13 – Hey
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Today was the day of the UA entrance exam, Ezekiel was excited to see who the other students would be since he had already obtained a direct recommendation letter from his teacher, he would not need to participate in this entrance exam as a competitor.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't have to participate, to help his own teacher, Ezekiel would act like a Lifeguard in case something went wrong and some student suffered some danger of death.

Once there, Ezekiel went to the teachers' room to receive instructions for the exam on what they should do. In the end, it was designated that he would take over 60% of the arenas while his mistress would take over the remaining 40%.

This would probably be the busiest year his teacher would have had since she accepted him as a disciple since as he would need to attend classes, she would have to take over the infirmary alone again.

After the meeting was over, Ezekiel spread his wings and flew over the curious AU to see who the new students would be and if he would meet anyone from there.

As he flew over, several students recognized him from afar because of the long white wings he had, causing some people to wave at him and some even take pictures of him while he was in heaven.

Not seeing any acquaintances, Ezekiel went straight to the auditorium they would use to introduce how the practical tests would work.

When all the students arrived, Present Mic began to introduce how the test would be conducted.

"Welcome to my live show today! Everybody say "Hey!" The voice hero tried to cheer up the nervous student crowd expecting some response, but no one responded.

In order not to leave the teacher without grace, Ezekiel who was sitting on a lamp hanging from the ceiling of the auditorium answered to return to him. "Heey!"

Students were surprised to see that someone had actually responded to the teacher's shameful statement, but when they saw who responded, some people regretted not having responded together.

Everyone knew how charismatic the famous hero Archangel was, and that he always treated everyone very well. There were rumors that this year he was also starting UA classes, so anyone who could make a good impression on this young hero would probably get some tips from him when the school year started.

"Thank you Archangel, you always support me!" Present Mic yelled at Ez back. "Now I'll give you a brief summary of how the practical exam will work. Are you guys ready?!" He screamed again.

"Yeah!" This time, before Ezekiel could answer, several students were shouting back, which made him open a light smile of surprise and happiness, making the people who shouted feel it was worth it.

Among the people who shouted, some were already known as Ezekiel, but due to the huge number of people in the audience, he could not recognize them.

"That answer was much better!" The teacher shouted back this time clearly more excited. "The test will work as follows, in the arena, there will be four different types of robots..."

As he began to explain, Ezekiel began to get bored and stopped paying attention. Looking at the audience, he saw that a large pair of eyes were facing him apparently sulking.

On closer inspection, he realized that the person was Uraraka, his childhood friend who helped him fly for the first time.

With a smile on his face, he waved to her expecting her to see him, but to his confusion, she pretended not to see him and looked away, looking at the teacher.

Ezekiel thought she hadn't seen him and looked at the audience again, seeking other known looks.

After the explanation, the students changed their clothes and headed to the place where the tests would take place. Ezekiel was responsible for areas A, B, and C while his master was responsible for areas D and E.

As he flew over the sites, the dispute finally began. Several students began to use the peculiarities to try to get the most points, and fortunately, no one was in danger of death.

Some people were hurt, but Ezekiel had been instructed not to help anyone unless the person was really going to die, as this opportunity should be left for students to show the altruism needed to become heroes.

Then from time to time Ezekiel picked up some people who were unable to continue and treated them outside after they were disqualified.

Some peculiarities caught Ezekiel's attention, is that of a boy with an exploding hand and another boy who seemed to have engines on his legs.

This boy with engines on his legs, reminded Ezekiel of once he was helping in a villain attack that was happening in a shopping mall. That day Ezekiel had to be very careful when rescuing people since the villains were taking hostages.

During the escape of the villains, Ezekiel began chasing them at a safe time, but as he had no offensive skills at the time, the only thing he could do against armed people was watch and hope that heroes like this could appear.

Suddenly, a hero wearing a silver armor came running very fast, and with a kick, he destroyed most of the car.

What Ezekiel reminded this hero was that he didn't mind breaking a few bones in order to stop the villains from doing more damage, fortunately, Ezekiel was around and was able to help the hero heal in time several times less.

And this hero had a Quirk just like this kid with the engine on his legs. "Maybe they're related?" Ezekiel thought as he watched the boy run and kick the rogue robots.

Suddenly, Ezekiel saw that a disaster was about to happen. One of the 0-point robots was about to crush an injured student, and worse still, that student was Ezekiel's friend, Uraraka.

Ezekiel knew he couldn't interfere with this test, but he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to his friend and he could do something to stop it.

For his happiness, All Might's successor, Midoriya was running to save Uraraka, but apparently he could not make it in time.

Ezekiel remembered the first time he met Midoriya and decided to use the same strategy.

Now several times stronger, Ezekiel used his new ability to hold the leg of the robot that was about to crush Uraraka for a fraction of a second until Midoriya arrived and use One For All to crush the robot.

Ezekiel tried to be as discreet as possible, but obviously Midoriya and Uraraka are surprised to see a purple light coming down from the sky and holding the robot's leg, leaving the two of them with a grateful look towards him.