Day1c Confusion
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As you try to follow her you end up bumping into a wall.

"Oh, right, here let me lead you" she moves behind you and places her hands on your shoulder to direct you through a doorway into a what sounds like a hallway. Just as she's about to lead you further something beeps and she stops, removes her hands and after a moment she says "I need to go away for a bit, just wait here, alright?"

"Sure." (I guess she got a text message or something.)

"For now you can sit over here." she leads you to sit on what feels like a bench against the wall and leaves.

(This is a bit nerve wracking, just sitting here alone, unable to see anything and no idea when... the woman whose name I don't even know comes back... wait did she even say she's coming back? I'm assuming her being "away for a bit" and me needing to wait here are related, they probably are but I could be meant to wait for something other than her return.)

You fiddle with your headband a bit, it's pretty firmly in place. (I think removing it on my own wouldn't be that easy, the chinstrap has no obvious way to release it, not that I should need to do that unless for some reason no one's coming and I got abandoned here.)

Soon you hear steps coming in your direction and you expectantly point your head towards them while opening your eyes before you realize how pointless that is. The steps stop in front of you but you hear nothing else (Why hasn't she said anything? Is it someone else? Should I say something?)

"...umm" ("Is it you?" sounds weird so "Are you here for me?" could work though assumes she's someone else...)

"Hi, what are you doing here?" (So someone else and probably not here for me.)

"I just got here and was told to wait here for a bit while the lady... showing me around, had to go somewhere."

"I see, so you're a new student?"

"Yeah, brand new."

"Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Go ahead" (Nothing better to do I suppose) she moves around you for a bit stopping here and there.

"Your clothes and that thing on your head, what's up with them?"

"I'm supposed to be wearing a new student uniform, the..." (Should I call it a blindfold? The ear disks make that somewhat confusing, maybe a headband then, it's basically one, it's a band around my head, it's just one that goes over my eyes and ears and has a chinstrap.) "Headband thing is meant to help me focus." (Anyway is there something weird about the t-shirt and shorts I'm wearing?)

"How did you find out about this place?"

"My girlfriend told me about it, no idea where she learnt about it."

"I see, what made you decide to come here?" (Is she trying to figure out how to advertise this place or something?)

"My girlfriend said I should be here while she's away for some time."

"So, what are you hoping to learn here?"

"Umm, no idea yet, I haven't been told anything about what's being taught here."

"Really? So you're here just because your girlfriend told you to and have no idea what you're going to learn here?"

"Umm... yeah." (When she puts it like that it sounds worse than I thought...)

"And you're here just because she'll be away for a while?"

"Oh, no, she did say it'd also improve our relationship if I did well. She also assured me that I'd be happy to be here." (and she said this will give her something exciting to think about but maybe I shouldn't say that.)

"Right, she sounds... nice I suppose, how long do you think you'll be here?" (Man, who is she and why is she asking all these questions? I didn't really care at first but it starting to sound like she isn't staff or another student.)

"Umm..." (It kind of feels a bit too late to start asking questions from her.) "Not sure, she'll be away for at least three weeks so I'm assuming this will be about the same length."

"Alright, hmm... you know where you are and what this place is called at least?"

"Yeah! L Academy near some stop along line 531." (Finally something I can answer pretty well!)

"How..." she stops speaking as you hear the sound of door opening.

"I should go, you've been very helpful, thanks for answering my questions!" she rapidly walks to where you came from. (Huh, that's weird, it's almost like she was afraid of being seen here. Maybe I wasn't supposed to talk with her.)

This time the steps you hear do sound slightly more familiar than the previous ones and soon you hear owner of the steps say "Good, you're still here. Sorry about the wait." (It is indeed her! The still unknown lady who brought me to this location.) "I'm still getting used to this job so my supervisor had some things to say to me and in fact she wanted to take care of the next part personally so you'll meet her soon." (What's the next part? I guess I'll find out eventually.) "Oh, but don't worry, I may be new but I really like working here so far and love being able to help people like we do here so you're still in good hands."

"That's... reassuring I suppose." (I'm glad she likes her job whatever it is, I assumed she's just a receptionist but who knows.)

"Now, ready to go?" (Should I mention talking with that other person? I wouldn't want to cause trouble for either of them but hmm for now I should at least ask her name after failing to ask for one from the other person.)

"No, wait, umm... before that, what should I call you?" (There! I asked it! Now if that other person comes back I'm sure I'll manage to actually ask her name!)

"Ah, of course, I'm Becky, I look forward to working with you."

"Me too, also not sure if I should mention this or if it matters but someone came by and talked with me while you were away." (There, a bit awkward but now she knows someone was here in case they weren't supposed to be here.)

"Oh... hmm..." (Seems like she isn't sure what to say or why I brought it up.)

"Right, I'm so sorry about that, I should've had someone wait here with you, having a stranger talk to you out of nowhere must have been scary, I'll make sure it won't happen again. Can you tell me who was it?" (Oh crap, she totally misunderstood that, how do I fix this?)

"Ahaha, it's okay her talking with me was actually kind of nice since it prevented me from getting bored."

"Hrmph, even so I'd like to then at least thank her for preventing you from just relaxing and helping me realize my mistake." (Ugh, she still thinks I was scared because a stranger suddenly talked to me...)

"It's fine really besides she didn't say who she was or anything so there's nothing I can do."

"Oh, if you say so..." more quietly to herself she says "I guess I can ask around a bit" and then remains quiet seemingly thinking hard about something.

(I really don't want her to make big deal out of this.)

"Oh yeah, you said something about us your supervisor handling the next part didn't you?"

"Right, we can deal with this later so let's go." (Hopefully she'll just forget about it.)

She takes your hand and starts leading you somewhere.