15 – I Realise Now how Puny I Truly am
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I pinned her down while she squirmed from the tickling which I was trying not to cause. I ran the tape along the inside of her leg as it was the final measurement. She was giggling still as I marked down the final number. I then sat down next to her on the bed and passed her a catalogue I grabbed printed out so she could choose some stuff.

I then got up and decided to go buy some stuff. I bought an old country cottage which the owners of had recently deceased and the children didn’t want it since it was in the middle of nowhere. With some effort I teleported the whole thing over and moved her bed inside. She seemed to beam with happiness when she saw it and spoke. “Why are you building a house here?”

“It’s your obviously. I can’t let a friend live homeless, and I can only come here when a circle is built. There will be long stretches of time where I’m not here and I thought you were bored of just waiting around. And didn’t you say that all the elemental spirits live by themselves most of the time and the dead spirits stay away from you.”

She just nodded along and then kissed me on the cheek before exploring her new home. It had two-bedrooms. I place her bed in the other one and grabbed a sofa along with a bunch of furniture she might need. She didn’t need food, so I just left her a bunch of books since for some reason even if your closed all the curtains and shut the door the light level remained at about twilight level. It didn’t have power for now, but I would work on that. I realised she couldn’t speak English a thought she might want something other than books to read. She then explained that her special ability when she was still a mortal was to be able to read anything no matter the language.

After I made sure she was alright I left and erased the circle. If I put in a bit of effort, I could still talk to her, but it required a bit of concentration. I was about to go do some hunting. There was a colony of something called crystal ants which had got infected by miasma and was decimating the forest and had to be contained before any fields were destroyed or slumbering beast awoken. The people of Sloeham once cooperated with the colony trading goods since the queen possessed human level intelligence and could possess workers temporarily.

As I stepped out the door a long war horn sounded from the walls. This was basically this world’s equivalent of a War-Raid siren going off. Any adventurer was to report to the nearest barracks immediately by the gates as to see what the situation was.

I jumped near the gates and made my way to the barracks as the hairs on the back of my neck raised. I glanced up and notice that from each of the towers and one in the middle of the city a faint blue glow appeared with an even harder to spot one appearing over the whole city. These were the defence array that I had heard about.

When I got to the barracks, I saw dozens of adventurers who ranged from bronze to silver rank mixed in with city guards in uniform Armor. A middle aged man with the same armour but an accentuated left shoulder pauldron said. “No, need to be alarmed. This is not serious. What has been identified as a greater dragon was spotted a few miles north of Gwent, a village east of here. It came of the Spolia Mountain Range. It is currently heading back into the mountain range, but we’ve raised the arrays just in case. We don’t want something like Rowle to happen to us.”

There were a few murmurs of conversation before I raised my hand and ask. “Sorry, I’ve only recently arrived in the Myra Kingdom. What happened to Rowle?” The entire crowd went silent as the man’s gaze fix on me for a second before he lowered his head and answered. “In the Koin Principality. A small nation to our south. They accidentally shot at a greater dragon as it flew by and because they hadn’t raised their arrays, yet the entire city was engulfed in flames and there were no survivors.”

After my question a few minutes past and the crowd dispersed and made their way back to what they were doing before. As I walked towards the gate it dawned on me that no matter how lucky or strong, I was there were things in both this world and earth that would easily kill me. I had tried using some airsoft guns to assess how I would fare against soldiers even if it was a pale imitation. Let’s just say the results aren’t great. I haven’t got domino levels of luck, more along the levels of luck that the comedic relief gets.

Bullets travel faster than sound and even if they eventually become in effective against me, missiles, artillery and even nukes are always on the table though I doubt that I will ever really encounter those things if I don’t act stupid. In Ectasia, a giant flying lizard can drop out of nowhere, decide that you should no longer exist on this mortal plane, a drop a few thousand litres of what sound like Napalm on you.

I need to work on my magi-tech ideas immediately. After going back and forth with Ariel it turns out that my teleport ability most likely comes from a pool of energy which is entirely made of spatial mana. Usually, one would have to convert mana into its specialized version of that element which was called an affinity. I however seemed to just generate my own and seemed to have a bunch of runes carved onto my very soul. Ariel said most of which are Spatial with a few that she id guessing are psychic and fate. I guess I know were my abilities come from. She wasn’t sure though since she didn’t know much about souls.