02 Missing from the Database
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Few hours passed. Followed by Russell, Bumblebee proceeded back to the medic bay, a serious look on his face plate "How is she Fixit?" He asked, for the boy approached the berth slowly.

"She sustained some injuries, most likely from the blast." The Minibot answered, for Bumblebee's optical ridges frowned. "But her condition is fable – cable – stable." He explained. "I have completed a full scan: her ectodermis seems somewhat frail, and the right side of her flanks has been deeply scraped. Her equilibrium sensors remains out of synch, but her sparkbeat has stabilized, and her state is no longer critical." A wave of relief spread across the room.

"And that would mean...?" Russell gave the bots a confused look.

"Well... In human terms, it would mean that her 'skin' was somewhat damaged, and seems quite fragile. Also, her sense of balance remains unstable, but her heartbeat is back to normal. Her overall condition is… let's say... yellow?" Fixit answered with a satisfactory explanation.

"Any idea when she might wake up?" Russell asked, as he hovered near the injured bot.

"I can't say for sure." Fixit shrugged, his optics expressing slight sadness. "We don't exactly know how she got injured, and we have no idea where she came from.”

“There were no signs of Decepticons in the area.” Bumblebee stated. “Yet it looks like she was definitely in a battle…” He crossed his arms.

"Guess we'll know more when she wakes up... Unless Sideswipe and Grimlock find something out first." Russell replied, one last look at the unconscious bot, before exiting the medic bay. The leader bot followed shortly, after few more words with Fixit.

"Lieutenant!" Strongarm uttered, as he rejoined her side.

"So, how is she?" Denny asked, for Bumblebee shook his head in response.

"Her condition is stable, but she's still unconscious." He explained with concern. "All we can do for now, is wait and see."

"Lieutenant..." Strongarm seemed hesitant to speak up.

"What is it Strongarm?" Bumblebee asked, although he could easily read her vexed expression.

"Well sir..." She spoke with a frowned expression. "As we all know, the injured bot isn't in any database, as verified by Fixit. And she doesn't bear any kind of insignia; for all we know, she’s a Decepticon... I still say, we shouldn’t have brought her back here."

"I understand your concern, Strongarm." Bumblebee replied. “But whoever she is, she’s in no condition to cause us any harm… at least for now.”

"Maybe she’s an Autobot..?" Denny could only guess, although the possibility was not improbable.

"Right now, we can’t be sure of anything. Like Russell said before, we'll have to wait for her to wake up. In the meantime, let's check with the others." The yellow bot answered, as he turned on his comms. "Bumblebee to Sideswipe."

[Sideswipe here.] The fire red bot answered almost instantly.

"What's the update on the mission?" Bumblebee inquired.

[Not much- I'd say we're pretty much done here.] Sideswipe replied. [But... Grimlock here, did find a small piece of ectodermis- it has some insignia on it…Anyway, we're ready for a ground bridge, we’ll see you guys in a jiffy.] He concluded before turning off the comms.

Bumblebee gestured to Russell, whom nodded in understanding. With the portal activated, the duo returned to base.

"I see the team's back together." Fixit let out, as he regrouped with the rest. They turn in his direction, noticing the fembot behind him. Somewhat smaller, she shared similarities with Arcee: slim white frame with magenta streaks, and large bright blue optics. A sleek cut was visible on her side, and an unfamiliar insignia on her shoulder.

"I introduce you to... uhm... well... hehe..." Fixit realized he didn't know her name. Remaining without a word, she pulled out a small device from her armguard. Bumblebee's expression frowned, as he spotted a visible Decepticon insignia engraved on it.

"Whoa!?" Russell muttered. "Bee... Do you think... Could she be… a spy for the Decepticons.!?" Bumblebee remained silent, his optics locked on her.