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The death of the king of pirates Gol D. Roger and his last words caused a massive change in the world that would influence the world for many years to come.

'Shit... I'm in One Piece but  thats not what he's supposed to say all Grey could do was gawk.

If he wasn't sure he was now, well he was a bit skeptical as the line were different . Pirates, execution of the king of pirates, his treasure it was all clear a bit clear as to what world he was in.

[Main Quest Activated: King Of Pirates

Rewards: Vegepunks perfect body, Portal portal no mi (better version of door), Soul strenghten]

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Grey screamed catching the attention of all the people nearby. Well they heard him but couldn't see him as he used his small stature to hide.

'Why do I have a system' Grey had always disliked systems. They either provided terrible luck in order to strenghten their host, gave terrible life threatning quests or straight up made their hosts too reliable all them which led to their demise.

Well atleast he had the information from all those novel protagonists who died from their own stupidity.

'System' Grey thought summoning a blue screen infront of him.

[ Host: Grey Darkino

Level: 1 0/100

Health: 100

Strength: 11

Agility: 24

Stamina: 120]

Suddenly immense pain overcame Grey but he held it in only making grunts so as to not cause a spectacle. The pain went on for 10 more seconds and when it had finally rested Grey got all the information about his system. Every 10 level he would gain a skill that could change the tides of battle.

In order to gain strenght he would have to workout but he progressed 2x times faster than normal. But there was a major flaw in the system in order to gain levels he would have to kill.

He couldn't even consume the souls of those nearby that he hadn't killed.

Grey put all the thoughts aside and searched for his mother. He searched and searched and searched but to no avail. Had he been abandoned by his own mother?

He started running back home through the alleys when he saw it. His mother was being attacked by a bunch of men.

This sight made him mad not only at them but himself. He should’ve known his mother wouldn’t do that.

He should’ve had more trust for her maybe he didn’t due to his past? Grey dashed and punched the first guy he saw in the stomach and when he had tried to retaliate he bit onto his arm.

He then kicked his groin and went for the next guy this time going straight for it. Before he could finish his attack the thug thrusted forwards revealing a knife.

He had nearly stabbed Grey when his mother pushed him taking the blow. The wound wasn’t deep and gave him enough time to snatch it and stab the thug’s arm.

He then spun around and kicked him in the face. Then  jumped onto him stabbing him multiple times only to be grabbed by the other man and slammed into the wall.

Grey couldn’t see clearly after that and started to feel lightheaded but he was able to sneak a stab in the chest before he went unconscious.

'Fuck my luck...' 

“Doctor you can’t he- he’s just a child!”

”Who can kill two men in a fight”

Grey slowly regained his consciousness only to hear to people arguing. He had an idea as to what they where talking about.
The doctor going to get him killed for what he had done.

”Ahhh… he’s awake goood” the doctor said spotting a smile on his face as he saw Grey get up.

When Grey heard everything the doctor had said he agreed.

The doctor was being bullied by a group of bandits who wanted him to patch them up.

Their payment for him helping him would be to kill them. Grey normally wouldn’t agree unless he was completely suicidal but not only would it benefit his mother but he would also gain a fruit.

That was also part of the agreement. The doctor would give him a Devil fruit to assure his safety. 

When he had agreed the doctor gave him a greenish Devil fruit that looked almost rotten.
------------Author Note---—————
I would like you honest opinions on this so I can improve my work. Thanks for reading 😁