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Fred woke on cold, hard stone the earth seemed to be spinning around him. He tried to focus on his surroundings. The air smelled of blood and all he could hear were whimpers and footsteps in the hallway. 

The door opened into what he could only assume to be a cell. "Hey, the piglet's finally up. You know, we were able to cross some serious distance before you even shifted, kiddo!" The man seemed more than happy to pick at Fred in his addled state. His beastly appearance seeming to supercede any idea of him being human in his eyes.

"Who are you?! Where's my dad?" Fred shouted at the man who seemed more than happy to just ignore his questions.

"So, squealer, you're gonna be joining a game my boss cooked up for freaks like you. You play the game or die on the board. Those are your options, punk," he punctuated his statement with a kick to the forehead. Seemingly not knowing it wouldn't do anything with the added padding of Fred's skull. 

Fred faked passing out so as to find some way out, or at least figure where he was. The man grunted as he held his foot for a moment and then slowly left the room with a visible limp in his gait.

Fred moved up to sit as the door closed. The concrete pressing into his backside oppressively, as if to remind him of his bewildering situation.


The roar of the crowd seemed to press and fill the gaps in his memory, as the beast raged against the cage they put him in,  his reason giving way to the drugs as the exhibition match started. The man across the room cried as he realised the gang was going to put him in with the monster for his crimes against them.

"ONSLAUGHT! ONSLAUGHT! ONSLAUGHT!!!!!" the crowd chanted his moniker as the thing  rattled the bars of the cage, the expectation of blood and gore rousing the crowd into a frenzy. 

The gate lifted as the beast went for one more charge against the barrier between them. He ran forward as the man went to dive out of the way. His leg caught between the monsters head and the bars all around them. He screamed and the crowd was sprayed with his blood on the first row. Quiet seemed to overtake them, the beast slammed his fists down on the man's chest cavity. The feast begining anew for the 5th day in a row.

"And a glorious showing from our reigning champ. The Man, The Beast, The Ooooonnnnslaught!!!" The announcer cheered as the man in the cage with it was devoured. The cold over taking the imposing creature as the cheers started once again as the bones and flesh crunched in his mouth, blood flowing again. 

[And there's chapter 2 we'll start the first arc tomorrow if you guys have any suggestions for fighters please leave them in the comics but if you do try not to send me peeps like black Adam or anything like that. The power scaling would go out of whack way to fast if they cropped up in arc 1. Thanks to my brother for proof reading this one and helping with the flow of the chapter.]