Episode 12 (Part 2)
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Gurenji opened the large doors and let everyone inside before entering as well.

“Murasakiiro-sama, we have arrived,” Gurenji called out through the echoing hallways, “We also brought some prisoners with us.”

“Mura-what?” Bridget tried to repeat, tilting her head,” I thought you told me her name was—”

“Oh, for the love of—”

“I go by many names.” A voice spoke from across the halls.

“Who said that?” Clause asked.

“I did.”

A red throne appeared before them in record time. The walls moved closer; the throne turned around, revealing a purple Pilkon with yellow eyes wearing a crown with colored jewels hovering over the throne. The other Pilkons bowed before her, as did Clause, while Bridget stood there, confused.

“Hello there.” Murasakiiro greeted.

Gurenji looked up and greeted her back.

“Oh, Queen Murakiiro, I—”

“Don’t call me that!” Murasakiiro exclaimed. “You know my mother is still alive!”

“Yes, I know, but—”

“And why did you bring these people here?”

“Well, Akapin and Midoricha were dimension-hopping without your permission and—”

“But we did it for a good reason.” Akapin insisted.

“Silence!” Gurenji demanded.

“You be quiet!” Murasakiiro retorted. Gurenji gulped and kept quiet. She turned to Akapin. “Explain to me your reasons, please.”

“We just wanted to provide for ourselves as we have no other way to support the livelihood,” Midoricha explained. “We’re destitute, and there's not much we can do.”

Akapin stepped in and added, “We trade in stuff we don’t need and sell to others who do. It’s a win-win for all of us, right?”

“I see.” Princess Murasakiiro replied. “And what about those two over there? They don’t look like Pilkons at all...”

“Well, you see...” Midoricha started nervously.

“It’s not their fault!” Clause exclaimed.

“Yeah, won’t you please let us explain properly?” Bridget begged the Princess.

“No,” Gurenji stated bluntly.

“All right.” Princess Murasakiiro replied.


“Let’s hear what they have to say,” Murasakiiro repeated.

“All right, I guess...” Gurenji eventually gave in.

Bridget and Clause both took turns explaining how each of them got here. When they had finished, Princess Murasakiiro nodded.

“So, now you know the whole story,” Bridget concluded. “We want to return to our world; that’s all we ask of you. Please, your Highness?”

“It’s your majesty,” Gurenji mumbled. He looked over and saw that the Princess pondered over her decision. “Well, what’s it going to be?”

After much deliberation, Princess Murasakiiro concluded. “All right, I’ll help you.”

“Really?” Bridget and the others asked, surprised.

“But, on one condition.” The Princess added.

“What’s that?” Bridget asked nervously.

“Follow me, if you would." She beckoned.


Princess Murasakiiro led the group to a door that led into a secret room, filled with magic floating portals in every corner, all of them identical in their aqua color and oval shape. The only differentiating feature was the name plates on top of each entrance.

“Wow, what is all this?” Bridget questioned.

“They’re dimensional portals; they can take you to specific locations.” The Princess explained.

“So they’re kind of like the doors back in the Abstract Bizarre Colorful Dimensions, a place where our world resides.” Clause added.

“Something like that?” The Princess Pilkon said in agreement. “Except, these will take you to the same place every time. The name plates above the portals showed the location inside. So, unless you read them, you wouldn’t have any idea what’s on the other side until you step through.”

Curious, Bridget looked over some nameplates and read them in her head.

Hmm, let’s see here, Glimmer Grove, Admis Abyss; wait, is that Cheese World?

Midori interrupted her thoughts as he rushed over and commented on how one portal had an ‘out of order’ sign on it. The Princess explained that the portal underwent some maintenance and that the others wouldn’t be allowed to use it until it was complete. She then mentioned that her single condition for them was on the other side of the hallway. The group went over to the door at the end of the halls.


Once the group entered the room, they noticed a large-sized bed in the middle of the room. They went over to check it out and surrounded the bed. A peach-colored Pilkon rested in bed with her eyes shut.

“Mother, we’re back. How are you feeling?” Princess Murasakiiro asked with worry and concern.

There was no reply.

“Hang in there, please,” Gurenji murmured.

“I beg your pardon,” Clause said sadly, “And I don’t mean to be rude, but whatever happened to her?”

“Murasaki’s mom, the Queen of the Pilkons, is sick,” Midoricha explained.

“She’s been like this for a while now,” Akapin added.

“No way. Is there nothing we can do to make her better?” Bridget asked.

“Why, yes, there is.” The Princess replied. “I heard that there is something that can cure her, but it’s in a dangerous place. But I want you guys to get it for me.”

“What!?” Everyone else gasped, surprised.

“No offense, but are you crazy?” Akapin questioned.

“Didn’t you say it was dangerous?” Bridget added.

“We could get ourselves killed!” Clause exclaimed.

“I agree with everyone,” Midoricha replied nonchalantly.

“Did you think it’d be a walk in the park?” Gurenji raised an eye as Murasakiiro dropped hers. “Unbelievable...”

“Um, Miss Murasakuro?” Bridget asked.

“Call her Your Highness!” Gurenji barked.

“Your Highness?”

“If you have trouble with my proper titles, then I give you permission just to call me Saki if you’d like,” Murasakiiro stated.

“Oh, ok, then.” Bridget cleared her throat and tried again. “So, Saki, I was wondering, where exactly is this place, and what does this look like?”

“Well, I’m not sure where it’s at exactly. I’ve never been there before...”

“So you’ve only heard about it, is that correct?” Akapin asked.

“I’ve seen someone bringing it before long ago, back when I was sick; it was a red plant with orbs surrounding it if I remember correctly...” Murasakiiro explained to the group.

“Is that all you know?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“What? Are you getting suspicious of her?” Gurenji questioned, “You don’t believe her?”

“No, of course not!” Clause exclaimed, “We know this is important to you, but we’re not sure if we can pull this task off...”

“Is that so?” The Princess mumbled.

“I hate to admit it, but...” Gurenji muttered to himself.


“Yes, what is it, Your Highness?”

“I would like for you to accompany them on the dangerous journey they’ll be taking.”

No way? Gurenji thought, his eyes widening. “You got it; leave it to me, Your Highness!” He shouted proudly.

Clause skeptically narrowed his eyes, however. “Um, how will he help us...?”

“Are you doubting my skills?” Gurenji looked over at them and questioned. “I’m going to make certain that you guys don’t slack off and do your work properly!”

“Uh-huh, like we would do something like that?” Bridget scowled at the gray Pilkon.

“Hey, you stay out of this—”

“Enough!” Princess Murasakiiro shouted. Everyone went silent and turned to her with worry. “Are you guys going to help or not?”

“We’re sorry...” Bridget and Gurenji said with their heads hung low.

“I don’t want to hear that! I want to hear you say you’ll work together, understand?”

Bridget and Gurenji straightened up and exclaimed, “Yes, ma’am, we’ll work together and cooperate!”

The Princess Pilkon sighed. “All right, let’s get a move on then...”


Everyone left the Queen’s bedroom and returned to the portal room. Murasakiiro went over to a portal that had a nameplate above it with nothing but question marks. She explained to them she had asked for some information from some other sources about where the cure could be.

It was through this portal. Although she’d never been there before, Murasakiiro had heard that it appeared through this one and that it was dangerous.

She turned to face the others and asked loudly, “So, who will step up and retrieve the cure for the Queen’s sake?”

“I will.” Bridget raised her hand and replied. “If you take us home for this, then I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

“Well, if you’re going, I’ll go with you!” Midoricha added.

“Thank you,” Bridget responded kindly.

Midoricha's cheeks grew a light shade of red as he didn’t know how to react.

“Uh, I think I’ll stay here.” Clause decided. “I’m not an adamant fighter, and I get scared easily—”

“You wimp!” Gurenji shouted, “How can you say such—?”

“Calm down!” Akapin interrupted.

“If he goes, he will probably be a burden to everyone. That’s why he’s choosing to stay behind.” The Princess Pilkon deduced. “You can stay behind, too, if you want, Gurenji.”

“What? No way!” The gray Pilkon exclaimed.

“Then don’t be a burden to anyone, got it?”

“But... Murasakiiro...” Gurenji muttered.

“Come on, let’s get going. We probably have little time left!” Midoricha proclaimed.


Bridget glanced at Gurenji and noticed his expression.

“Do your best, everyone,” The Princess cheered everyone on as Clause waved them goodbye.

“Make sure you make it back safe, ok?” Akapin added.

“Don’t worry; we will,” Midoricha replied as Bridget waved back at them before heading into the portal.

Midoricha and Gurenji soon followed suit and went inside the portal.

“Now all we have to do is wait for them to return.” The Princess stated.

“Um, do you think they’ll be alright?” Akapin asked nervously.

“But, of course, I have faith in them.” Clause said.

“Well, ok, if you say so...”