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The woman in red is Shanniah. She was the girl that was killed by the father of the offender.

The offender's father is dead. He became a ghost and haunted Shanniah. He raped her, tortured her, and killed her in his inhuman form. She died because of a supernatural event.

He killed her because he wanted to collect her luck and her merit so he can transfer it to his baby boy. His son is destined to live a miserable life, and to prevent it, he stole another's bright future to be transferred to his son.

Of course, Shanniah is furious and full of resentment. She vowed to take revenge.

"At her feet, no shadow could be seen."

She turned into a living corpse and took a step-by-step process to have what was once hers. She prevented the offender from ever having a happy life and directed back his fate to what it should be.

"Haha. I wonder how he'll react when he saw his son live in such a wretched state. Destined to live a filthy-stained life and die a filthy-stained death just like him. 

Ahh. Tonight, I'm really looking forward to it."

She was looking forward to tonight because the offender's father can only act and be seen at night.


Author's Note:

I was bored at school so I decided to start something. I asked questions to a classmate. "What genre?" and "Give me three words"

My classmate told me "Law and Fantasy, Shanniah, Kill, Die". From this, I created a short story. The title is provided by the classmate I asked.



Written: 03/09/23

Published: 03/09/23



Written: 03/09/23

Published: 03/09/23



Written: 03/09/23

Published: 06/16/23