Chapter 14 : I Won’t Let Annoying Things Get in the Way
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"Um... Takumi-kun?"

"Yes, what is it?"

As we walked down the hallway engulfed in flames, Sherry, who was following behind me, timidly called out to me. Although I responded with an emotionless voice, I knew it would have the opposite effect on Sherry. Despite that, I couldn't come up with any other response.

"Um... Well, what's the matter?"

It had been several tens of minutes since we escaped the large auditorium consumed by fire. Sherry must have noticed that my demeanor had changed from earlier. It's no good, displaying emotions like this in a situation like this. It's not something I should be doing.

"...Vice Headmaster Rusuran whereabouts have been determined," I said.

"Yes, we're heading there now, right?"

"Yes, we're almost there. To the Vice... Headmaster's... Office..."

"But... that's where we were just..."

As Sherry tilted her head in confusion, a deafening explosion resounded in our ears. Reflexively, I wrapped my body around Sherry, shielding her from the resulting blast.

Without the magic interference, my physical enhancements were functioning as usual. Even if countless debris flew at us, not a single scratch would be left.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you, Takumi-kun... What was that just now? It felt different from an explosion."

(...She's surprisingly perceptive.)

As Sherry pointed out, the recent explosion wasn't caused by something exploding. It was the sound of clashing swords. Is it too early to enter the room...?

"...Let's take a short break," I suggested.

"W-What? Did you get hurt, Takumi-kun!?"

"Yes, I'm a little sore."

"Understood! Please, sit down!"

She's such a kind girl, even though she must be eager to see her father. With Sherry's help, I leaned against the hallway wall and slowly lowered myself down. I didn't feel any pain, but Sherry didn't suspect anything.

"I'm sorry. It's because of me..."

"That's not true. I am your escort, after all. It's only natural that I did what I did."

"But... your complexion doesn't look good. Are you in pain...?"

Sherry worriedly peered into my face. Her eyes were slightly moist, as if she were about to cry.

...No good, I can't gather my thoughts.

What should we do from here on? Since we left the large auditorium, my head has been consumed with that thought. No matter how much I think, I can't come up with a satisfactory answer. I thought I had honed my adaptability thanks to being an idiot, but I've never encountered a situation like this before.

(...What am I supposed to do?)

Even as we stand here, the worst outcome is drawing near. The Vice Headmaster's office is right in front of us. The battle being fought there will soon come to an end... it will be over.

(...Damn it. This world is truly messed up. I chose the wrong place to be reincarnated. It's all because of that damn demon, the Magic-Eyed Guy.)

Even now, recalling it makes me furious at its absurdity. That single malicious tackle disrupted my entire being. If there's one thing I want to do, it's to punch that demon, the Magic-Eyed Guy.

The insignificance of life is so different between my previous life and this one. Innocent people are unjustly killed, robbed of their happiness, and trampled upon. The scenes I have witnessed, even before meeting Cid... no, even after meeting Cid.

"Where does it hurt?! ...Ah, I don't have any bandages... I'm sorry for being useless."


I'm truly rotten. Such a kind and good girl... why does she have to suffer such misfortune?

"Sherry-san, on my back."

"Huh? ...Kyaa!!"

Once again, due to another explosion, shards of debris flew at us with force. I immediately stood up and moved Sherry onto my back, then began dealing with the situation. I drew one of the two swords hanging from my waist and swiftly sliced the incoming debris, reducing them to tiny fragments.


"...Hah. It doesn't matter anymore."

"Takumi-kun! That was amazing!"

She was frolicking like a child, and seeing that, I made up my mind. There's no time to consider other options, and I have no mental capacity for such considerations.



"You're going to face difficult times ahead. Even so, will you continue forward?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Will you continue forward?"

Interrupting Sherry's words, I looked into her eyes and asked again. She sensed the change in atmosphere and took a step back, slightly frightened. I'm sorry for making her anxious multiple times, but I can only do this.

"Cid is your friend, and I am your friend too. I can assert this. No matter what happens, we will stand by your side, Sherry."

"R-Re... Takumi-kun?"

"No matter how harsh the reality becomes, Sherry won't be alone. Cid and I will definitely support you. I promise."

...It's frustrating that I can only use such clichéd words. Nevertheless, with as much determination as possible, I conveyed this to Sherry.

"...Will I have to face difficult times?"


"...Is it related to my father?"


"...Will I be alone again?"


She's much smarter than me. She probably understands the meaning behind my words by now. Tears have welled up and are streaming down her face uncontrollably. Her small hand tightly grips mine, trembling. I couldn't tell whether it was out of anger or sadness.

(...I'll let her use my name.)

To seal the deal and solidify my resolve, I transformed my appearance.

Activating the Stigmata, my form fluidly changed. The school-designated uniform quickly transformed into a jet-black coat adorned with a silver emblem of Stigmata. My head was completely covered by the hood.

"Ra... Takumi-kun... is it?"

"That's not it. Right now, I'm... not Takumi."

I wonder what it is. For the first time since coming to this world, I feel like boldly declaring my name. It doesn't feel bad. But I can't talk to Cid about this.

"──'Takumi (Light).' That's... my current name."

I remove the hood with one hand, revealing my white hair that hasn't changed. Perhaps feeling a sense of relief from that alone, Sherry's trembling stops.

"Takumi... (Light)?"

"Sorry for surprising you. I am Takumi Gavin, but at the same time, I am also 'Takumi (Light)' of Shadow Garden."

"Shadow... Garden..."

I've revealed something that has been hidden from everyone except those involved. It's quite frightening. But precisely because of that, it's good. Otherwise, it would be meaningless. I transformed into this appearance and took on this name. I don't have any other way to show my determination.

"From now on, you will see things you don't want to see. You will have to accept the reality you don't want to accept. You'll have to carry all the sadness and continue living."


Sherry simply listens to my words in silence. I take her hand and enter the Vice Headmaster's office.

What awaited us there was as expected, the "worst" scenario.


Sherry's hand, which I was holding, tightens with a strength unimaginable from her slender arm. Involuntarily, I close my eyes.

"...You said before, that my mother had passed away."


"My mother was... murdered. Even as a young child, I can't forget that night."

Releasing my hand, Sherry walks among the blood-stained carpets.

Stumbling left and right, she steadily makes her way to the lifeless body of her father lying ahead.

"...This time my father has been killed"

"...I see."

"Takumi... Does... Takumi (Light)... know...?"

It's a vague question without specifics, but the words carry more than enough weight. Standing beside her, looking at her face, I can tell that Sherry is truly strong. While shedding big tears, she clenches her mouth so hard it might start bleeding.

Without trying to deceive her, I simply convey the truth.

"I don't know anything. But if we're together, we can find out. That much I'm certain of."


"About Shadow Garden. Cid is there too, just like me. Anything you want to know, you'll find out there, for sure."

"Cid... also..."

"I've told you. No matter what happens, Cid and I are on Sherry's side."

Turning my body towards Sherry, I reach out my hand.

"──Come with us. 'Sherry Barnett.'"

She nods firmly in response.


The night passed since the terrorist attack by explosion that left the academy partially destroyed. Many students were injured, and the incident dealt a severe blow to the Mage Knight Academy. As I successfully completed my final task of switching with New, there were no rumors of doppelgangers circulating.

My evaluation skyrocketed as I saved Glen and Marco, who were critically injured, and my salary increased significantly as a result. It's the best.

The only impact this incident had on me, other than that, is that the situation no longer allows for classes to be held, so summer vacation was moved up. I do like summer vacation, but I didn't ask for it to be advanced like this.

"Well, the school building was pretty wrecked."

"Yeah... It's better than if you had done it, though."

Cid and I have a conversation with distant looks and lack of energy. We're on the rooftop, where we can overlook the damaged school building, basking in the sunny weather and the breeze blowing through.

"I heard you recruited Sherry."

"To avoid causing a disturbance, she'll live her life as a student. Is that okay with you? Even if it isn't, I'll ignore any complaints."

"Yeah, I have no problem. It's your decision."

I'm not saying this because I'm not interested in Sherry. I genuinely have no complaints. Maybe Cid liked Sherry in his own way.

"By the way, it seems you've flagged Rose as well. I heard you stayed by her side, taking care of her until you woke up. With Princess Alexia too, are you the princess killer?"

"What are you talking about?"

Cid exhales with an air of indifference. It seems he's moving away from the life of a background character. Misery sure tastes good.

"──Anyway, this incident was passable. As a behind-the-scenes force."

"...Is that so? You seemed unusually angry too."

"Angry? Me?"

"Yeah, you."

Cid looks puzzled. It seems he didn't realize that he was swinging his sword with anger. It's a mutual thing for us to be insensitive when it comes to ourselves.

"Sherry's mother was an admirable person. You like people who work hard."


Ah, the sky is blue. It's been a while since the weather has been this good. But for some reason, even under this pleasant sky, I feel an uncontrollable anger.

"I heard from Alpha. Shadow, you're on the international wanted list."

"Oh really?"

"It's probably Rusuran  doing. Did you have some kind of expectation too?"

"I don't know. I have some vague memory of him mentioning something like framing you or whatever."

"Multiple murders, kidnapping, arson, robbery. Good for you. A luxurious assortment of crimes."

"Haha, yeah."

Despite the fact that wanted posters with his face are being distributed all over the country, he remains unfazed. The officials who made those posters probably feel like their efforts were in vain.

Well, I don't really care about that matter. Making enemies, antagonizing the country, antagonizing the world... it's too late for that.

Instead, there's something I need to say to him. It's something that might even involve a punch.

"Cid. So... why did you do that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. You killed Sherry's mother in the same way. Did Rusuran  tell you something?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Cid easily admits it. He shows no hesitation and doesn't seem to feel any regret. That's right, that's how he is. I knew it, our long association wasn't for nothing.

─ Ah, it still makes me angry.

I sigh deeply. Along with the sigh, fresh air fills my lungs, and my body feels relieved. I turn to Cid, who is still absentmindedly staring ahead, and throw my words at him.



"You can do whatever you want. That's always been the case with our relationship."

"Why are you suddenly saying this?"

"Just listen."

With a cheerful smile, Cid looks at me. I grab the collar of his shirt with my right hand. Even so, there's no change in Cid's expression. That's fine. That's why I need to be angry like this.

"As long as I'm your right-hand man, I'll cooperate with you."


"But, I'll also do things my own way. Even if it doesn't align with your thoughts, I'll persist without caring."


"In other words..."

I let go of his shirt abruptly and look into Cid's eyes.

"Just don't get in the way of things that piss me off."

Cid laughs again.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I just think it's good that I made Takumi my right-hand man."

"Hah, it's a pain."

After Cid finishes laughing, he takes a breath and slowly speaks.

"That's fine. It's more fun that way."

"That might lead to me cutting you down without mercy if I get really angry."

"That would be troublesome. With Takumi as the opponent, I have to put my life on the line too."

"I'm losing to you, after all."

"Only if you have magic power... right?"

"It doesn't matter. I just don't like losing to you."

Cid laughs again. I wonder what's so amusing.

"...Well, it's summer vacation now. What will you do, Takumi?"

"I have work. With the Crimson Knights. What about you?"

"My sister didn't ask me to go back home together, so I'm not sure what to do."

"She must have been assigned the same job as me. She was making a fuss with tears of frustration for that reason."

"Haha, that sounds like her."

Cid smiles with an emotionless smile. I let out a sigh, not knowing how many times it has been. I get irritated, annoyed, and tired unilaterally. Truly, it's astonishing how I continue to tolerate him. I'm constantly surprised by my own ability to get along with others.

"...Well, it's rare for us to be apart and do our own thing. It's a good opportunity to take a break from babysitting an idiot."

"Well, I can't argue with that. Take a good rest."

"I'll do that even without being told."

With that, I end the conversation and pick up the two swords leaning against the fence, walking towards the exit. Wearing the neat uniform in this sunlight is tough, so I'm holding them in my arms.

"See you, Takumi."


During summer vacation, we will spend our time separately.

There's a possibility that we won't see each other until the new semester. And if that happens, that's fine. It's a good opportunity to take a break from babysitting. I've had seven years without a break, so I won't complain even if I get a little vacation. Well, I'm not exactly taking a break since I'm going to work.


I suddenly stop and without turning back, I speak.

Life isn't supposed to go so smoothly. I have a strong premonition that even this summer vacation, I'll be manipulated by him. That's why I should say this.

"──See you later."

The curtain of summer vacation rises.