Ch 23 Candy
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And now what he thought was how to expand his shop, he can recruit a manager tomorrow so he can at least try to renovate his shop and make it much more viewable... as he only has two tables to display items and that was all! it's not really an appropriate shop, right?


Soon he looks around on the furniture menu and buys one medium table and places it near the small table, it takes him 1.500 Gold coins for this medium table and it can hold 8 items! So even though it was called medium it was rather long….


He then looked around and eventually purchased a decoration, which was a shop sign!


As for the name of his shop ? he just call it Myriad World Shop and soon it was placed near his door and written in an unknown language!


as for his logo, he simply used two circles overlapping each other with Lion's head in the center. this sign cost him 2.000 gold coins…. this makes his money drained fast! but at least he has a rather good-looking sign outside.


what's more, he bought a counter.. how come a shop does not even have a counter! It does not look like a shop when there is no counter right? This counter was expensive it cost him 3.000 Gold coins for a small one, this make his money down to 5,184 Gold coins after buying iron pike it was even lower than this!


But, in the end, he can purchase 14 pikes and display them all! It was entirely coincidental that his money was just enough to buy 14 pikes! because he did not think anything while doing all of this...


Soon he want to sleep as he was a bit tired after going shopping and moving around so much so he walked toward his bed and starts to sleep.


The next day he was called up and started to eat! Of course, Anne and Lila come out and join them too.


While Lila and Anne play with Cindy he alone goes out! Of course with the help of his driver.


“Young master where will you go today ?” the driver asks him politely, soon Garen tells him his mission!


“let’s go to a candy shop! and maybe children shop too.” Garen thinks that today he will not only bring some more candy, but he will also sell some children's clothing in his shop!


Of course, he has no idea if it can be sold because his customers are all adults or teenagers! He never sees any children.... Even his candy was bought by two teens.


Still, it is worth trying!


Because the driver knows what this will be used for, he does not look for a store that sells branded items, but rather ordinary ones it was a shop near the street!


Garen walked out of his car, as his car and appearance were rather eye-catching he drew some attention, and this make him a bit dazed but he continue walking inside the shop...His driver, of course, came along to accompany him!


Garen looks around and even attracts this shop employee to come and serve him. This employee has no idea who he is, but she recognizes him as an important figure because there is a man that wears black sunglasses and stands behind Garen!


“Welcome to our Happy Children Shop! What will you look for sir? I will prepare them for you!”


Hearing this Garen nodded and say some words “Bring me fifty children's clothing of each gender, and did you sell candy here ?”


The employee was beam with joy when she hear this but still, she act calmly and say “Yes sir, of course, did you have a size in mind? As for candy we are sorry sir it is still not available here for now.”


Hearing this Garen only nod and tell “Alright prepare many sizes for children… uh how old are they ?” Garen can’t help but talk with his driver…


Soon his driver was the one that take control! The shop employee starts to talk with his driver for a bit longer, he can only blink as he looks around….


He don’t know that his picture was being taken secretly again!


And news of the ‘young master of White Corporation was found in children's shop!” was spread like wildfire….


He bring back many clothing for kids and even the back row of his car was filled with paper bags…. as for payment? it seems his driver already settle it….


Soon he think about that candy shop, the owner was kind enough to give him many bonuses so he remember that place and ask his driver to drive there.


He goes there and buys a large quantity of candy again! As a result, the owner of this shop treats him like a king...


And after that, they drive to that orphanage and Garen let his diver handle it, but this time his driver appears overwhelmed and subconsciously says, "Young master, how about you come with me?" I'm sure these kids will like you!"... uhum... I'll go now." He shook his head and ran back... as he see Garen only stare at him...


However, it appears that he is unable to handle it well because there are so many bags; even with the assistance of the orphanage guardian, They circle the driver while receiving clothes and candy, but some of the children were already so close to the car!


In the end, he can’t help but see a face stuck outside his window...... separated only by that thin glass.. a boy's face can be seen! he looks at him blankly and Garen looks at the boy blankly...... Garen can only sigh......


Soon the driver notices something and cold sweat cover his back! He walks quickly toward the kid and lifts him up.


“erm, kid don't do that it's not a good thing to do…” still a kid was a kid, he nod but then ask “Who is that uncle ?”


Hearing this the other kid's interest was piqued! Many kids look at the car and even some of their guardians look at the car… but as an adult, they have more experience and quickly divert these kids' attention.


“alright kids let’s try these clothes first!” a young woman said and they work like a charm! These curious kids run happily toward her and bring back their clothes! Even so, some adults apologize to the driver, who can only nod.


As they talk not so loud Garen can’t hear it from inside, he only hears that young woman shouting about clothes…


Soon the driver comes to him and says “Young master this orphanage director wants to say his thanks to you personally!”


Garen thinks for a moment, it seems he will do this quite often so he finally comes out of the car on his own!


Seeing a young man come out, the director and others approach him!


“Young sir thank you for your support! And I must apologize for this kid's behavior…” The director was an old man, he look like a kind old man.


Garen only nods “It's fine I will come to visit again when I have time.”


Hearing this the director can only smile and thank him again.


Garen nod and come inside the car again, seeing this the driver can only sigh and say something to the orphanage director and come inside to drive.


His driver gives all the clothes and candy inside this car, as it was what Garen told him to do he only left four packs of Candy on his seat so this time Garen can bring back four packs of candy!


When they arrive at his mansion, Garen rushes inside his room, but Anne, Cindy, and Lila see him first, and seeing the candy picture in a paper bag, Lila is the first one to run toward him!


“Dad! You bought me some more candy ?” Lila runs and looks at him with eager eyes….


Garen then gives her a pack of candy!


Cindy come too and he give her one… as for Anne she is an adult but it seems she is interested in candy too…


Garen sighed in his heart and give her one too… in the end, he only brings back one…. Of course, he let Anne bring it into his shop…


She is a sensible girl so she says “Boss did you want me to place this candy too ?” it was her own candy.


Garen only shakes “It was for you so just enjoy it.. remember to brush your teeth and drink water after that…”


Anne smiles Happily and brings that one pack to Garen's shop and after that, she runs back to Cindy's room! Of course with her candy pack…


Garen looks at his shop… there are many people lined up and he sells 6 iron pikes in this wave of customers!


It appears that the profit will raise higher and higher after this! Of course, as the Candy pack was being displayed many people asked about the candy price, but still, no people could afford 5.000 Gold coins! In the end, they can only look at it and go out, they can’t even afford the iron pike.


After this Garen focuses on his Gems! as It was time to do what he wanted to do!