Ch 2 I Am Seed So What
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 I am in darken there is nothing, no sound, no smell, no sight, no touch, and no taste there is nothing.

There is nothing anywhere but at the same time it feels right that I dint have any of my senses it doesn’t make any senses but all the senses in the world.

And like that time want on and on for only god kwon how long.

Me and my thoughts anole I start talking to my self.

Saying things like “this is all a dream all I need to do is wake up, I am not in a dream am in a coma”.

(???) “Please this is not a dream it is real”.

“No, it’s not it can’t be it does not make any sense”

(???) “So, it does you died went to hell and now you’re here”.

“That it this is hell I mast remembered it wrong I didn’t save that guy I save my self then I died this is my hell”

(???) “Really then what the story with king Yama and that nice old woman who give you the tonic”

“It was a lie”

(???) “That is setup by side why would there get rid of your senses”

“What do you mean”

(???) “Easy put you in a room with all your senses you would go crazy mast slower then now”

“How dare you, I am not going crazy”

(???) laughs “want to make a bet”

“What kite of bet”

(???) “It’s easy a bet to see if your crazy or not”

“Ok you’re on but how do we know who wins”

(???) “don’t worry about that”


(???) “Now I want you to thing who is this vole”

“That easy your uhhhh mmmm that your mmmmmm”

(???) “See you don’t ever notice when you start talking to your conscious”

“you’re not my conscious I don’t have one”

(conscious) “the fact you think that is not a good start but moving on if this was hell there would put you in a room with all your senses you would go crazy mast slower, I mean you’re gone crazy in like 5 mins.

(conscious) “if there put you in the room you would start going crazy in like 15 days”

“Why do you know that”

(conscious) “conscious remember I know everything that is in that hand of your ever things you don’t remember”.

“Will now that I have been enlighten and now that I know I have got crazy and have someone to talk to where do you think we are that.”

(conscious) That is a good question.

What do you not know?

(conscious) No why would I, but I have a few ideas.

Well, that is something because I got nothing.

(conscious) Of comes you don’t anywhere remember how you got tree when you spin the wheel of reincarnated.

Yrrr why.

(conscious) Well think about what a trees lifecycle is.

Mmmmmmm (seed), (sprout), (seedling), (sapling), (mature), (decline), and finally to death (snag/rotting log) oh my god I am a seed.

(conscious) Yes, you are.

Oh god what do I do I don’t know how to be a seed.

(conscious) Its ok I am here with you

Grand I stare here with only my self and my conscious.

(conscious) Well fuck you

No fuck you or is it fuck me.

(conscious) I don’t know.

What do we do now?

(conscious) I don’t kwon if only we had a system to help or an instruction book.

At that moment a system screen come up.

There but say in unison “oh fuck you”.