Ch 7 A Few More Years
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A year go by a few things happy.

One is that I am now 2m high, my tank is now almost 7 inches thicken, my taproot is 2.5m deep with my other 16 root being a little over 1.5m long.

Besides that the only other thing that happy is that for the first time in my ten years life stain I feel an anther like myself it was a very stain feeling.


I feel the roots of the grass on my roots I feel something it was not intelligence but something like instinct but not that ever, it was like a reboot recipe with no self-awareness at all.

That is when it dawns on me just because I am self-aware does not mean all plants are.

At that thought I go into a pit of diester thinking I am alone I can’t think how it can get any worst.


(conscious) you still have me.

I stand corrected it can get worst.

(conscious) come on if you’re going to be like that at least do an anther time skip for the reader.

What did you say.

(conscious) I said at least do an anther time skip for me.

Did you riley say that.

(conscious) yes are you ok.

Yeah, yeah, I’m doing ok I think, ok time skip it is.



This time I do a 5-year time skip.

Daring those 5 years a few things happy I gown bigger I am now 2.5 m high; my tank is now almost 10 inches thicken, my taproot is 3.5m deep with my other 16 root being a little over 2m long.

At the end of the 5 years, I stop using my skill to control nutrients movement to slow down my high gown and now going to improve it instead.


Besides that more and more grasses and some small plants start to become more and more abundant.

And with the emergent of plant life, I am beginning to see more amine mostly birds, but I am starting to see a lot of rabbit 

At first, I did not care why would I care about not self-aware plant life.

But as time when on I starts to notice something which I should have concern I was a gardener for 12 years after all.

Nature is the survival of the fittest, if you think the anime kingdom is brutal you should see the plant kingdom as it is a complex chaotic brutal battleground where everything that is not you want you to dead so it can take your resources.


That is what started to happy at first, I did not note a pit of water gone, some nutrient missing some space taken by some grasses.

As time go by, I realise what was happening a battle was taking place.

I had to fight back and so I did I take as much nutrient and water as I could form the area of the plants roots to starve them and it work slowly the glass that were right next to my tank started to dead.


But as time go on it take some efface to keep all the plants away that is when I found a patted interesting plant it was a small bush, but the interesting thing was that it gives me some of its nutrient and water which is why I have not notched it before.

That is when I had a good idea why not use the plants in a symbiotic relationship there where some reasons for this of close.

  1. Is that it takes to must of both time and effort to maintain having no plants in my area of influence.
  2. Is that both I and my conscious think that it will look wiled if there is nothing around my tree, people mint think I am cursed and cut me down because of that.
  3. And with those symbiotic relationship I can control a lacer area of influence with less effort so I can focus on my only gown.


Because of all that I decided to let some of the plants to live first was the glass, next was the small bush that give me this idea, I found a few trees sapling that I let gown as well, besides them there was some flowers that I let gown as well.

And although there are not here, I plan to let mycelium or mushroom in other words gown as well, because if there woke like how there woke in my old world there could act as an infrastructure for me.


5 more years go by only 4 things happy one is that both me and the other plants gown.

I am now 3 m high; my tank is now almost 11 inches thicken; my taproot is 4.5m deep with my other 16 root being a little over 3m long.

Another thing that happen was quiet something.


Wild boar come to the pond to drink as its hand is down a pack of three wolves come up behind it trapping it on all sides.

one side the pond with the other three sides having wolves.

The wolves all attack one after the other not giving any chances to attack back or ever escape.

Slowly the wolves pile up wounds on the boar slowly cutting awry at its health of course the boar doesn’t do nothing during this time it was fighting back the best it can, but it was both outnumber, and it was surprise attack.


In the end the wolves won with only some wound on themselves, there sit down for a minute to rest then there eat the boar until there’s almost nothing left.

When there have their full and drink some water there lave.

At them leaving I feel like I have understood something but then it’s got I forget about it and move on.

Beside those things that happen one is a wood pattern come and starts to pat at me it did it for hours.

The worst part was because of my skill vibration translation is permanently active I could not ever block out the sound.

The good thing is that after those few hours the bird lest me alone because it could not find any food.


The only other thing that happy is there are more and more Wren birds that have made their nest here I think it’s because I made some branches gown into the space of a bowl making it easier for them to make nest.

The only thing is that I think the birds are chasing some of the bards have gotten spier carks and some ever have bigger wines, If I am right then that could mean I am seeing life itself evolve.