Chapter 3. Murder bunny.
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Traveling through the darkness brought back all the fears of the dark I held as a child. The further I ventured, the more my mind spun looking for dangers, but my mana sight and telepathic awareness kept me calm, as neither showed anything living nearby, just the flows of mana, and the faint glow of my phone's flashlight cutting through the pitch black abyss. the phone's light was casting long eerie shadows on the rough jagged ground around me, which I can't say helped my imagination from running wild.

I eventually came upon a change in the cave I was in, finding what seemed to be a wall, just as bare as the ground. As I looked up, I found the wind mana I have been following, is flowing along the wall which I decided to follow, keeping the wall on my left as I head deeper.

I expected to be besieged by monsters and running for my life, but the journey so far was uneventful. The longer I went without seeing anything, the more hopeful I became. After hours of walking and no end in sight, I grew worried, this cave was immense, and my phone was nearly dead, so I pulled out my battery bank and used it to charge my phone as I continued on, until my telepathic awareness picked up faint whispers of something alive nearby. With each, the presence of the unseen creature grew stronger so I adjusted my course trying to go around whatever it was, to no avail. Whatever it was, began following me, and the thought of my light being the only thing protecting me urged me forward, so I began to move quicker, running at a pace far faster than I was ever capable of in my past, with such dexterity that the grounds uneven nature was unable to hinder me.

Whatever was stalking me, had a hard time keeping up, but I kept running into more, and more signs of life, that pinged my telepathic awareness but i kept running, urging myself forward, until my phone beeped a low battery alert, automatically turning the flashlight off.

Ryan-" NO!, NO!, NO!"

I fumbled the alerts away to turn the light back on but my mana sight showed me all I needed to see... bugs.. and a lot of them, shining an earthy brown in my mana sight. The horde was moving quickly from all around, as if to encircle me. Pushing aside the thought of intelligent bugs, and swallowing my fear, I turned the light on and rushed forward. The bugs illuminated by the light were unharmed by it and seemingly just startled by it, just like the roaches their appearance reminds me off.

The bugs scattered as the light fell upon them, but they are not as fast as me, so I plowed through, stepping on many as I made my way past. The crunch of the shells was far louder than I expected, showing the sturdiness of their bodies, is far more than it should be. Some of the bugs, didn't even crunch underfoot at all, feeling more like the rock I walked on.

Ding! You have killed "Gloomscarab" x 18. 180 Essence rewarded.

Without thinking I spoke aloud, dismissing the inconsequential notification and continued on as I ran. More and more bugs started pouring in from the sides, but the path ahead was relatively clear, however my instincts, screamed at me that this was a trap, that I was being herded where the bugs wanted me to be, so I changed my path, taking a hard right through the thickest area of bugs. With each step I was killing one or more of them. As I glanced back I saw their brethren getting distracted and attacking the wounded and eating their dead, some even being hauled off. This successfully freed me from my pursuers, allowing me to rest. The run wasn't very long but it was mentally taxing. Once I got enough distance to feel safe, I checked all around with my mana sight, and telepathic awareness, before I went back to normal walk, and assessed my situation. I could feel the slickness of bug guts on my shoes and jeans so I did my best to wipe them off on a jagged rock, my phone was nearly dead as well, but I could do nothing about that. Before I continued on following the path of wind mana. I ate half of my protein bar and drank the water I had.

I had no wall on my side anymore but I couldn't stop, I had to continue. so I regained my bearings and once again followed the wind mana, however my phone died as soon as I made my first step, plunging me into darkness.

Ryan-" Fuck, me."

The darkness urged me forward, using my mana sight I started to run again, this time at a steady jog. My time in the military, prepared me for long runs, without breaks. I was never so grateful for the training I received until now. with one foot in front of the other I moved swiftly, gliding across the ground at a previously impossible pace for my old self, however that did not make me feel any better about my situation, nor did I feel better each time I ran across more of those Gloomscarabs. I must have killed dozens of them already. with the only consolation being the easy essence gained, and my luck at avoiding being swarmed.

---Hours Later---

With my heart pounding in my chest, I ran on. The oppressive silence, along with the weight of the unknown pressed upon my mind. Fear mingling with determination, fueling my desperate legs onward.

Ryan-" Come'on you got this!'

I yelled at myself to continue pushing, I had nobody to rely on but myself, I had been running for hours upon hours with no change in sight except for the thickening of the wind mana in the air encouraging me forward, as if taunting me. With each step I reminded myself of the dangers lurking around, and the dangers I wish not to find.

My legs burned protesting against my relentless pace, but i fought back the pain. The weight of my backpack with the few belongings I owned weighed like an anchor, threatening to drag me down, but I refused to abandon it.

Ryan-"I won't give up!"

With each stride, I pushed myself harder, propelling myself forward with sheer willpower. The mana in the air seemed to blur in my eyes, as I navigated the treacherous ground. With my focus unwavering, a faint glimmer pierced the suffocating darkness. A sign that an exit may be within reach. The sight fueled, my determination further, erasing the slowly building doubt. with new vigor I sprinted forward. my heartbeat drowning out the haunting silence.

As I burst into the light, I saw towering mushrooms larger than trees, and I heard the sounds of life. bugs chirping, and birds flying all around. high above everything I saw not the sky I expected, but glowing crystals refracting the little light that illuminated my surroundings.

Ryan-" Whoa!"

My telepathic awareness was not as distracted as I was and alerted me to danger. Ducking and rolling I saw a white blur pass where my head was a moment ago. following its path I saw a rabbit? No, that's not any kind of rabbit I have seen before. The rabbit had blood red eyes, oversized haunches and very, very sharp teeth.

When I locked eyes with it, I tried to form a bond, using my title Nature's Guardian, but it failed nearly immediately. On closer inspection in the low light I saw that it was skinny, far to skinny to be normal. all of its bones showed through and its fur couldn't even hide its malnutrition.

I wasn't an idiot with a bleeding heart but I saw this as an opportunity. I needed all the help I could get, and this mushroom biome looks just as dangerous as the abyss I came from.

While keeping the starving murder bunny in my sight I grabbed the last of my protein bar, and broke off a small piece throwing it between the bunny and I. I was worried it would run away, but instead it caught the food as if attacking it. I tried to form an empathic bond as it did so, and got to feel its overwhelming confusion and joy at what it had just ate.

Ryan-" You like that? It’s peanut butter and chocolate. I bet you have never eaten something that tasty."

As I spoke I also tried to convey my emotions and the concept of working together, but all I got back was a garbled mess of the poor bunnies hunger and desire for more. the empathic bond was strong, and a two way street. I couldn't dominate the bond, nor could I tune out the bunnies desire without cutting the connection entirely.

Ryan-" You know somewhere safe? sleep?"

At the moment I was growing exceptionally tired. after getting out of the abyss and my adrenaline wearing off I knew I needed rest and water. Besides, bunnies like burrows right? As big as it is, I should be able to squeeze into one if it can.

All I got back was more desire for food so I broke another piece off, but this time I dropped it at my feet, and conveyed safety. I could tell the low intelligence on the murder bunny wasn't helping things, but its hunger won out. Just like a normal Bunny it moved slowly, approaching with care until it was at my feet eating. Ever so slowly I reached out, slowly stroking the abomination. its fur was coarse and in rough shape. The thing was at least 50 lbs, and that is while being nothing but skin, bones, and fur. It was hip height, and if it reared up I imagine it could be almost as tall as me.

After it finished eating, the bunny must have realized what was going on. faster than I could see, it bit me, engulfing my entire hand inside its mouth, but my surprise and fear gave way to confusion, as the bunny dangled from my arm shaking like a dog, but failing to so much as break my skin. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the absurdity of what I was doing, trying to tame this monster, and at my newfound defensive capabilities.

with far less fear and reborn confidence. I looked at the struggling, dangling bunny and tried something new. Instead of trying to convey cooperation, I conveyed dominance, I impressed upon it that I was the boss, and that I say we need to go to bed, or else...

Ding!- Through use of your empathic bond, and the carrot OR stick method, you have tamed a Pouncewhisker.

Ding!- Pouncewhisker is asking for 500 essence, will you comply?

The nerve of this bunny! It hasn't even let go and is side eyeing me, while dangling, with my hand lodged in its mouth, waiting for my response. Almost as if it holds some kind of leverage over me. If this counts as taming, I call bullshit!

Ryan-" Status.."

Opening my menu I look at my new total. I know full well I have over 500 Essence from the bugs I crushed alone, but I wasn't sure exactly how much I had. looking at the menu, I see my new total sitting at 1,591. Damn, that's a lot of dead bugs. I think they gave me about 10 a piece and I had about 300 leftover. So I must have squished around 120-130 of those damn things.

looking towards the requested msg, I agree and watch my essence total drop to 1,091. This damn bunny better be worth it.