Chapter 4: The Beginning to a Long Journey
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The first thought that came as I woke up was something similar to ‘I don't want to get out of bed’. This kind of thought in particular is bad, because if I can’t keep my mind on the martial path I will probably stagnate at some point, which is inadequate if I want to keep up with Mr. Main Character. 

I forced myself to get up and put on the robes delivered to my room on the order of my Master. Today I get a tour of the island and choose a weapon and manual. I’m still unsure if I should choose the spear, the same as Lin Ming, or try something different. Considering the world is pretty much centred around him, I won't be able to find spears of similar grade to him, which ruins the whole purpose.

On the other hand, spears are the best weapon out there, being able to do mid-range, and close-range, even if encumbering at close range, and they can be thrown like javelins; though only in emergencies. Maybe I should take up long-range. A bow would be a good choice for me. I already have a good eye due to the amount of time my body spent scouring nooks and crannies for herbs to survive, and if I enhance it further, it could become comparable to a high-tech scope; not to mention the amount of time I spent studying physics in school.

Decisions, decisions. I suppose I have enough time to see what appeals to me the most. With Mu Qianyu breaking into mid-Houtian right now, she should be around twenty, making it six years until she and Lin Ming meet, meaning I am the same age as him! That gives me roughly six years, maybe even seven to choose a weapon, cultivate an art, and hopefully break through to Xiantian by the time the Holy Land opens.

No, I suppose the most important thing, for now, would be to choose a good cultivation art, a good law to build comprehension on, and cultivate my martial heart until it’s comparable to Lin Ming’s, or even better.

I finally leave my new residence and report to my Master, anticipating the coming events. “Good morning, Master. The residence provided to me is excellent, it was difficult leaving such unfathomable comfort.”

She quirked a brow and questioned, “If you found it difficult to leave such comfort, how will you fare against the difficulties you will face by pursuing the martial path?”

I remained uncomprehending for a moment, before understanding struck me, and I reassured her, “Master, that was a joke. I was simply complimenting the quality of my provisions. However, I truly do not understand the difficulties I will encounter, but I am prepared to face them to the best of my ability, and even beyond.” I gave my resolve. 

She searched my expression, “Good resolve. Few mortals are ready for the demands of the martial path.” Master rose from her seat and began walking towards the exit, "Come with me, I will take you on a flying tour before I take you to the library and then the armoury. Take your time in both, but also don't be pressured to choose, you may go again at a later time; a privilege of being my personal disciple.”

“Yes, Master.” She held out her hand for me to take, before flying both of us up.

“This is the Sect Master’s peak. When I pass on the position it will go to someone else, but I am allowed to do as I wish until such a time. To the southeast of my peak is the Parasol Pavillion where the core disciples reside. We currently have nineteen core disciples, filling only a small amount of the available buildings. 

On the south of my peak is the Emerald Bamboo Pavillion where our Matriarch, Mu Fengxian, lives in seclusion. Sometimes disciples that have achieved great merit are allowed to go there for reclusive training.

In the valley between the nine peaks reside the outer disciples and mortals. There are shops, restaurants, and residences, both commercial and personal. The sect library is on the Nameless Peak,” she glanced at me to gauge my reaction, “The Great Ancestor, elders, and disciples could not agree on a good name for the peak, until one day, most resorted to calling it the Nameless Peak. All previous sect masters and I continue to call it the Nameless due to one reason alone: It’s humorous.” 

I stared at her for a moment before turning to look at the peak, and finally commenting, “What a… nice history. Most would assume it has a great reason, yet it remains purely because it is funny. This is indeed amusing.” I look back to my Master. "You do not wish for this to get out, correct?"

"Of course not," she confirmed. "Over there sits the disciplinary peak, to the northeast of my peak, and I hope I never find you there," She said sternly, before continuing, “The accommodations for Inner disciples are found on Vermillion Bird Peak and Blue Luan Peak, found on opposite sides of my peak, at the North and South. 

These were the important places; there remain several other peaks, mostly in use to house sect elders or for meetings. 

When we arrive at the weapon hall, take your time to look through all weapon choices; I shall remain to help you choose. After that we’ll go to the library,” She proposed. 

“Yes, Master. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.” By the time we arrived, I’d gone through my choices again and settled on a few weapons I wish to try first: the spear, the bow, the daggers, and the sword and shield duo.

“Do not offer me thanks, this was expected of me as your Master,” she explained before turning to the weapon hall Keeper, “This is Mu Yun, he has full access to all weapons. However, he is only in physical training, so help him with any heavy lifting.” Master took a seat after ordering the poor guy to help me. Aah, the life of important people. I hope he doesn’t resent me.

“Yes, Sect Master!” The Weapon Keeper responded. “Young Master Mu, what weapons would you like to try out? We have a large collection of everything!”

“Would you bring me to the spears first? After that will be the bow, then daggers, and finally swords. After that, if nothing fits, I will try out some more exotic weapons, like the… whips, or perhaps even the gauntlets,” I mused out loud, “do you have a technique to go with each of the weapon types, Sir Weapon Keeper?”

"Of course, Young Master, this spear here is a...


For anyone who'd like to know, the title refers to what I want to do. Specifically, Martial World is a 2200-chapter-long novel, each chapter being at least 2000 words, if not longer. This is a large undertaking, and I hope I manage to complete it. The current goal is to get to the Divine Realm before October.

Edit: I probably won't succeed. I forgot how much content there is before the ascension :/. I'll give a proper deadline when I get closer. As for the current, maybe the Holy Demon Continent would be good. That's about halfway to the ascension.

And as always, if anyone has any constructive criticism or even just spelling/grammar mistakes you notice, please point them out. Grammarly does not catch everything, and neither do I.