Chapter 8: Mokuba Mokuba
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I had waken up nice and early from the night before and as I exited my room a wave of noise hit me. “Did you hear Alexis passed out last night?”

“Yeah I heard that Mandy and Jasmine had to get Fonda Fontaine because she fainted outside”

“Isn’t that the academies nurse?”

“Yeah she’s also the girls dorm head” I walked past a small crowd and started to run towards the main campus facility. When I arrived I immediately went to the nurses office Jaden was waiting outside. 

“Hey Jaden I heard what happened to Alexis, is she alright?”

“Yeah the nurse said she is alright and should wake up soon” I got closer to him.

“Why was she out at nighttime anyway?” Jaden pulled me to a corner.

“Do you promise to never tell anyone what I’m about to tell you”

“I promise” Jaden leaned in closer and started to whisper in my ear.

“Syrus was caught on the girls dorm ground and Alexis wanted me to come to dual for him so when I arrived I got into a conversation with her, then when we were about to dual this weirdo in a mask comes out of the forest.” Fonda came in and went to check on Alexis “he said that if Alexis duelled him and won he would tell her everything she wanted to know about her brother.”

“Wait Alexis has a brother?” I tried to sound as surprised as my face looked.

“Yeah apparently she does well carrying on with the story a dome made sure we couldn’t see the dual its self but by the results I assume she lost.” I shook my head and patted Jaden on the back.

“She’ll be fine Jaden” I cracked my knuckles “I can’t wait to find this guy and show him how we handle problems in the old country”.

Haden looked at me strangely “I never asked were are you actually from Thomas?”.

I chuckled I remembered the parents of my character “my mother was Italian and my father was Russian they both moved to America to start a better life and then they had me”.

“So your mother took your fathers name then strange I thought Falcone was an Italian last name”

I laughed “my father took the last name of my mother”.

“What jobs do your parents do?” I saw Jaden radiant smile as he asked me these questions.

“My mother doesn’t have a job but she is really good at painting and my father” I nervously chuckled both of my characters parents were part of the criminal underworld. “My father works in waste management” before Jaden could respond we both heard a groaning coming from Alexis bed.

“Were am I?” As we both rushed to her Fonda Fontaine blocked our path.

“I know you both want to make sure she is okay but she is probably disoriented and will need space, could you both please leave?” We had no choice and I sighed as I waved Alexis goodbye.

“We have to hurry dude otherwise we’ll be late for class” I checked the time and noticed that Jaden was right.

“Last one there has to buy the winner a Drawbread for lunch” Jaden had already zoomed off as I said this. “Oy you cheat that’s unfair”.

“Get that Drawbread money read Thomas” I started to run after him with a wide grin on my face.

1 hour later

“Now class who can tell me what happens when you combine Potassium and water” I stared at the teacher below he had black hair tied in a ponytail. He looked at us with gleam in his square lensed glasses “is anyone going to answer my question”. I put my hand up “what is the answer then Thomas?”

“It would explode wouldn’t it Mr Banner” 

“That is correct when Potassium comes into contact with water it creates a violent explosion”. 

Jaden nudged me “well done dude” ‘if only he knew I’ve already gone to school that isn’t as fun as this one’. I sighed Jaden had won the race and I had to buy him a Drawbread. Just then I heard a lot of footsteps outside the classroom door accompanied by a lot of voices. Then the door suddenly shot open and six men in black suits came charging in accompanied by a figure who was majorly shorter then them. 

The figure had long black hair and greyish purple eyes, I heard people whispering “why is Mokuba Kaiba here?”.

“I don’t know”

‘Why is Mokuba here I don’t remember him in the anime’ the realisation hit me ‘this couldn’t be because of me could it’. “We are looking for a Mr Thomas Falcone” as Mokuba said this every pair of eyes stared at me.

“What did you do dude” Jaden looked at me concerned.

“Mr Mokuba could I please know the reason for you wanting Mr Thomas?” Mr Banner chuckled nervously.

“It’s Lyman Banner right?” Mokuba glared at him intensely.

“Yes it is” he let out another chuckle.

“It’s none of your business” Mokuba turned to the stands and I ducked down slightly. “Thomas Falcone, your mother is Samantha Falcone and your father is Dmitri Tsiolkovsky well that was until he married your mother. Now do you want to come out before I divulge anymore information like what your parents do for a living?” I shot up and glared at Mokuba before walking towards him.

The men in suits blocked my path and grabbed hold of me. As they dragged me out I could here Mokuba speaking on the phone. I was dragged until we stopped at Principal Shepherds office. One of the men opened the door and Mokuba entered first then by two of his bodyguards then I was dragged in. The men dragging me forced me into a chair opposite the principals desk. 

“Mr Shepherd allowed us to use his office for this endeavour” Mokuba sat in the principals chair and stared at me. 

“You know it’s not polite to use someone’s parents as blackmail” I sighed as I glanced at Mokuba. He was fiddling on a computer and wasn’t paying attention “it’s also rude to ignore someone when they talk to you.”

“Do you know what your parents do for a living Thomas” I gritted my teeth.

“I would prefer if you didn’t talk to me like a child”

“Alright then lets talk like adults then” he pressed a button on the computer and a recording started to play. I instantly recognised it as it was footage from my dual with the examiner. “I want the cards you used in that dual” I coughed at his statement.

“And why would I give them you hum?” He snapped his fingers and a case was placed in front of me. 

“Inside this case is ten million dollars and it’s yours tax free if you give me your cards and tell me who made them and got them on our system”. I laughed at him and folded my arms I shook my head slightly.

“They aren’t for sale and as you should know people from my background don’t let our secrets slip.” 

“Then how about this I will dual you for the cards and information, I win you hand them over and tell me what I want to know” I smiled.

“And If I win?”

“If you win you get to keep the cards and I don’t use all the power at my disposal to make your and your parents lives living hell.”

I clenched my fists and gave a wicked smile “you should never threaten someone’s family, fine I will dual you but when I win I want you to keep your promise otherwise my family will make sure you wish you were never born.” I felt the bodyguards grab hold of me and they dragged me out of the chair. I shook them off and turned to them “I can walk myself you dumb fucks”.

Pov Jaden Yuki

“I wonder why Mokuba wanted Thomas what do you think Syrus” I turned to face Syrus who was walking next to me.

“I don’t know Jaden but he did seem extremely angry when Mokuba mentioned his parents”. I nodded at my friend’s remark a large crowd came charging towards us.

“Did you hear that boy that was taken is duelling Mokuba Kaiba” me and Syrus only had enough time to dodge the stampeding horde.

“Did you hear that Jaden apparently a student is duelling Mokuba do you think it could be Thomas?”

“Most Likely Syrus” We both raced after the crowd until we reached the main duelling area. The rafters were packed with other students but I saw a spot near the front. We both quickly ran to it and claimed the seats, I could see Thomas on the stage below. “Hey Thomas Good luck man” he turned to me and waved at me before turning back.

“He’s going to need it” I turned to see a student in a Ra Yellow uniform looking at the stage.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere else before” I racked my brains before I slammed my hands together. “You’re that kid that duelled Thomas and when he won you gave him all that Drawbread”.

“Yes that’s me my name is Bastion, and you must be Jaden the one who beat Dr Crowler” I chuckled slightly. “Don’t get me wrong Thomas is a great dualist with powerful cards”.

“Then what’s the problem if Thomas has heart he will win” Bastion sighed at my remark.

“He means Jaden that the person he’s duelling is Mokuba Kaiba you know the younger brother of Seto Kaiba” I turned around to see the source of the voice and was greeted by a sickly looking Alexis. 

“Alexis you shouldn’t be out of bed” I tried to persuade her to leave but she shook her head.

“I’m only trying but Bastion is right Mokuba probably has access to rare and powerful cards so Thomas needs to be careful”.

“You can do it Thomas we believe in you?”

Pov Thomas Falcone

I could hear Jaden cheering me on from the stands and I smiled. Mokuba had a large case placed in front of him and he started to take things out of it. After a while he signalled for one of the bodyguards to remove the case. “You should’ve taken the money kid” I saw Mokuba place his deck into his dual disk and I did as well.

“Shut it and lets dual”

Defeat Mokuba Kaiba

Rewards: 10 white custom cards tokens, +100 fame

Failure penalty: Death