August 14
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After the second night with Paris, I didn’t take a client for five days. I wanted to keep myself as clean as I could for him on his next visit. He came again at the same time. Again, he came unprompted without making any kind of online appointment. We didn’t just have sex tonight. I finally talked to him. I finally got to know who he really was. 

He told me he was an actor and that he’s been an actor for most of his life ever since he was a little kid. He told me that he had done both commercials and short films. I asked him why he always seemed tight on time, and he told me it was to get to work on time. For anyone else, I’d say that a boy that age shouldn’t be working so hard and going to hookers at midnight. Boys his age should be out having fun with friends and preparing for their futures. But I’m happy he comes to me instead. Maybe, he isn’t a normal boy. Maybe, he really is an angel.


After asking him all the questions I could think of, he turned the conversation over to me.


“And what do you do,” he asked me.


“Me? You already know what my job is?”


“But don’t you do anything for fun?”


I thought for a moment, and the first thing that came to mind was this diary.


“Well, I write sometimes.”


“Write what? Books or poems?”


“I just write.”


“Do you wanna keep writing in the future?”


“Maybe, but this is paying the bills just fine. How about you?”


“I wanna go to space. They say it’s easier now than before. They’re already found a way to water plants on Mars, and I think there’s even a small base there. I wanna work up there in one of the old spacesuits—like in the old photos. But I’m not that smart. I don’t know if they’ll let me in.”


I don't know much about space or being an astronaut, but I tried my best to say something to comfort him. 


“You can learn, can’t you?”


“Isn’t it too late for that?”


“You’re still young, aren’t you? If you work for it, you could go to college and get a license or something.”


He didn’t respond to that. He just looked at me sadly and then stared down at his watch. It was that time again so he got up, handed me the money, put on his clothes, and left. 

I hope I didn’t make him mad, but I feel that he’ll be coming back again.