Chapter 2: Dryosaurus Wrath
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      The four of us have separated into groups of 2. Hakura and Amber chose parkosaurus while Senko and I chose Dryosaurus.


    We were currently at “Gentle Expanse,” which was grassland outside our unnamed starter town, because the devs of Kyoryu Online decided to let the game’s players do the naming of the many towns they may start in which was absolutely genius on their end.


“The dryosaurs in this area are ranging from level 2 to level 12, so we would need to lure one of them in so we can have the high ground” Senko said while we were walking towards one of the many dryosaurus in the area.


“I get what you mean, dryosaurus are fairly large so we really need to take one out at a time, Anyway what weapon did you choose at the avatar creation? I picked a sword, and for my range weapon I picked a pistol.”


“Oh that, well I chose a staff for my melee weapon and a Long bow for my ranged weapon.”


“I see.”


     Senko scratched his butt while we walked to a fairly large rock to hide from the dryosaurus herd.


“So whats our plan?” I asked with my arms crossed.


“You know those Hypsilophodont bait from the town’s marketplace? I bought a few of them with Amber before meeting up with Hakura outside of town, We lure one away then jump it!”


“I get the idea of your plan but you do know dryosaurus is way bigger than us right? We’re not exactly professional at this so We need to lure it in an area where it wouldn’t have an advantage of running.” I expressed my doubts towards Senko.


“How about the riverbank, surely it would be muddy enough so we can knock it down and go for the kill.” He confidently proclaimed.


“Alright I’ll just follow your lead then boss.”


     We shook hands and then checked the beastiary.


     While looking through the mobs beastiary section it said that no dinosaur will be fully defensive or would passively let others kill them, some will fight back, others have defensive poisons, spikes, smells, features, run away fast.


     As far as I know dryosaurus are dinosaurs that acted as the herd’s look out for carnivores then run away fast while the larger herd members fight for survival.


“Do you think it will work?” I wondered loudly


“It will work, Trust me bro I’m a pro!”


“I now wish I had sided with Hakura and Amber.” I smirked sadly


     The way Senko confidently said to trust him made me even more worried. Whenever I was in co-op with this guy We always lose due to him not explaining the plan to the team.


“We need to be able to get it close enough to sink in the riverbank mud in order to slow down it’s mobility.” I suggested


“Yes I know that.”


     We then threw 3 pieces of the bait near the dryosaurus herd from behind the rock we were behind of hoping one of the juveniles will fall for the bait.


     It took around 4 seconds before one of the younger dryosaurus noticed the baits and ate them.


“This is it.”


    I attached a silencer on my pistol then slowly approached the dryosaurus from behind but maintaining a distance while Senko climbed on top of the large rock.


     Senko threw more near the riverbank and the lone hypsilodont fell for it. That was our chance to attack!


     Senko shot an arrow from his longbow and pierced the dryosaurus knee’s causing it to panic while I immediately fired 3 rounds from my pistol, 2 of which shot it’s arm and hip while the last one missed.


“This is it!” Senko shouted while preparing to fire a second arrow while I charged at the staggered dinosaur and tackled it knocking one of it’s leg down the river bank sinking to the mud while trying to pin it down for Senko to keep shooting with arrows.


     The Dryosaurus was struggling hard, it was trying to shake me off while trying to scratch me chipping down my health.


“Hurry up and shoot it!” I screamed trying to maintain it from escaping while keeping it down the water.


“Keep it still! If I accidentally shoot you it will escape!”


     Senko struggled to aim due to both me and the Dryosaurus struggling.


     The bipedal lizard kept scratching and kicking on my body which was not only slowly lowering my healthpoints but also chipping down my armor’s durability. I couldn’t let that happen!


“I’m not letting you escape!”


     I took out my short sword and started slashing on it’s already injured hip and knee cap causing it to bleed harder and making it’s good leg sink in deeper!


“There’s your opening!” I shouted at Senko


“Thanks for the wait!”


     He shot the arrow directly on it’s eyeball killing it instantly and the dinosaur’s corpse collapse on the river bank


“What took you so long?”


     My Healthpoints was lower than 220 and my stamina was just gone, my basic gear was torn apart… I basically sank down when the Dryosaurus died.


“I didn’t want to accidentally kill you, and let it escape.”

“Yeah thanks…”


     We heard a small chime which alerted us saying that we gained 3 levels, we were now level 4 and our stats increased by a good portion.


     Rin Yuuki:

  • Game name: Ryuki
  • Age: 17
  • Level: 04
  • Hp: 820
  • Atk: 280
  • Def: 265
  • Speed: 155


     Senko Kasumi:

  • Game name: FlamePlayzAi
  • Age: 19
  • Level: 04
  • Hp: 850
  • Atk: 330
  • Def: 245
  • Speed: 210


    We both also got 15 skill points total from the level up which we could use to raise our stats by 1 point per skill point used.


“Looks like we both got leveled up from the kill.” Senko mentioned.


“Yes that’s good and all but let’s prepare to bring this guy back to town, I need new gear and something good to eat.”


     I was very salty at my appearance after this first hunt.


“Alright, let’s call Hakura and Amber to our location and just rest up for a bit after we get the guy out of the riverbed.”


     We sent Hakura and Amber the message of our kill and asked them to borrow a wagon and 4 sets of ropes.


     I picked myself up and helped Senko drag out the lizard off the river bed before it drifted away. 


     We then waited what felt like 20 minutes when We saw Hakura and Amber about 22 feet away with the wagon and 4 ropes.


“Hakura! Amber! Over here!!” We stood up and waved at the 2 young lass.


     While the 2 walked towards us we saw 12 Agilisaurus strapped to their Wagon, Agilisaurus were a smaller Hypsilophodont than Dryosaurus which meant hunting them were much easier.


“Looks like you ladies been busy!” Senko praised the girl’s hunt of 6 Agilisaurus each only to get ignored as the 2 girls were concerned about my torn up gear and near non existent health.


“Holy shit what happened to you?” Hakura was surprised


“Did that thing cause it?” Amber was equally flabbergasted.


“Yes because Senko Couldn’t aim for shit.” I complained while removing my destroyed gear. I’ll have these salvaged and replaced later.


“Hehe! Alright let’s get this guy to that wagon.” Senko laughed before getting to business.


     We each tied a rope on each of it’s limb and got it on the wagon.


“Alright Senko let’s get our bounty to town-” 


     I suggested to assist only for both of the girls to push me onto the wagon and insisted that I let them do the work which took 12 minutes of bickering.


“So did you gals also gained levels?” Senko asked while he was pulling on one side and Hakura and amber pulled on the opposite.


“Yes we’re now level 8!” Amber smugly joked.


“The agilisaurus yielded a decent amount of exp whenever they are killed.” Hakura happily gloated.


     Kana Kasumi:

  • Game name: Amber
  • Age: 16
  • Level: 08
  • Hp: 780
  • Atk: 280
  • Def: 270
  • Speed: 170


     Sakura, Haruka:

  • Game name: Hakura
  • Age: 18
  • Level: 08
  • Hp: 810
  • Atk: 280
  • Def: 278
  • Speed: 160


     It seems like hunting an allosaurus will take more than a week…