Ch:21 – Cycle Three
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Unnamed | level: 1 | Age: 8 | Race: Kitsune
Strength: 1 | Vitality: 3 | Stamina: 1
Agility: 2 | Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 4 | Wisdom: 4
Innate Ability: Communication.
Blessing: Beauty
Curse: The Dark Mirror [Cycle 3]


Tears left her shining eyelids as they focused on my parameters. With a squeaky voice as if Angelica was a little mouse, she added in a calm tone, "you'll be..."

As she was about to give me a name, I noticed a malicious grin spreading from cheek to cheek.


As my consciousness began to fade, I heard her last words, "pick the flame of wind."

The ritual wasn't too different from last time, still, I managed to get the one Angelica requested.

With the surrounding darkness fading by the second, I became able to take a fair look at the nun in front of me. Two large jewels dwindled from beneath her white robe which heavily contrasted with the paleness of her skin. Even without being able to see her figure fully, my cheeks flushed, especially when noticing her cherry-pump lips glimmering with the rays of the sun, striking their smoothness like a vice. When she turned around momentarily, straightening up her back, the woman's figure became fully visible, mimicking one of an ancient statue built by the hands of only the finest sculptors.

Her white tight attire allowed her curves to form and create visible lines from one point to the other. I didn't manage to take a look at everything Angelica had to offer. But even then, the beautiful and fine arc on her hips was plentiful enough to give me a hint. One that allowed me to understand she was a piece of art. Most women in my past world would pay fortunes to have half her beauty.

The most curious part was that Angelica was religious with strong beliefs. Yet to my eyes, she was a sinful temptation that caused my heart to wave in turbulence. Even more so when she knelt in front of me causing her chest to bounce indiscriminately of my emotions, spurring them.

Clearly, Angelica wasn't an angel, however, her looks made her close to what I imagined one to be. Certainly capable of bringing salvation to anyone with certain needs.

'No men would resist her,' I consented at my thought, understanding they would quickly have their way with her if the chance came.

'Is she like...' for a moment I wondered about her customs. Could they be like the few I knew? Having to die a virgin and have a secluded life, forever worshipping a higher and ethereal being in hopes for her prayers to be heard.

'What is she looking at?

Her stare shifted from me to my information, allowing her naturally long eyelashes to temporarily fan my existence away.

Endless potential: Swordsmanship.

"Finally!" She shouted loudly and repeatedly being completely ecstatic about the line that was new to me.

"My prayers have been heard," and with a more sinister tone to her voice, she divulged something that brought a surprise to my ears. "After countless generations... a spirit with immeasurable talent has come for us. To save this corrupted world!"

Her eyes quickly struck me like a lightning bolt, causing my body to shudder. They hovered all the way from my head to my feet sending sparks. I could tell she was at the very least visualizing me in some way, for some reason.

"Can you tell me more about this potential line?" Hastily, I pointed at it, hoping to finally receive more information about the unique ways this world worked.

"How gracious! The records did not mention this," her fingers twitched right in front of my face and then unexpectedly, both palms rested on top of my cheeks.

"What are you doing?"

"Pardon my manners, Mio," her hands went away without me having to brush them. Despite wanting to, I held back to not cause unnecessary animosity between us.

"A spirit potential reflects how powerful they can become after training for a tremendous time eventually reaching their limit. But yours is simply on a whole new level. Even the past savior did not have an endless potential."

Once more she knelt and closed her eyes, leaning her forehead to her hands, praying, and mumbling some words, "thank you for this blessing, my Lord."

'Quite the blessing indeed,' I averted my gaze from her no longer able to focus on that silhouette. My mother once told me humans shouldn't be judged by their physique, but clearly, she hadn't seen one like this.

I grinned lightly at my memories, indulging in the silliness within them. For better or worse I had died once and had lost my master to my enemies. 

Twice I had lost to those despicable nobles.

"So where are we?"

"In a dark corner of Dante's kingdom. An infernal and treacherous land which requires purification."

The way of her speech caused me to struggle, it felt just a little too much for my comfort, and what I was used to.

I looked at my surroundings finding a trail behind her that led to an entrance made of light. Noticing my somewhat dark surroundings, I understood that the day of sunlight that covered a great part of her clothing came from a gap in the ceiling.

The darkened surroundings were rocky and harsh to the touch. The place felt narrow and hurtful to my feet, but even then I headed towards the entrance that initially made me think it was an exit.

Angelica followed behind me without adding a word. It was just like she was waiting for me to say something, or simply patiently waiting for me to find out what was outside.

"This is a cave, isn't it?"

"Yes, Mio. A secret ceremonial place to summon spirits."

"Meaning there are others..."

"A few but none as precious as you," a bright white smile made a horizontal cut in the darkness behind me, causing me to feel a drop of sweat descending on my back slowly.