Chapter 01 – The Trip
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I fly over the plains of Darog when I spot a goblinoid settlement. 

Just in time. I was getting quite hungry. 

Not that I enjoy eating humanoid flesh... I'll just steal their cattle. 

Most of the hordes I've seen around here survive by hunting. Orcs, ogres, goblins, trolls, beastmen, among others. Barbaric tribes constantly warring amongst themselves. Nothing to offer me.

However, some goblin settlements are led by hobgoblins, a more intelligent and organized race. In these settlements, there's a chance of finding primitive attempts at herding.

Apart from hobgoblins, the trows are also organized. But I’d rather avoid entering their lands for now. Trolls led by trows are a pain to deal with. 

Last time, I tried to burn a whole village down and they managed to pierce one of my wings.

The goblins spot me from afar. Open fields are a disadvantage for me. It would be easier for me to approach in the woods, but the tribes living there don't have cattle.

I swoop down and steal one of their sheep from a pen. Too fast for those stupid goblins do anything. 

Most of them hide when they see me, but some throw spears and arrows at me. I better get out of here quickly.

When I arrive at my lair, I tear open the sheep's entrails to let it bleed, and then I roast it with my breath. 

The taste is awful. It's been almost two years since I started recovering those memories, and the food I used to enjoy now tastes terrible.

And truth be told, it keeps getting worse.

The blame lies with the memories of my past life that appear in my dreams. Especially the foods I ate in that world. 

Lately, I've been recovering more memories, as if the fog in my mind is slowly dissipating.

Just yesterday, I dreamt about the day I ended up in this world…


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The teenagers gather in the school parking lot like a flock of peacocks. The males show off while the females whisper, analyzing each one of them.

Grant acts like the alpha male of the pack. He tried to harass me a few times, and we ended up throwing fists.  Nowadays, we try to avoid each other. He is accompanied by a pack of beta followers who embarrassingly trail behind him.

On the other hand, Camilo hangs out with the girls. I bet he whispers about the other guys with them. He teaches Spanish slang to them, mostly involving the boys' private parts.

Fuck you Camilo. You should be deported. 

I wonder if they talk about me. Sometimes I accidentally lock eyes with him. Like right now. Immediately, he starts whispering to the other girls. I bet he's talking about me. And upon realizing that I keep staring at him, he smiles at me. 

Camilo has brown skin and a mole near his mouth that becomes more evident when he smiles. His hair is long and curly. I feel the urge to grab him by his hair and ask why he's smiling. 

Luckily, the teacher arrives to bring order to this menagerie and we soon start boarding the bus for this cursed trip.

But where were we going again? 

I don't remember, and I guess it doesn't matter anymore. 

I sit in the third row, by the window seat. Easier to ignore the rest of the people. 

Grant and his gang sit behind and Camilo sits right in the first row, next to the teacher. 

Damn sycophant.

She begins giving the final instructions for the trip. Her expression reminds me of someone. What was her name again... Miss De La Cruz or something like that.

Ah... she is  Camilo's relative. Now the flattery is explained.

Instructions given, the bus departs. The journey is long. We are heading to a distant place. I remember packing clothes to last several days. 

The road is winding, and the noise in the bus never ends. These animals simply can't stay quiet. 

I gaze at the landscape through the window, hoping this torture will end soon. 

My body sways slightly as the bus takes a curve.

Shortly after, I hear screams. My head spins. I think there was an accident. The last thing I remember is a very bright light. Perhaps the one at the end of the tunnel?


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My mind is still quite hazy. I started having these dreams in the past two years. I didn't pay much attention to them at first because I didn't understand what they meant. 

I lived in pure and blissful ignorance. 

But one fine day, while I was drinking water by the riverbank, I had an epiphany. I didn't recognize the image I saw in the reflection on the waters.

What I saw was the image of a creature. 

It had sharp teeth, eyes resembling those of an eagle, and copper-colored scales with black details. 

The creature had a pair of legs with claws to grasp its prey, and a pair of wings with three digits. It also had a tail with rudder-like scales to help control its flight. 

That's when I realized that this whole time I had died and been reborn in another world.

And not only that, I was reborn not as a human but as a monster.

But for hell's sake, instead of becoming a dragon like I always wanted, I was reborn as a fucking wyvern!!! 

A fucking wyvern!!!