Ch 3 There Is A System
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Well at lase there is a system right.

(conscious) I glass but what does it do?

That is a good question?

There are 5 tapes stat, skills, notes, time, calculator.

(conscious) Put your hands up if you think this is going to be an overpower system.

We can’t ever see.

(conscious) I know that the point.

Anywhere let’s just look first, ok.

(conscious) Ok.

Notes just lets me write some notes, time is literally a clock.

(conscious) now we would know what time it is for the rest of your life

Calculator is a Calculator 12 mouth throat.

(conscious) Ok so ware 3/5 for a useless system, let’s see if we can go 4/5.

That is not helping

(conscious) I am your conscious and this is not a moral dilemma.

Anywhere skills have a list of skills.

(conscious) Ok what can we do.

We have analysed, meditate, germination.

(conscious) What does any of that mean.

Well analysed is a passive skill that lets has understand everything else in the system.

meditate is a skill that when activated the body will continue working autonomously while the mine is free to think.

And germination which when activated will start the process of grow from a seed,

(Take note as this skill can only activated in string.)

(conscious) ok this is good we with can work with this, what about the last tapes.

Let’s see it is a stat sheet, name (#####), age (5 day old), race (tree), titles (none) and cultivation level (none)

What is with the name.

(conscious) mmmm remember when you had some of that forget me tonic.

But I only had a little.

(conscious) I think you underestimate the importance of a name it was probably the first thing to go.

Maybe anywhere what do we do now.

(conscious) Use the skill germination and see if we can get this party started.

I use the skill germination and again and again and again, but as I do nothing happens.

(conscious) Did you do it

Yes, but nothing happening

(conscious) Wait what mouth is it

You got to be shifting me it’s not string

(conscious) Ok plan b.

What the hell is plan b.

(conscious) Easy we put on an alarm and use the skill meditate in to then

That is a good plan ok let do it.

I set an alarm the use the meditate skill.

It was a very new experience

I was considered but at the same time I was not, I was concerned to my body, but it was as if it had a life of its own.

As this happened time moves forward, I was unaware of just how fast it was going.

It as if it was mouths but it feels a lot less.

Then the alarm went off and everything all come back to me.

I then use the germination skill, and it feels as if I am being ripped open it is very painful.

At my top I am being open, and my trunk is coming out.

At my bottom I am being open, and my taproot is coming out.


And slowly but solely I gown this continue for a few hours when it is done the germination skill stop.

Ok that was different, and this feed very different.

(conscious) How do you feed now that you’re not a seed but a living plant.

I feed ever root, but it is more than that, not just the roots its every leaf, every part of me and ever the cells.

(conscious) That is cool

Not that great I don’t feed that great. it’s to mast.

I use the meditate skill then I go to sleep.