Valentine Special
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A lively group of girls strolled through the bustling town, their diverse hairstyles catching the eye of passersby. Among them were three with raven-black hair, two with vibrant blonde locks, and one with striking purple tresses. What made them stand out, even more, was their shared focus: the shrine maiden they were following.

"Where should we eat?" Reimu's voice chimed in, drawing the attention of her companions.

Marisa's suggestion came with a touch of playfulness. "How about a fast food chain?"

Iroha's response held a hint of consideration. "I don't think it's going to be very romantic, though."

Ina's practical reasoning added to the conversation. "Well, we are five people sharing one person, so I think it's okay. In the eyes of others, we'll just look like a bunch of friends."

Patchouli's opinion was more relaxed. "Though I don't mind where we eat, to be honest."

Ai's contribution came with a touch of humor. "I guess I should order more fries."

Reimu made the final decision with enthusiasm. "Then let's go to the KFP chain!"

Ina's inner thoughts betrayed a hint of concern. "I hope Kiara won't become too suspicious of us."

With their plans set, the group of girls continued to walk down the vibrant streets, their cheerful chatter and camaraderie creating an atmosphere of joy around them.


The KFP door swung open, revealing a familiar face – a shrine maiden.

"Welcome to KFP. How may I help you?" Kiara's warm greeting filled the air as the group entered one by one. First, the shrine maiden, followed by Marisa, Ai, Iroha, Patchouli, and Ina.

Kiara's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ohh... Iroha-chan and Ina! Nice to see you here."

Iroha's voice carried a hint of excitement. "Kiara-senpai! Long time no see!"

Kiara's compliment brought a blush to Iroha's cheeks. "Iroha-chan, you're still as cute as always."

Ina took charge of the ordering. "Hey, Kiara, can we place an order?"

Kiara's smile remained welcoming. "Of course, go ahead."

Ina placed the order confidently. "We'll have 6 burgers, 8 large fries, 6 colas, 2 large sundaes, and a 16-piece chicken bucket, please."

"Whoa, Ina! I didn't think you were such a big eater," Kiara exclaimed with a chuckle.

Ina grinned playfully. "Well, it's not just for me. It's for my friends and my girlfriend too."

Kiara's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "So you and the shrine maiden are already a thing?"

Ina nodded happily. "Yep."

Kiara let out a sigh, mixed with a hint of envy. "I'm so jealous. Calli and I are still in the dating phase, and she's still a big tsundere."

Ina offered some reassurance. "Don't worry, you'll get there eventually."

"I hope so," Kiara responded with a hopeful smile.

Ina made her way back to the table where the others were already seated. The group engaged in lively conversations, creating a pleasant atmosphere around them. On the other side of the restaurant, the Hololive gamers were also enjoying their time.

Among the Hololive gamers, Fubuki's keen eyes caught sight of someone familiar. "Isn't that Reimu?" she mused aloud.

Mio looked over, a bit puzzled. "Who?"

"The one I told you about, the amazing FPS player," Fubuki clarified.

Mio's eyes widened in realization. "The ordinary-san?"

Fubuki nodded with enthusiasm. "Yes, that's her!"

Curiosity piqued, Okayu chimed in. "Are those her friends?"

Korone, always observant, offered her insights. "I don't think so. Look, the blonde woman is holding the shrine maiden's hand."

Fubuki's expression turned surprised. "Eh? Seriously?"

Mio added to the conversation, slightly confused. "Wait, I thought she was Ina's girlfriend?"

Okayu joined in with her thoughts. "And I thought she was Iroha's?"

Among the Hololive gamers, Fubuki, Mio, and Okayu were equally surprised by the scene before them. "Eh?" they exclaimed in unison.

Korone, always one step ahead, pointed out, "Iroha is with them, talking too."

Fubuki's realization came a beat later. "Oh... it's true, there she is."

The playful banter continued as Okayu posed a teasing question. "Did the shrine maiden gather herself a harem?"

This question left the others momentarily speechless, prompting Mio to suggest, "Let's just eat peacefully."

Fubuki agreed with a nod. "You're right. Let's eat."

Okayu and Korone eagerly echoed the sentiment. "Yes!"

With their curiosity momentarily satisfied, the Hololive gamers turned their attention back to their meal, enjoying the lively atmosphere of the KFP while continuing their playful chatter.


As Kiara brought over their orders, she couldn't help but notice Marisa and Reimu's intertwined hands. After arranging the food on the table, she discreetly whispered to Ina, gesturing for her to follow.

Curious, Ina followed Kiara a short distance away from the table, where the two of them engaged in a hushed conversation. The topic seemed to revolve around the unexpected sight of Marisa and Reimu's affectionate gesture.


In the confines of their usual room, Kiara's curiosity got the best of her, and she questioned Ina about the seemingly affectionate scene she had witnessed earlier.

"Ina, is she cheating on you?" Kiara asked, her tone laced with intrigue.

Ina appeared taken aback by the question. "Huh? No, why would you think that?"

Kiara gestured towards the scene from the restaurant. "I saw the blonde girl holding hands with your girlfriend. Isn't that suspicious?"

Ina sighed, realizing it was time to clarify things. "All of us are sharing Reimu," she admitted.

Kiara's reaction was quite dramatic, her voice echoing within the soundproofed room. "This... isn't a joke?" she exclaimed incredulously.

Ina shook her head. "Nope," she affirmed, confirming the unexpected arrangement to her fellow Hololive talent.

Kiara's surprise was palpable as she let out an exclamation of disbelief. "HAAAAAAAAAAA!?" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"But are you sure about that? I mean, can she forget about you?" Kiara questioned, her skepticism evident.

Ina shook her head confidently. "No, actually, we all receive the same amount of affection from her," she explained, emphasizing the unique dynamics of their relationship.

Kiara seemed unable to sway Ina's perspective. "I can't make you change your mind, huh?"

Ina nodded resolutely. "Nope."

"Fine," Kiara relented, albeit a bit reluctantly. "Just promise me that you'll let me know if she ever forgets about you, okay?"

Ina smiled warmly. "Okay, I promise."

With that settled, they rejoined the others outside and resumed their meal. The group happily indulged in their food while engaging in lively conversations, enjoying each other's company.

Reimu chuckled as she announced, "I finished my two fries."

Marisa playfully raised an eyebrow. "Again? Here," she said, feeding a fry to the shrine maiden.

"I'm done too," Iroha added, joining in and feeding Reimu another fry.

Ina chimed in, offering a fry as well. "Here you go."

Ai grinned mischievously. "Open your mouth. I don't think I can finish mine."

Amused by the scene, Reimu obediently accepted the fry from Ai.

Even Patchouli joined in on the fun. "Me too," she said, feeding a fry to the shrine maiden.

The people around them couldn't believe their eyes as they witnessed the playful exchange.

"I think I finished my fries, so..." Marisa's mischievous grin was met with surprise as she brought a cola to her lips, then shared it with Reimu through a quick kiss.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" The others exclaimed in unison, adding to the astonishment of the onlookers.

"WHAT THE F@CK!!!" The bystanders couldn't contain their shock.

Kiara, overwhelmed by the unexpected display, simply fainted in disbelief.

Amidst the commotion, the shrine maiden's daily life continued, as peaceful and full of surprises as ever.