Loving couple – 3. Protection
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“Oh, wait!” said Florence.

Vincent facepalmed as she ran out of the room and back into the hall.

“Wow, it’s so weird to run like that!” she shouted.

“What’s going on, Love? I’m right here!” he shouted back.

“We need condoms! We don’t want a happy little accident, right? Where did you put them?”

“Oh, true! In the smallest pocket of my backpack, with the tampons.”

She giggled. “It’s so weird that you’re carrying tampons now.”

“It’s so weird that I’m still buying and carrying the condoms, too…” he mumbled, not letting her hear it. “Not that pocket, I said the smaller one,” he shouted again.

She came back with a box of condoms and gave it to him. “Did you ever use them?”

“What? Condoms? Duh, we used them together, remember?”

“No, silly! Tampons!”

“Oh! Yup, six days after the swap. I didn’t expect my periods to arrive so early, but it wasn’t that bad.”

Florence looked like she was counting in her head. “… twelve, thirteen! Oh! That means you must be ovulating!”

“Yup, I did the math too. Hence, I brought contraception. You have no idea how hard it was to get any, by the way. Anyway, can we get back to the phase when you put one of these on and ‘shtup’ me?” said Vincent, handing her the box back.

“Uhm, about that…” she said, looking down. “You know, it looks kind of tricky, and I don’t know how to put it on, so I thought maybe you could help me with that?” she said with the most seductive tone she could do.

“From my experience, it would be easier if you did it yourself. Honestly, it’s not that hard. Just put one on the tip and unroll it. Besides, I didn’t need your help with tampons. If you know what I mean...”

“Fine,” Florence said, clearly upset and grabbing the box aggressively. She walked a few steps and sat on the opposite edge of the bed, struggling with the plastic wrapping around the box. When his fiancée froze with a condom packet in hand, Vincent knew she was soft again. She paused for a moment.

Vincent sighed. “Wait, I’m sorry, Love. I’m coming. I’ll see what I can do.” As he sat closer to her, he noticed she was crying. “Oh… Come here, Love! I’m sorry…”

Vincent knelt between her legs and grabbed her for a long hug. The feeling of her perky boobs pressed against his chest was somewhat spoiled by her cock sporadically dabbing pre-cum above his navel.

“I can’t do it, Babe. I don’t want to have a big baby maker. I don’t want to touch it or watch it. I want it gone and back to how things were before. I was so happy, and now I can’t even talk to my friends because all they chat about is how amazing this is. They wouldn’t understand!”

She never was happy, Vincent thought, reminiscing that she always complained a lot. “I know, but I understand,” he said, holding her tighter. “This is weird, scary, and different. But, together, we’ll find a way, ok? I’ll make you happy again, you’ll see. Would you rather want to get dressed and have a fancy dinner somewhere? Where do you want to go? I’m inviting you.”

Florence calmed down. “I’m not hungry. Please, keep hugging me,” she said, sobbing a little.

“Listen, baby. Things aren’t easy. I get it. But once you put that thing,” Vincent tickled the tip of her cock, “inside me, you might see things more optimistically, trust me. Like your friends! It will make you happier! I know what I’m talking about: there’s no way you won’t enjoy it.” He smiled. “Remember that feeling of power you mentioned earlier? You seemed enthusiastic then! Maybe focus on that?”

Florence got away from Vincent’s arms to dry her eyes. He took the opportunity to kiss her from her neck to her breasts. He insisted on the nipples, alternating left and right, as he used to do to get her in the right mood before the swap.

“I know I’m getting too emotional…” she said, “But keep kissing me like this, and you might get another chance to prove your point...”

Simultaneously, he let his fingers run along her back, thighs, and legs until he caressed her slowly growing shaft.

“Oh!” said Vincent. “Looks like the big gun is reloading!”

“I like that,” she sniffed. “The big gun… Because I feel like I’m a dangerous weapon!”

“Am I in trouble, then?” he asked before opening one condom packet with his teeth.

“You tell me! Oh!” She was startled as her boyfriend delicately placed the condom on her cock. But when attempting to unroll it, he froze.

“What’s wrong, Babe?” she cooed. “Why did you stop? That was good! And I think I’m ready, right?”

He paused for a few more seconds. “Let’s forget the condom,” he said, seriously considering that option.

“Wait, what? But you said –”

“I know, ovulating and all. But, well, I bought standard condoms thinking you’d have a standard cock. They’re way too small.” Vincent took a long, deep breath.

“Can’t you buy larger ones then? Is the store still open?” she asked.

Vincent ignored her and put his index finger on her lips. “I told you, it was already difficult to get those. Give me a second to think.”

Florence remained silent, looking for the first time at her hard cock. She was showing signs of disgust, of course! But she was also impressed, with a hint of excitement.

“Listen, Love…” said Vincent, gently cupping Florence’s cheeks. “You and I, I think we are a pretty good fit. I’m messy, but you’re assiduous. You’re sensitive, but I’m calm and patient. And since we moved in, things have gone quite well, right?” Florence nodded. “And with the wedding coming up, we talked a lot about possibly having a baby soon. And I don’t know about you, but if the swap didn’t happen, I was ready to try tonight.”

“Really?” said Florence, with tears building in her eyes.

“Please, let me finish,” he said, grabbing her hand and playing with her engagement ring. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this since the swap. Obviously, there’s only one way to have a baby. And with things being the way they are, waiting isn’t changing anything. So, if I was ready before the swap, and I still want a kid, then I should still be ready now, shouldn’t I? What I’m trying to say is: if you make me pregnant, so be it. I’m ready to take this responsibility.”

Florence was speechless, melting in front of her man.

“So, I’m asking you: are you ready to make a baby with me? Tonight?”

Tears dropped from Florence’s eyes. “Oh, Babe! Yes! Yes! A million times, yes! I also thought about it, and I was so scared you wouldn’t want to, given the pregnancy and –”

“Are you still turned on?” he interrupted. She answered with a nod. “Good, because I’m also horny as Hell, so please fuck me now! I can’t wait anymore!”