3.A different Dimension
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Approximately 70 minutes ago....

"Hohhhh, So it's an Ice Tundra?"

 A Middle-Aged looking Man said while checking his surroundings, he was wearing some sort of armor. as he was observing his surroundings trying to find any marks, someone patted his shoulder

"Hmm-? what is it?"

She then pointed to a tree, they could then see claw marks, it looked quite huge, as the man observed the marks made, his other comrade shouted.

"Oi Mark, it looks like there was a fight here, probably Yeti's and Ice bears"

Ice bears are quite similar to real life polar bears, although they are 2.5x larger then them, they're attacks are imbued with ice and can be quite deadly, meanwhile Yeti's are huge creatures with white fur, they are really hard to find in the snow, and they are extremely adept at manipulating the ice element.

"Should be fine, they're classified as D-Ranks after all, let's move"

As he said that, his comrades were already exploring the surroundings, from the looks of it this was a mid-level gate, the boss would probably be a giant ice bear. since Ice bears are way stronger in frontal attacks, they probably ambushed the Yeti's somehow.

[I thought Ice bears are extremely protective of their territory's , was there an extremely strong one that let them move in groups?]

As his comrades were exploring the area he decided to set up a small camp, approximately 1 hour later, they returned to share intel.

"This place is way to quiet, I tried to find the Ice Bears, yet I couldn't find any, Although I found what looked like a battlefield, it looked like the yeti's were slaughtered there"

The hooded man said, waiting for his response, as he was contemplating what to do with the information, he thought to himself

[That shouldn't be possible, there's no way the Yeti's would die easily, maybe the boss decided to act?, but that shouldn't be possible, Ice Bears are do not attack needlessly, unless someone entered their territory, Unless-]

As he was about to answer an arrow pierced his comrade's heart , killing him almost instantly.


The female shouted, she tried to heal him but it was to late, his heart was frozen with the arrow hit, before she could even cry, her heart was pierced. she couldn't even do anything and fell lifelessly on the spot, Mark who was stopping the Ice bears from attacking them was shocked. he didn't expect his friends to be killed instantly.


As he shouted , he knew he couldn't lose focus, or he'd instantly die , he thought the Ice Bears would attack them all in groups, but the bears circled them, that wasn't something Ice Bears would normally do, as he was contemplating on what he should do.

[Tsk.., If I can reach the gate and escap-]

Before he could even finish thinking, his heart was also pierced, as he was on his last breath, he looked Infront of him and saw a bluish figure, they had a slender figure and point ears.

"Ice El-"

Before he could say more he was killed instantly.


A twisted laughter could be heard, echoing throughout the forest, the Ice bears could be seen cowering upon hearing the laughter-


Back to the present-

As the people realized the gravity of the situation, panic ensued upon the crowd, everything was slowly getting out of control, Some students have already fainted, while others are frozen in fear. however, there are also some others that stayed calm and analyzed the situation, as I saw it myself I thought on how we could survive this situation

[ There's no way everyone will survive, those who are friends with the awakened people , would most likely survive, loners would most likely die first, I wonder what would the teacher's think right now?, I should act like I'm scared so that I won't be in charge, responsibilities are a pain]


The Teachers were quick to act and stopped the crowd it got worse,soon we were all arranged according to our classes

"Now, those who are awakened please raise your hands and tell me what are your races"

With those words a decent amount of people raised they're hands, probably 12 out of the 70 students from all 3 classes raised their hands , and they were then asked to Introduced themselves, 

"Jack, Fire Elemental"

"Claire, Musicarts"

"Jemol, Holy Knight"

"Cathy, Elf"


As the other student's introduced themself it could be concluded that they were mostly damage dealers, and after that Miss Kiara also transformed, shocking the student's as most of them thought it was a lie.

[Hm. so , 4 elementals, 2 saints , 1 Dryad , 1 Oni , 1 Musicart-?, 1 Dragonoid , 1 Angel,1 Holy knight, this is quite a unique line up, but the more the better I suppose, Miss Kiara will be the one commanding I guess-?,although Musicart eh-? why does it sound so familiar..]

As I was thinking of those things, Rey patted my back out of no where, I was surprised as I didn't expect him to find me quite easily.

[Huh, So he didn't panicked eh, that's admirable, being capable of thinking rationally even in a situation full of panic is needed or you'd die easily when things get slightly out of control]

"You look so calm even though we're in this sort of situation"

"Eh? what do you mean I was panicking y'know?"

"I've known you for 5 years, you barely show emotions, you're probably pretending cause you're lazy right??"


Then again there are some things that people would notice even if you try to hide yourself especially if that person had known you for 5 years , as I was sighing in my head, he looked at me with a smile,

[I hate it when people know what I'm actually thinking, I would say it's amazing that he noticed quite fast, even if he only knows a little.]

"We're going to divide you all into 3 groups, each group will have different tasks, I can't promise that all of you will survive this, so please stay close to each other."

Miss Kiara said that with a charismatic tone, it was enough to get the girls to admire her they all looked refreshed and had hope beaming out of their faces, the boys were inspired and most of them looked like they were ready to face whatever was gonna happen even if it costs their lives.

[Yeah right. the second something unexpected happens, everyone will panic and only care for themself, they'd probably start blaming each other]

In another place-

"Humans... They Shall Pay for what They've done to Mother Nature"

A cold voice could be heard seemingly carrying a tone full of resentment and hatred