Chapter 118: Castles
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“Inheritance” Meng Lin said, rummaging through her memory of what that means, she remembered the word through her ancestal symbol.

Inheritance trials were often held by powerful cultivators or sects to pass down their techniques, treasures, or knowledge to the worthy successors. It was a highly coveted opportunity, as it could greatly enhance one's cultivation and status.

The SkyFire Venerable continued, his voice filled with a mixture of apathy and authority. "The Trials will consist of various benefits and challenges, designed to help you achieve something abd then test you in what you achieved. Only those who prove themselves worthy will advance and gain access to the ultimate treasures hidden within My Ensoulment Domains."

Meng Lin's heart raced with anticipation. This was a chance for her to prove herself, to rise above her current limitations and become stronger. She knew that even if she didn’t get the inheritance, she would surly gain something.

The SkyFire Venerable's gaze swept across the platforms, his eyes seemingly penetrating through the cultivator's souls. "Remember, the challenges you will face are not only physical but also mental and spiritual. It is not just about strength, but also about wisdom, adaptability, and resilience.“

Meng Lin's gaze shifted, she had never encountered anything like a mental battle against her inner demons so she wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The SkyFire Venerable's voice boomed once again, this time with a warning tone. "But be warned, the trials will not be easy. You will face each other, and deadly challenges."

Meng Lin glanced around her, her eyes filled with determination. She knew that all of these three thousand cultivators were also going to be aiming for the inheritance. She couldn't afford to let her guard down.

The SkyFire Venerable's voice softened, now filled with a sense of encouragement. "But fear not, for within my many Ensoulment Domains, you will also find opportunities, and the chance to grow stronger. Embrace the challenges, learn from your failures, and never lose sight of your goals. Only then will you be able to grasp the true power that lies within."

As the SkyFire Venerable's words faded, the cultivators on the platforms exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of excitement, determination, and a hint of fear. They knew that they were about to embark on a journey that would test their limits and shape their destinies.

"Now then, let’s begin” SkyFire Venerable declared, his voice echoing with finality.

With those words, the platforms beneath the cultivators began to move, slowly converging towards the central gate where the Gate stood.

The air crackled with anticipation as the central gate opened, they moved closer to the gate and Meng Lin’s eyes shone with determination. She was ready to face the trials of the an actual inheritance.


Meng Lin opened her eyes to the sight of stars, or at least it was what she thought, she felt herself afloat in an environment with a shade of blue lights in the background, it was as if she was standing within the stars.

She looked around to find that she was not the only person around as a few hundred meters from her were hundreds of cultivators whose gaze were directed towards below.

Meng Lin followed their gaze and she couldn’t help but gasp a little. There were castles beneath her, hundreds of castles as far as the eyes can see.

Each castle seemed to be floating in the vast expanse of space, surrounded by the twinkling stars. They were all different in size and design, some grand and majestic, while others were more modest and humble.

Meng Lin's heart raced with excitement and curiosity. It was a breathtaking sight, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay inside those castles, what treasures and knowledge awaited the worthy inheritors.

The castles were magnificent, each one unique in design and structure. They were made of a material that seemed to shimmer and glow in the blue light, giving them an ethereal and otherworldly appearance.

Meng Lin felt a sense of awe and wonder. She had never seen anything like this before. It was like stepping into a fairy tale or a dream.

As she observed the castles, she noticed that they were not just ordinary structures. Each castle had a distinct energy surrounding it, a powerful aura that seemed to pulsate with life. It was clear that these castles held great secrets and treasures within their walls.

However she also noticed something, above the castles was one big timer, a countdown so to speak, it was displaying 14:59.

Looking at it Meng Lin assumed that it had to do with the amount of time they had before they would be transported to a different place, to face another trial.

She looked around at the other cultivators floating in the starry environment, and didn’t recognize anyone from the hundreds but she could see that most of them had expressions of anticipation and curiosity on their faces, and some confident ones even began to rush down towards the castles, trying to get something before the timer runs out.

Without hesitation, Meng Lin took a step forward, her body floating effortlessly towards the nearest castle. As she got closer, she could feel the energy intensifying, drawing her in like a magnet.

As she entered the castle, she was greeted by a grand hall, in was 50 meters tall and was adorned with intricate carvings and beautiful artwork. The air was filled with a sense of ancient wisdom and power.

Meng Lin took a deep breath, grounding herself in the moment. She didn’t know what were in the castles but she assumed that they held both dangers and opportunities.

Meng Lin looked around and didn’t see any passage and so she began to release her spiritual consciousness towards the surrounding walls of the hall, more specifically towards the intricate carvings and beautiful artworks.

She realized that there were 30 paintings of different ancient beasts and each painting had a distinct aura, she felt as if they were not paintings at all but real ancient beasts that were plastered on the walls.

Below each beast was a sentence, sentences that were all the same but give explanation about this particular hall.