Season 2 [The Beginning]: Chapter 11 – NATIONALS (Part 1)
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She was in the big leagues now.

She arrived at the designated convention center for nationals.

There were no fans roaring, like you would think, seeing as this was being streamed.

Nationals 2023.

It started off with a Live Duel between Voice Actors of the anime. This time it was Yusaku's VA and AI's Season 3 VA.

It was, enjoyable seeing as she liked the anime. But LIVING it, that was a different story. And she does that every day.

Then, the live duel ended and the tournament started. She was paired with, what would you guess, Farfa, the BA maniac.

Burning Abyss VS My godly Dark World Deck.

His deck was too outdated to handle mine, but then again, my deck was kinda outdated as well.

[Farfa] Youuutuuuube!! Sorry, just a habit. Lets duel, What was it... Osiris?

[Yami Grapha] Sorry, its Yami Grapha now.

[Farfa] Edgy much? Guess i know what deck you're playing lmao.

[Yami Grapha] You may think you're prepared, but you are not. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!

[Yami Grapha] Summon Yubel Disk!

Immediately, a fleshylike brown and blue Duel Disk comes out of his cloak and arm.

[Farfa] Nice cosplay.


[Yami Grapha] Maybe youll think its "not a cosplay" When i RIP THE SOUL RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BODY!!


[Yami Grapha] I'll go first!!

[Yami Grapha] I'll start off by activating THE SEAL OF ORICHALCOS!!

[Farfa] Yes, lock yourself out of your extra deck why dont you.

[Yami Grapha] I'd urge you to read the card again... You're talking about the TCG/OCG version of The Seal. This is the Anime Version which steals souls. with REAL Egyptian Magic.

[Farfa] Y-You're bluffing!

[Yami Grapha] Why would i bluff when the card is right under our feet?

Farfa looks down. He notices the Enochian symbols and the pattern of the seal. Whelp. He's screwed.

[Farfa] You're crazy!

[Yami Grapha] Fuhuhuhuhu... Is a GOD crazy? I dont think so. Also, the worst part is Konami actually okayed the soul stealing!

The other people in the convention center notice the seal, and say stuff like "Sorry Farfa nice knowing you" and sh*t like that.

[Farfa] No.... NO! i MUST win this duel!

[Yami Grapha] Hand Say bye bye :D I activate card destruction!

Then i activate Lucent's Discard Effect and Beige's Discard effect, Special Summoning themselves :D

Then i activate Grapha's Effect in the GY to Special itself by returning beige to hand, and then i activate Card Destruction again, hand say bye bye again, Special Summoning Beige again and sending another grapha to the gy and another lucent to the GY special summoning a second lucent, then i activate the second graphas return effect returning beige to Special itself, then i activate the first plaguespreader zombie's effect in GY specialing itself at the cost of a card in my hand, synch 8 with the first lucent and plaguespreader to synch Thought Ruler Archfiend, Special another plaguespreader from my GY at the cost of a card in hand synch 8 into Blood Mefist, and i end my turn.

[Farfa] I.... Surrender.

And the seal takes his soul.

[Yami Grapha] Maybe he'll make a good minion.