to be able to proficiently determine the effects of the spell and all its causations after it is cast. For example, if a cast a fireball, I have a rough idea of how powerful it will be if I launch it at that moment. 

After I launch the spell, I can also determine if it hits the target, how much damage it dealt, and how it was terminated. Basically, I could get a lot of details about the spell when it is in existence. Although I can't affect the spell after it is cast, the information I can get from it allows me to plan my next moves accordingly. 

It's almost like I have extra reaction time as long as it has to do with my spells. Should this be revealed to the world, people might start putting more effort into training their wills. I really don't know how Deverick manages to figure these tricks out. He seems to always have something that can overturn the magic foundation of the world.



So many things to learn and so little time. I don't know if I could finish this on time. Not if I keep wasting time on the unnecessary stuff. So I need to make a decision. I can't keep going like this. I guess I will need to stay here longer. I will have to ask Susie how the delivery service works. It won't make sense to keep having her order food for me if I plan on having all my meals in the lab. 

So what else can I cut down on to save time? I guess sleep. I will be really tired but I have a final project to finish. It's only in the short term so I should be fine. When summer break starts, I can catch up on the missed sleep.



Yes! Yes! Everything makes so much sense now. The way the magic flows into the circle. The transfusion of elements. The different ways of using my element. I now have a general idea of what I need to do to be able to make great progress. The only problem is that everything I need to practice takes a lot of time. I only have a week left so if I want any chance of finishing this, I will need to do everything I can. That's it.

I will just stay in here for the rest of the week. If I also cut down on my sleep, I can get about 2 more hours of work time per day. I wish I could put more time into this project than I currently am, but I am already at the limit. Getting 4 hours of sleep and putting everything else into working on this will really stress me, but it will all be worth it. Just wait. I will make the best piece in the class.



I stared intensely at the magic circle in my hands. This must be it. I can't think of anything else. I don't know how long it has been. The only indication of time was when the delivery guy knocked on the door. But even then, I had lost count of how many meals I had. Sometimes I would zone out, just to return in who knows how long. Every time I returned from the occasion, I would find that my spell circle has made some small improvements.

I don't know when I made these adjustments, but they happened. What a strange state everything is. The spell cast and a picture of a daisy in front of a full moon appeared. The moonlight basked the white flower and the dark grass on the ground. A simple picture. If I remembered correctly, Deverick's painting had more details. 

If I want this to be the best project in the class, I will need to add more details. I need to define more creases on the petals. More grass on the ground. Maybe some fireflies. Yes, this will be a summer night. Thinking back to the times I went stargazing, I decided it will be a clear night. That way, the full light of the moon accentuates the daisy. This will be a beautiful painting.



This painting was coming together nicely. Everything was so perfect! I will just need to add a part here and a speck of light there. I have a feeling that my creation will be able to rival Deverick's. Thinking about that achievement and the acknowledgment I will finally receive, I started working harder.

I will show them. Show them all how I am worthy. That I got here with my own hard work. It is not based on my family. Not based on talent. But the blood and sweat, I poured into my training. The countless hours I spent pushing myself to the limits. They are not in vain! I will show them that I am not useless. I will show them. Just wait.



But why?!?!? Why does it fall apart? Everything was clearly working so why!?!?! 

What did I do wrong? It couldn't have been this part. I clearly checked for it. 

Could it have been that part then? But if I change that, then won't everything fall apart? But then what else could it be?

No! Could it be that everything was wrong from the start? No! I refuse to believe it. No. No. No.



I am almost there. Just need to figure out one last thing. If I can do that, then everything will be perfect. Nothing will stop me. Just one last thing. Come on. Come on. 


I stared at the crumbling circle. Is this really how it ends? All my hopes destroyed? No! I refuse. There has to be a reason why. Why?!?!? WHY!!?!??!?!?



I got it. So that's why. Now I just need to fix it and I will have the perfect project. The thought of it brought joy to me. I will have accomplished it. Something no one has done. But my thoughts were cut short by a knock on the door.

"Sylvia? Are you in there? It's Susie. I will need you to leave. We are closing down for the summer."

"Give me a few more. I am almost done."

"I'm serious Sylvia, you need to leave. I can't allow you to stay any longer."

"Please, I just need a few more."

"*sigh* Let me," a different voice said.

Then the door opened. I turned around to see Deverick frowning at me. 

"Sylvia. I am going to need to you pack up now."

"But I was so close. I was almost finished with the perfect creation. Even if the project is a little late, I should be able to make it up with-"

"Sylvia," he cut me off. "You don't get it, do you?"

"What do you mean?" I was starting to get afraid. Afraid of what might come out of his mouth.

"It's way past the deadline."

"But being a little late should not-"

"Sylvia. What day do you think it is?"

I thought about it. I counted the days I remembered. I tried to track how long I have been in this lab. Then I have my answer.

"It should be a week after the last day."

He shook his head.

"You're wrong. It's been a month since the school year ended."

What. How is that possible?

"Accept it, Sylvia. You have failed."

"But I was so close. I could have made-"

"Even if you did, then what? From what I see, you only have the picture. There is no movement or environment. You have only completed the first major milestone."

Everything started sinking in. The harsh realization that I was clinging to a false hope. The idea that this could be the turning point in my life. How foolish of me. I was destined for failure from the start. He's not a friend. He's a teacher. And the difference between the two is that one will push me down when he sees me striving for something. 

"You made the assignment impossible, didn't you?"

I glared at him intensely, demanding an answer.

"I did."

"Why did you do it?"

"To ensure that everyone failed."

"What for? What will you gain out of it? For what reason?"


"ANSWER ME!" I screamed with plenty of anguish.

"I think it is time for you to pack your stuff."

Now that's a side of her that no one was expecting. Almost seems like the record of a person descending into madness. Oh, wait...