Chapter 39
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---Sylvia's pov---

Only a final exam he says. But to me, this could be everything. No one knows the struggles I have been through to get to this point. And after all of that, he dismisses all my hard work with "only a final project?" I couldn't help but laugh at that thought.

Lia looked at me weirdly. "Everything alright, Sylvia?"

"Yeah. I was just surprised by how casual he made it sound after that display."

"That's true. It's hard to brush it off as a simple thing when he displayed something so beautiful."

"So what's our game plan?"

"To each our own, I guess. Let's try not to bother each other unless we have no other choice," Marvin said.

Everyone nodded and went into their own private rooms. When I sat down, I looked at the prompt.

"Step 1: Build a magic circle using your element by filling in the basic framework below."

That doesn't sound too bad. It seems like we are just filling in the dots. I looked at the circle. I blinked once. I blinked twice. I rubbed my eyes before looking at it again. *Groaned*

"Why did I get my hopes up so soon?"

This was because the magic circle I was supposed to fill out barely has any markings. A true framework. Now you might ask why this is so problematic. Like shouldn't freedom mean it would be very easy to form a magic circle?

Typically yes, but the thing with Deverick's class is that more possibilities might not be a good thing. Even if I managed to casually create a circle that uses the element, I need to consider how much it will help me with the next steps. If it doesn't, then I would have to start all over again. Just by this feature, I know I will have to go through this process multiple times. A very mind-numbing experience. To feel the joy of creating a better circle just to find out it is inadequate.

Over and over again. With each cycle, we become more exasperated with our failures and flaws. Wondering what we can improve on and what are we missing. Occasionally, we would have a flash of inspiration, only to find out it was still not enough. This happens over and over again. Those that are stubborn become obsessed with their creations, sinking deep into the pit of madness while others become burnt out from all of this. they will then lose their motivation and seek to avoid their problems.

This was an experience I was more than familiar with in the past year. A hell where I forced myself to continue no matter the difficulties. Those that can persist come out the other side as a changed person. They might not know it at first, but they have become abnormal. During that grueling process, they have lost a part of themselves. A part that makes them normal. The portion of their sanity that was keeping them sane. By losing this, they have become bedeviled. They have become a madman. 

But Deverick has always said that there's a fine line between a genius and a madman. That success is determined by how well we can dance between that line. Should we trip on this dance of ours, we would have lost this edge that makes us innovators. And eventually, we would be left behind as a relic of the past.

I don't want to be left behind so I pushed through with all my effort. I willingly sacrificed my sanity so that I could be better than others. I let myself become mad in the pursuit of the truth. What does my sanity matter if it keeps me mediocre?

I looked down at my creation. This part was a success. I then looked at the next prompt.

"Step 4: Blend your will into your magic so that it takes on a added effect."

What does that even mean? I remember Deverick talking about will and the effects it has on spells, but how do we actually go about doing it? This was something that was never mentioned in any of the classes I attended. Maybe I should ask the others for their experience? 

Making up my mind, I walked out of my lab room. As I was walking over to the group collaboration room, someone called out to me.

"Sylvia, I am glad to see you finally come out. Seriously, all you IoE people do is lock yourself in your labs all day."

I looked over to see a boy from my FoMS class.

"Well, we do have a hard project after all."

"I heard from David how this project of yours is crazy difficult. Is it really worth spending so much time on it?"

"You don't understand. Just from studying it for the past week, I feel like I have gotten better as a magician. No matter how difficult the task is, it is at least possible with what we have been taught. That is why we are so obsessed over it."

"It makes sense. Does that mean you finished the project Professor Mordesin assigned in FoMS?"

"I finished that sucker two weeks ago."

"Man, I am so jealous. Now I kind of wished I didn't procrastinate it until now."

"You should probably get started soon. It was nice talking to you."



When I walked in, I saw Marvin relaxing in the room. I sat down near him and grabbed a snack. 

"What's up," he greeted me.

"Stuck on something, you?"

"Taking a break. What are you stumped on?"

"Part 4."

"I'm still on part 3, so I can't be much help right now."

"It has something to do with infusing my will into the spell. Do you have any idea how that is done?"

"No, that is not something he talked about in any of his classes."

"Seems like that is something we have to work out on our own."

"You could try asking Emy. Last time we chatted, she was on stage 5."

"No way! So fast?"

"I know."

I thanked Marvin for the information and went to find Emy. When I came to her lab door, I knocked. A few seconds of scuffling sounds later, a small porcelain doll opened the door. 

"Sylvee," A wide smile appeared on her face. Then she spread open her arms for a hug.

I bent my knees and gave her the embrace she wanted.

"Come in. Emy just cleaned her lab."

I followed her in and close the door behind me. When I looked around, my eyebrows jumped. I see that her definition of cleaning is just shoving some things around until there is room to sit. What a weird arrangement.

I took a seat and looked at Emy.

"I heard you got to stage 5."

"Yeah. Emy surprised how easy it was."

My eyes twitched. 

"How did you get past stage 4? I am stuck on that part."

Emy tilted her head. "What you mean?"

"The will blending thing."

"Oh tat, Emy wanted it to happen so it did."

I forgot that Emy is not the best person to explain things.

"Can you explain some more?"

"Emy wished to pass the stage. Then she did."

"Is that all you did?"

She nodded.

I thought about it her description some more. She wanted it to happen so it did. As weird as that sounds, I know Emy is not the type of person to lie, so it must be the truth. So where did this idea come up in class?

"Thank you then. I will go back to think about it some more."

"Bye Sylvee" she waved as I slowly maneuvered my way to the door.



When I got back to my lab, the realization came to me. Didn't Deverick say something about the first magicians willing a change so it happened? So everything lies in the caster's will. 

To test this theory, I cast my spell, but I willed it to form some light. No difference. Let's try this again. 

5 Days later, I finally noticed a change in the spell circle as I inserted my will into the spell. Took a while of practice, but I think I got the hang of it. To use one's will to change the spell circle. A very mystical way of doing things, but not preferred. This was because, for the change to take effect, one needs to solely believe it.

The caster has to will it to an extreme extent before the change manifests. This explains why Emy was able to do it so easily. As someone with an innocent nature, there aren't many complicated thoughts that would hinder her manifestation.

In an era with little rune knowledge, this was the only way to advance one's own magic. But nowadays, we have plenty of knowledge of runes. As a result, it would be more consistent to learn the effects of each rune to modify one's spells, than to hope for an epiphany. Sometimes, though, this is the only option. This hurdle was inevitable unless someone has knowledge of all the runes in existence. But how is that possible? Even with thousands of years of history, we are still discovering new runes today.

As I finished the cast, my kata started shining. When I looked at the instructions again, I was ecstatic to see the next part.

"Step 5: Practice using your will so that your magic takes on some of your characteristics"

I see. The next step is to practice this new technique. This will take a while, but I am prepared. 



*Knock knock*

Hmm? What's going on? 

*Knock knock*

"Coming, coming."

I opened the door. I looked at the stranger in front of me.

"Ms. Sylvia?"

"That's me. Can I help you with something?"

"I was told to deliver this to you."

He handed me a rectangular wooden box.


"No worries. Just make sure to open it sooner than later."

I watched in confusion as the person walked away. I wonder who could have sent me the box. I don't remember giving this lab as an address on any online service. I took the box and walked back into my lab. I debated about opening it or going back to my practice. After a short struggle, I reasoned that I might as well open it since it was here.

I held the side of the box and felt a groove that goes around the entire box. I pushed my fingers in between and lifted up. It was a plain box, yet everything about it was well-made. As the lid was uncovered, an amazing smell hit me like a train. I looked down at the contents of the box. It was divided into four neat sections. On the top left was a portion of freshly cooked rice. The steam from those fluffy-looking grains tickled my face.

To the right of it, some meat slices are cut into bite-size pieces with a drizzle of red sauce on top. Below the rice, there is a section of leafy greens with sparkling pieces of minced garlic. And finally, for the last section, a clear brownish soup. I noticed the walls of this section were higher than the other three compartments. I touched it and noticed a similar groove that was around the lid. 

I pushed my finger in and lifted the round container that was sitting in the box. The aroma of everything. It's nothing like I have ever smelled before. I didn't realize how hungry I was until everything hit me. I took the utensils slotted on the lid and started devouring everything. 

Minutes later, I was finished with everything, but I didn't feel full. Just how long was I in here? That was one of the best meals I had, only behind the restaurants Deverick knows about. I wonder what I should do with the box. It's too well crafted to be a single use. Then I noticed something engraved on the back of the lid. 

"When you are finished, please put the utensils back and leave the box outside your place."

That answers that question I guess.

After all of that, do you think Sylvia is ok?
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