Ch 6 A Few Years.
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this times time-skip go for 3 years.

Noting of any note happy besides me growing bigger my tank is 4 inches thick and 150 cm tall with my taproot going 180 cm deep and my other 16 roots going to 60 cm long.

There is still no amine, or any plants and the only thing of any rale incense is that I only most dead because the winds were going to fast there were ever some checking on my side, but there ended quickly because of that I survived with only a few checks on my tank.

Because of this I plan to use my new skill to control nutrients movement to slow down my height gown to increase my tank thickness so that I am more stable.

I am now 4 years old and after a week go by, I feel something I feel one of my branches getting push down.

What in the hell is that

(conscious) Well, I think it’s a bird

What make you think that

(conscious) well there is no movement in the soil and its only on one branch which is only push down only slightly so that mean that it is a small bird like a sparrow or one of the songbirds.

That is cool if only we could hear it.

(conscious) to be far how would a tree ever hear.

The vibration in the air hit our trunk we then interpret those vibrations into song.

(conscious) you say that as if we have any ears or a skill to replace them.


New skill vibration translation

(conscious) fuck you system.

(Vibration translation) a skill that like you translation any vibration that come in contend with your body.

Note: this skill is permanently active unless skill is block form outside force.


I can hear it I can hear the bird.

{Wren Singing}

What a petty sound.

(conscious) I must admit it is nice to hear again we can ever hear the wind to.


Did you hear that.

(conscious) hear what.

I swear I hear the wind say loser.

(conscious) maybe you are crazier than what we think.

Maybe anywhere I glass if a bird is here then both amine and plants are going to start to come back.

(conscious) maybe it more dependent on why there was nothing here in the once place who know maybe we are in an out of a way place, and we don’t ever know it, or a mighty express come pass one day and decided to practise his skill destroying everything and making the amine to afraid to come here.

A third ridiculous thing.

(conscious) that was not bad


(conscious) it was terrible

Fuck you.


Time goes by and during the next 5 years a few things happy.

One is that the bird decided to make its nest on one of my branches I decided to help by making my branch gown a litter to help its nest be more stable.

Later on, the bird found a mate and had eggs when I found out this, I made the nest a bit tougher and higher to keep the baby chick form failing.

After some 3 weeks go by the eggs start to hatch, I can see it all.

It is a beautiful sight to behold.

This happen a few times over the 5 years form what I can tell the lifespan is only 2 to 3 years so the first one that find me died in the 3rd year which made me very sad.

Besides that, there was a bad drought that happen one year not bad really bad.

In the end I use my skill control nutrients movement to limit the water loss form evaporation so that I did not loss all my leaves.

But that alone would only do so must because I was still losing water, but I found a small pound only about 4.5m wide and about 2m at its deepest point the best part is that it is only about a 1.5m south form me when I found it, I used my roots to rap all around it.

Because of the pond I got thought the drought with only some leaves getting burnt and a few more failing off but now whenever it gets too hot, I can use the pond.


Right at the end of those 5 years three thing happy.

One is that I got a new skill called vibration sense

New skill vibration sense

(Vibration sense) a skill that let you sense the vibration in the soil.

Note: this skill is permanently active unless skill is block form outside force and this skill will only work within a certain range of your roots.

The reason I got it is that I had the idea because I needed a way to see, because some of my root where getting push down and I had no idea what was doing it.

In the end I find out that it was a rabbit that was eating some grass about nearby at that time it hits me there’s grass that mere my 9-year hand start is over.