Heads or tails – alternative side
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Heads or tails Alternative side

"Hello, I'm Penny."

    I remember meeting Jensen 5-years ago. He wasn't that tall, dark, and mysterious handsome-stranger type of guy that most city girls are into. Looking back at how he was, he was actually the exact opposite, well except the tall part. He was everything he presented himself to be. A southern gentleman that lights up any room he's in with his personality and smile. 

"Whew, when he smiled I haven't seen a single person refuse to smile back."

"Ahh, finally I get to meet you! My Tam-tam speaks about how beautiful and charming you are so much that I could almost feel jealous." Those were the first words he said to me and I remember smiling like a schoolgirl in front of him. If I didn't have my husband or Tammy at the time, I would have melted into that man's arms like butter. "OH! I am so sorry ma'am, you're so pretty I forgot my manners. My name is Jensen, Jensen Hook the luckiest man on earth." He reached his hand out, and for a moment I hoped he was going for my waist, but what he did was grab the hand of the woman next to me.

"Awwww honey!" My beautiful best friend said as her just as handsome loving husband pulled her into a side hug and kissed her cheek, at the same time he reached at me with his other arm but it stopped midway. I looked at the hand for a second.

"A handshake?", I was used to handshakes due to the business the company me and Tammy work at, but the way he held his hand at me was very platonic. It irked me a little, but that was when I knew at that moment, that this man would never look at a woman the way he does his wife. I shook his hand that day and I couldn't help but think how lucky in love these two were.

I live a more lavish lifestyle than them as I make good money, but my husband is the breadwinner by a landslide. New phones, new cars, a big house I had it all. In fact, the reason I met Jensen was because he and his wife used to share a car and it was in the shop that day. It was a relatively new car but an economical family model that I didn't know the name of and they had a home that wasn't small by any means, but it was more modest in nature compared to my home. However, the way they looked at each other was worth more than anything I owned.

Her engagement ring was a hand me down from his mother, that he saved and spent money to refurbish and add a larger center stone. My 3.5ct diamond on my engagement ring outshined it, hell it outshined everything they owned, except their love. I would never have thought of something so cheesy before I met them but that was just the impact they had on me. They made me simultaneously happier to be married and yet also jealous of my friend for having such a life.

After that day, I subconsciously made excuses to go over to their home often. Honestly as hard as it may be to believe I had no ulterior motive, just seeing these two so happy with each other was like a drug to me, hoping I could get a piece of that happiness and take some home was all I wanted. When I saw them with their daughter my heart melted. I went home and almost begged my husband to have a child of my own, I let him cum in me like a madman. I was in love with the idea of being in love while watching this couple, but maybe that's why I didn't see the signs. The signs that led myself to hate my husband now.

He became overbearing, possessive, controlling, and verbally abusive. He claimed I was after men's attention, that I dressed slutty. I never changed who I was or how I presented myself in all our years together so I was baffled by his behavior.



As my marriage became more tense, everyday I heard from my friend about how amazing her man was and I just accepted it… Jensen was the greatest man alive and couldn't question it. Not because of my friend who wouldn't stop talking about it, but because I believed it. Tammy told me about her husband day in and day out, it was all she spoke about. Honestly "A husband being so wanted by their wife", if it was any other man, I wouldn't accept it or believe it.

    What made Jensen so desirable besides the accent, height, eyes, manners, face, and overall charm? The man was the embodiment of baby-fever. Seeing how he was with his daughter would make any woman's womb ache. The way he was so happy with his wife, would make a homewreckers panties wet, he would make lunch for Tammy everyday, he would massage her feet after work everyday, the man fucked this woman three times a day on work days. I didn't believe the massage story, until I saw it for myself. I had to, I went straight to Tammy's home after work and lo-and-behold there they were, in the dining room, because it had wooden floors, and this man had a massage kit with a foot pool! A little bag with lotions and oils and massage tools. 

     The sex part? I knew right away that was true because Tammy accidentally admitted it when I was talking about how my husband didn't touch me much after marriage. I said he barely touches ⅓ of the amount of times he used to, and this innocent woman said "Once a day is still very good."... I drilled her for details and the woman was blushing so hard when she let it slip that I thought she caught a fever. I asked her how he handled that and all she said at the time was.

"Jensen says he wants to make up for everyday we didn't do it when we were younger."

I was at a loss for words at how these two could be the perfect couple. That's why what happened to me, took me so off guard.




   Eight-months into Tammy working at my company I found out that my husband was cheating on me. All his weird behavior was because he was projecting. It's when a cheater statts accusing their partner of the things THEY WERE DOING. I was devastated, I loved this man with all I had and after meeting Jensen and Tammy, I fell even deeper in love. Those two showed me to be 100% open with my partner and I dropped all guards I ever had. It allowed me to be so happy with my life, up until this awful betrayal.

My husband gaslit me and argued with me whenever he was cornered about his affair. When it came to fixing the marriage he didn't do a single thing. No counseling, no therapy, no communication, and ultimately he said he wanted to open up our marriage. He thought that instead of owning his mistake and making up for it, that we should invite more people into our bed. I began to resent this man, I stopped touching him and initiating and he did the same. Maybe out of sexual frustration I began to have ideas.

     I began telling Tammy about my issues and begged her not tell her husband. Everyday was a constant vent session and I could see that she was hurt for me. She really was the best friend I've always wanted, she even threatened to go to my husband and fix his attitude, she really was everything you can ask for in a friend. She was always on my side, until the day I told her, "He wins, I'll just give him his own medicine.", Tammy was shocked at my words, she couldn't believe I would do that. She went on a sermon about being the better person, just divorce him, and a long list of moral driven swivel. I, unfortunately, wasn't having any of that. I wanted to hurt my husband and more than that, I wanted him to foot the bill. I still had access to his accounts and I was no longer feeling conservative.

Slowly but surely I began spreading my wings. I went on dates, went out, partied, did drugs, and got all the sex I could ask for. It's amazing how easy it is for a woman who wants sex to get it. Well easy as in the action, the first few times I still felt wrong about it as if I wasn't just betraying my husband, but myself. That feeling went away eventually but another feeling sprang up, loneliness. I had a lot of money and company, but no genuine companionship. So I did what anyone would do, I invited my friend.

It took a few months but under the cover story of having her come to stop me from doing something stupid, Tammy agreed to go out with me. I took her out for the whole day. We went to the spa, had massages, and went shopping. We had a blast. I look back now and I wish… I really wish I just took us home. 

I had a dating app match that I met at a club, and had me and Tammy dressed up very sexy. The man brought a friend and Tammy was very upset at what I did, but I convinced her to stay. I fed her mixed drinks all night to loosen her up and finally got her dancing with me, then with the friend of my date. I took my date to the bathroom and left my friend there.

After a 20 minute fuck session I returned to see the guy with his tongue down my friend's throat and I felt like we can be even better friends then before, but that was 100% just the alcohol thinking for a moment. Once it registered in my mind that the man who was touching my friend wasn't Jensen, I got angry. Angry at the man, angry at Tammy, and then ultimately angry at myself. The guy reached up her dress and Tammy pulled away, and by the look of her face you could tell she just sobered up a little. She had the most horrible expression on her face that I have ever seen and she slapped the taste out of that man's mouth. I felt so relieved seeing that.

The man wasn't happy and was about to hit her but I stepped in and shoved him and grabbed Tammy and got us out of there. I got us a cab home laughing at how we just escaped but, Tammy was a wreck, she was drunk and crying about how she betrayed Jensen and she was unconsolable. I tried telling her it didn't count as cheating because she didn't go out looking for it, that the guy just overwhelmed her, but nothing I did helped her. She said she was going to tell Jensen what happened and I don't know why, but I was the scared one at that point. What I just did to my friend and that man of hers, I was to blame, but what if they hated me? What if I never saw their happy expressions anymore? I panicked and begged her not to tell him. I got her to promise me she wouldn't and I felt relieved because she never breaks a promise.

From that day on Tammy became distant, smiled less at work, and she was no longer bubbly or the same happy person she was. I wanted my friend back and I didn't know what to do. I begged her to let me fix things and she said,

"You don't what it's like, living with someone so devoted to you and knowing you don't deserve it."

That was true, I didn't know what it was like and I didn't know how to fix it but I asked her:

"Would you feel better if he did the same?"

She looked me dead in the eyes and I saw that just the idea of her husband with someone else took the spark from her eyes, but in the end…. She nodded.

I was to blame and I made her make that promise, so I decided I would fix this. I went over to their home more often then ever, but my entire goal was to seduce Jensen and balance the scales. It was the dumbest idea, but part of the reason I did it was because underneath it all, I wanted that man.

After many months of trying and failing I just gave up, a woman can only handle so much rejection before it eats away at her self esteem. Tammy however never minded and knew what I was doing, but over time it seemed like Tammy made peace with what she did, at first I thought that was a good thing but in the end it was the opposite.

A new executive was hired, his name was Sherman and the moment he laid eyes on Tammy you could tell tension instantly built. The man looked like a prince. Well groomed, expensive suit, tall, wide shoulders, and those green eyes and fiery red hair. During this time Jensens father got sick and her and Jensen would take turns visiting him in his home state. Once when Jensen had to take his turn, he took their daughter with him. While he was gone Sherman approached me and Tammy and offered us drinks, I could see where this was going and I declined hoping my friend would do the same. To my surprise, she accepted.

I pulled her to the side and told her this is a bad idea, and I told her he only wants one thing. She assured me it's just a drink to be friendly. If this was any other girl I would have called bullshit but this is the honest Tammy and I couldn't doubt her. I decided I would go along and that was the plan. 

That night we went out and I saw them flirting, I saw everything and I was upset. I was so mad at my friend but this was what I wanted wasn't it? A partner in crime? I tried intervening in conversations, I tried getting Sherman's attention for myself but they both kept pursuing each other. I gave up and just let them do what they wanted and it ended with her going to a hotel with him. I hated myself for this for a long time and dug myself deeper into anonymous sex and drugs. Overtime, I obviously got over it.

After a month of sneaking around Tammy started telling me how awful Jensen was. I was confused, how can that man be anything but perfect. She would tell me and anyone who would listen, that would usually be Sherman, how Jensen treats her like an object as just a wife to clean their home. How he practically abuses her because she doesn't always want sex but does it with him anyway, and how he takes her for granted. I went along with her stories and tried to believe her. Why else would the perfect Tammy be cheating on the one and only Jensen? I tried convincing myself he deserved it, but I was too afraid to ever face him and find out.

At first, couldn't understand how she could say all this, but I thought "maybe its true". Afterall, my husband turned out to be a jackass. So I decided to believe the narrative. The partying started happening weekly at this point and it always ended with Tammy being with Sherman. Looking back on it, deep down I knew Tammy was just justifying what she was doing and slowly but surely I saw her come to work without a homemade lunch. She complains her husband doesn't make time for her, when she would come home at midnight if at all. If it wasn't about what he always did, it was about what he couldn't do.

A couple months later Tammy found out she was pregnant and she bottled up again. Of course she couldn't party anymore but she ghosted me. Cut all conversation with Sherman and me and focused on her work. With her diligence she got a promotion very quickly, but she kept to herself.

A few months into her pregnancy Sherman asked bluntly if the baby was his and Tammy went white. She said it's her husband's and she was 100% sure of it and slapped Sherman. It was the talk of the office for weeks but we were able to convince everyone it was part of an internet trend and we messed it up. 

The baby was born and Tammy seemed like a shell of her old self. She took minimal maternity leave and stayed at work longer than usual. I missed my best friend and I hated how things turned out. So I ended up partying more and more and even had a piece of Sherman myself, and I wasn't a fan. He was an asshole. Self centered and only cared about himself in the bedroom, and though he's not tiny, he is not too impressive either. I won't size shame, buy if you are smaller and you feel the woman should just be grateful you're giving it to her, then you put no effort in. You can slip on shit.

The storm happened when Jensen's father passed away. Tammy approached me and asked me to help take her mind off things, as a good friend I did take her out, but this wasn't my friend Tammy anymore. This woman wanted and got all the attention she wanted when we went out. It took me a while to get used to this new Tammy but we ended up friends again and we would have competitions of who could hook up with who, or what guy we could get before the other. I even forgot the old Tammy for a moment and relished in the new one.

Another year passed and I stopped going over to my friends' home ENTIRELY. I couldn't handle seeing Jensen. Jensen was always home and depressed more often than not. He gained A LOT of weight and looked beaten by life. I honestly didn't want to be around it, because of the part I know I played in it. I didn't want to own up to what I did.

Tammy would just complain more about her husband. How he's fat, he can't please her, how they don't have sex, and I never stopped her. I knew at this point everything she ever said about Jensen was a lie but to speak up about it meant I had to admit my evil deeds and I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry Jensen, I'm sorry for being so fucking weak."

Around this same time my husband wanted to close our marriage. He was tired of not seeing me and me being with others. It seemed he realized his age and how not all his pets wanted to stay loyal to him. I told him to go to hell and if he divorced me, I'm taking everything I can. 

While partying with Tammy I did end up meeting someone new. He was a younger man named Caleb, only 26 but so passionate, and he fell for me hard. I haven't been chased like that in a long time and I gave in. I made him my boyfriend. Tammy didn't like that, she thought we shouldn't stop. I told her I deserved happiness and she relented. I still went out with her but not as often, and yeah I still had my fun too, but Caleb didn't need to know.

After another promotion Tammy started changing even further. She would go to the shops I took her to by herself, she bought a new car, and she went designer names from head to toe. I loved my new bougie best friend, we were top brass bitches and I was loving life. I had everything I could get my hands on.

Everything we could want we had. Money, clothes, drugs, and dick. I thought this could last forever until last night. We had a company party at a hotel and as per usual, Tammy didn't bring Jensen. I actually suggested she should involve him more, she said she wanted to party. I wanted my friend to slow down, I wanted to slow down, I wanted something different, so I brought Caleb. 

Caleb had me thinking of a real relationship again. He asked me to move in with him and I have been honestly thinking of divorcing my husband and starting over, I wish I pulled the trigger sooner. Much sooner.

Hours into the party Tammy was high on something and was making obvious advances on Sherman and our President of the company. I thought she was out of her mind, but both those men were acting as if this was normal, they barely batted an eye and I even saw them groping her. I rushed over there and pulled her aside, I told her she is being too public and needs to calm down. She just snapped at me and went to the two men and pulled them aside. I asked Caleb to watch her and let me know where she goes as I had to use the bathroom. After the bathroom I looked everywhere for them but couldn't find them. After 30 minutes Caleb texted me a room number and I hurried along.

When I got there I knocked on the door and a drunk and naked Sherman answered. He brought me in saying welcome to the party when I was asking where was Tammy my answer was her being spit roasted on the bed with Caleb fucking her while another man had his dick in her mouth and the president was watching and jerking his dick.

I shouted at Caleb who didn't stop fucking Tammy and Said Tammy showed him a video of me and her with a couple dating app guys from the weekend before. The president and Sherman didn't think Tammy was that easy so they offered to bring another worker in and Tammy was all for it. I looked at everyone with disgust, but i stayed. I took my clothes off and participated, but only so I could record Tammy with every man there. Me and her have a lot of videos and pics of our escapades but I want everyone involved in this to eat shit. After I had enough recording no one even turned their head when I got up because they were high, drunk, and just saying horrible awful things while using Tammy. I put my clothes on, shook my head, and I left.

I know I wasn't faithful, but Caleb really grew on me and if that bitch could out me like that, then I planned to do the same.

I messaged her so she could read it when she sobered up and I blocked her. I had what I needed for her to lose everything and that's what I planned on happening. Except, it didn't. I saw Jensen for the first time in a while, and the anger and pain in his eyes were something I didn't think was possible.

Was this the same man who massaged Tammy's feet everyday, was he the one that was so in love that he never stopped smiling, his lunches he made Tammy with little notes used to be so cringe, even now I can see he doesn't hate his wife. Even now he doesn't want to hurt her, but knows he can't live like this. I felt so sick, imagining everything I did and gradually allowed all at once was sickening.

I'm so sorry Jensen. I'm so sorry Tammy. I just wish I had what you both had. Even now the love Jensen has for his wife is at an amount I would never deserve even if it came with that much anger.

Please Jensen, forgive me.