Chapter 7 : Lords with Minimum Wage
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*ring ring*

Good lord, why now? I’m on break you fucks, do you have respect for workers?

“uh, manage, the phone is ringing, do you want me to pick up?”

“No, let it ring, I’m on break I don’t want to deal with whatever it is today anyway, I already have a headache.”

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

“m-manager, are you sure you don’t want me to pick up and forward the call to you? Whoever it is seems pretty insistent, it might be serious.”

“no thank you.”

Idiot, get the hint already, I’m not going to pick up no matter what. I don’t care if your typical black-haired, dead-eyed, middle-aged Japanese guy broke his happy farm in your shitty isekai world, fuck off.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

You fucker, I swear to god this better be really damn good or I’ll quit and apply to manage cultivation worlds, I rather deal with those copy-pasted shitty water benders than these entitled kamis.

“Isekai Management Department, this is the manager who’s on his break speaking.”

*beep beep*

Oh god bless they hung up before they heard me, all right, back to break time. just when is my pizza going to arrive? I ordered like 45 minutes ago.

“uh, excuse me Mr. manager but there is someone here to see you.”

Please let it be the pizza guy, please let it be the pizza guy, please let it be the pizza guy…

“it’s mister Daikokuten.”


“let him in and please call our cleaning lady in here, she makes minimum wage and I’m pretty sure he’s allergic to that.”

Why this greedy fucker, out of all the kamis it just had to be Daikokuten, this mother fucker always ends up eating my food and stealing my pens, cheap bastard. thank god the pizza hasn’t arrived yet.

Oh, there he comes now, the fat basta—wait, is that a pizza box in his hand?

“oy manager san, sorry to intrude but I have a problem that could use your expertise. also, I ran into a delivery boy at the door and told him I’d give it to you, excellent topping choice, you’re really a man of class. Here I left you a slice.”


“…how can I help you today?”

Don’t stab him with a pen, it’s not worth going to jail or god forbid, getting tossed into an Isekai world run by one of these weirdo kamis.

“well you see, are you going to eat that?”

“please help yourself.”

I hope you get reincarnated as that pizza after it passed through your stomach, you bastard.

*munch munch* “well you see” *munch munch* “I have this little problem with a few of my reverse isekai worlds” *munch munch*

Reverse what?

“so I took the demon lords from their worlds” *munch munch* “and put them in modern-day worlds” *munch munch* “and I was even nice enough to give them jobs in fast food joints” *munch munch* “but they keep freaking out and destroying the word I put them in again and again, I have no clue as to why.”

y-you dumb motherfucker…a fast food joint in this economy? Of course, they would freak out, they’re probably living on scrap—wait… did he say they destroyed the world… no fucking way.

“you didn’t let them keep their powers while in a normal world…did you?”

“of course I did, this is some good pizza by the way, otherwise how will they learn the valuable lesson of being compassionate to those weaker than themselves?”

How is this idiot a kami? Fast food workers and compassion don’t go together. The average kamiDonalds worker probably has more evil plans lined up than most demon lords, they have to deal with people all day and get paid like shit for it too, anyone would go crazy doing that.

“hahaha, don’t worry sir, we can deal with that for you right away. Just fill out these papers here and leave them with my assistant. Once the request has been processed we’ll send someone to temporarily manage those worlds for you.”

You dumb ass, fat ass, pizza stealing ass dickhead.

“I knew I could count on you manager-san, oh, and can I borrow a pen really quickly? I forgot to bring mine hahah.”

Greedy bastard…haaaah at least it’s over, now I can just order another pizza and—


…I’ll start working on my resume at home “come in”

“hello sir, miss intern said you wanted me in here.”

That idiot, she took it seriously and actually invited the cleaning lady.

“I’m sorry but—”

“actually I’m also the representative of the LCL (league of cleaning ladies) and I was hoping to talk to you about our wages and…”

She already sat down…I hate this job.