Chapter 50: Orchid Mountain Apes
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**Orchid Spring Mountain**

At a rocky terrain near the center of the mountain lay orchid spring flowers that differ from the rest.

Unlike their counterparts these ones were not attached to any other trees as they themselves have grown to be the size of a large tree.

Each filled the area, appearing very close to each other, creating a wondrous environment that would leave one entranced.

Unlike other areas of the forest that only held small amounts of orchid spring flowers.

This single area arranged with orchid spring flowers as large as trees has so much concentration that the invisible scent in the air started forming into small vapors.


A beast’s roar could be heard through the trees as even with the large concentration of orchid spring flowers, the place was thriving with powerful spirit beast.

In one particular area of the orchid spring trees was a small gathering of powerful spirit beast, The Orchid Mountain Apes.

A dozen giant black apes were parading through the giant trees that clustered around each other.

They held no vigilance in their eyes as they took themselves to be the most majestic and intimidating, the most powerful force in the Mountain.

They were giants, rough in size and 5 meters tall, they each exuded large amounts of spiritual energy that pushed away the small vapor around their location.

But even though several of them were releasing power at the peak of rank 2, one in particular held a powerful aura around him that was a little different.

Unique, his domineering presence commanded the rest of the giant apes to submit and obey, together they formed a formidable force that non dared to gaze at, let alone go against.

Yet a pair of eyes was gazing upon them from afar as a petite gray robed figure stood silently in the air, under her feet was a green circular platform that hovered up higher behind the trees.

She surveyed them one by one before her eyes locked on the dominant ape, yet the moment she did so a cold chill was shot down her spine as she saw the creature look back at her, eyes blazing with malice and dominance.


The giant ape roared and commanded the other apes to attack, it felt insulted that such a weak and small creature would gaze at him and not bow their head in submission.

The other apes roared back in response, meeting the call for violence with the same enthusiasm, a savage stampede quickly filled the trees, as 6 of the giant apes started rushing toward her all at once.

Bizarrely the gray robes figure, Meng Lin didn’t show much emotion as she charged at them, with the green circular platform under her, the Dragon Jade Seal moved at a shocking speed as it approached the apes.

Appearing in her had was a cracked giant axe that started glowing with power as she slowly revealed her cultivation realm.

Right when the Dragon Jade Seal was a few meters away from the giant apes she jumped up to land upon a tree while concentrating on the Dragon Jade Seal which started to emit a horrifying power.

Not stopping it’s shocking travel speed, it released powerful pressure on the whole battlefield causing the giant apes to all come to a halt as it headed towards the most powerful of the bunch,
A rank 2 ape at the late stage.


The area was lit up with an explosion of green light as the giant ape was hit by the seals power, the other apes stagger back from the ensuing shockwave while Meng Lin was nowhere to be seen.

The explosion settled down to reveal the damaged figure of an ape that was barely breathing as it landed on a a tree with a thud and the Dragon Jade Seal stuck to his body having stopped glowing in green.




The 5 remaining apes that consist of 2 other at the late stage and 3 at the middle stage were in anger as they gathered around the crucially wounded figure of their companion frantically looking around, trying to find the perpetrator.

“Surge” Meng Lin’s voice was heard a few meters away as she released the Formless method to reveal herself behind a tree.

She held a a small smile upon her face and her gaze was not focused as her concentration seem elsewhere.


The apes angrily roared as they looked towards Meng Lin with vengeful looks, they prepared to attack when they felt something right under their feets.


The sound of sea waves filled the air as right before them, from the circular weapon stuck to their wounded companion came a white light.

What followed was a burst of powerful water qi that engulfed the surroundings along with the 5 apes.


The powerful water qi violently exploded in a chaotic manner, producing an enormous light that filled the area for a few seconds.

Meng Lin looked at the explosion with a thoughtful expression while releasing her spiritual consciousness outward.

She hoped to finish this battle before the last three apes arrive, especially the leader since she wasn’t sure of his true strength.

She bearly had any Qi left inside her dantian as she used all of it in the last two attacks with the Dragon Jade Seal.

Looking on as the explosion settle she put her axe down before she switched from her normal Qi to her Brute Qi and slowly raised her arm towards the apes revealed in the explosion.

two apes at the late stage were all that was left as the other three at the middle stage and the first at the late stage couldn’t withstand the strength of the surge technique.

They roared out loud before charging towards her releasing savage energy around them, they both felt a coming attack from her so they charged at her wanting to intervene before it happened, and yet it was all for naught as they heard the words.


An explosion was produced once more, this time a smaller yet more powerful one as after the explosion settled and the white lights dissipated, what was left of the two was revealed to Meng Lin.

Which was nothing.