Ch 15 POV Laura life
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Hi I am Laura.


Originally, I was born in a city call blue river after the river that runs through the city, the city itself is not that big only about 300,000 people live here which mere seem big, but I have here story that there are city with millions of people in it.

I am the daughter a blacksmith my father and my mother was a tailor, there meet each other when there were young and made this business together.

My father would make the weapon and help my mother make armour as people don’t like full metal armour, I grow up learning both trades that was until an old woman come into the shop.


This old woman was call Eleanor

she was a new arrival who wanted to settle down and tach disciples because as it true out she is a gold core stage and a 3rd realm alchemy.

For reference there are about a dozen gold core stage with only one at the 5th realm in the how city the 5th realm being the city lord, as for alchemy there are now 5 people in the 3rd realm and one in the 4th realm who is the president of the alchemy branch here in the city.

Now why she is in my shop well she could feel that I have a high affinity for both the wood and fire elements and wanted to see if I have any talent as a Cultivation and I do, at this she become very happy, as not only did I have high affinity but ever have a good talent to cultivation and she find me before the years test where all kid are tested in the main plaza so she dent have to fight the other alchemy for me.

For reference without a level of Cultivation you can only first realm do alchemy and ever those you do not need any affinity it does help a lot.


So, after she tall my parents about everything she ask me if I wanted to be her disciple and after looking at my parents and seeing there happy expressions and thinking about it, I said yes but I wanted her to tell people that are shop is under her protection.

She chuckled and said that as long as there live here in the city there will be find but she did warn that if my parent offend someone there shouldn’t have, she will not help there were happy to accept.

So, after spending one how day with my parent my new master and I perform the disciple accepting ritual then we want to her resident.


Then she started to explain about many things over the course over 2 weeks, she explain the different levels of Cultivation and alchemy a bit about the outside world and many other thing.

Besides that, she made me do different exercises and made me eat different food and some weird plants and the meat of beast.

And after a mouth she said that I can now start to use a Body Tempered art and over a few mouths I am now at the peak of the body tempered realm but at the end she had me hop in a Medicinal Baths she made for me in mine it hunt a lot and I had to stay in there for a hole day but by the end I was at least 3 times stronger then my original self, so I was very happy.

After that she then did two thing one was that she taches me the Cultivation breathing methods to absorbing Qi into the body by sides that she has started to tach me a herbology as she said if I can’t tell apart to plant, I can’t be a great alchemy and I agree as well.

Nerd the end of the year I become a senior sister to what would become 3 junior sister but for now was only 3 junior sister there all had good talent for cultivation and at least one elements affinity.

So, over the course of 6 mouth, I have been practising the martial are, the cultivation method and some other techniques and at the end of those 6 mouths two things happy one I want back to see my parents for a few days the other thing is that because I am at the peak of Qi condensation realm my master wanted me to get real life experience and combat experience.

So have making so that my three junior sister will be ok for a mouth my master and I when out into the wile after she set up camp I got kick out and send to a low-level area where the highly beast ever recorded was a red bear that is ever a peak 1st realm or in the Early 2nd realm.

She also give me the tart of founding, collecting and naming any magical herbs found.


After that I spend one and a half weeks in the forest, hunting beast, looking for any magical herbs which I did found some and just surviving, because I may have been the strongest thing in this forest but that did not mean that I could not dead there were a few close calls as well.

One was from a snake that smack up on me when I was sleeping if I had not wakeup I would have been poison and could have easiest dead.

The next one was when I had my back to a plateau, and I had 30 wolves inform of me although only 4 were half step beast and one in the 1st realm, now mine you I could kill all of them, but I was both outnumbered and out movement, so have a 30-minute battle where at the end I scared the last few away with a roar that promised death there left.


After that day I was match more conscious of my surrounding that was until that day, I had been wandering around at random by the end of the one and a half weeks I found myself in an area of empty woods there was a small pound and a very large tree in the middle with a least a dozen half step plants with two being 1st realm plant and there were in amazing shape.

But as I take out my trowel to take these plants something new happen 2 birds that were in the low-level of the 1st realm come out of nowhere and landed in front of me, I jump back in surprise after that I had a look at my surroundings.

I was so distracted that I have now been surround on three sides by 1000s of ants and a few 100s bees in the air with the birds all over with at least 2 to each of the plants in this area clearly sending the misses to fuck off and don’t touch there plants.

At this I had a smart on my face and put away the trowel and take out a per of gloves made from a 3rd realm beast hide, and I crack my knuckles.

I looks over to the side that is not block only to see the a red bare come from there I freezers as this was not some 1st or ever a 2nd no it was high stage 3ed realm beast, few sec given efferent time for one of the birds in front of me to go on the bare hand and start to crow at me in a malting matter making my eye twitch in annoying.

In the end I take a deep breath then say something very unlade like things while pointing at that bird then in anger I take a paper talismans then sick it on myself, then turn into a light ball that then flying in the air in one direction.

After I got back to my master, I tell her the how story from start to finish at the end she made some comments and remarks from time to time and ever said I did a good job with the herbs and at the end she said I made the right choice to run away ever if I did not like the idea.

After that master start that we will go there and have a look.