Ch 17 POV Old Woman Eleanor
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So, I want to the two people I trust both are 4th realm cultivation like me but one is a Formation expert with 2 disciple in the 2nd realm the other is a Beast tamer with 2, 4th realm beast with a high level blood and has a disciple in the 2nd realm with a beast of his own in the bottom level of the 3rd realm, and say that I have find a good spot to make a sect for myself but that I both don’t have enough power or the right skill set, it takes some time but both say there will look at the place before there decide.

I with my 4 disciples Ella with her 2 and Jason with his one disciple and there beasts all made are way to the valley, at first both were not that interested but that change as we made are deeper to the centre.


And when we come to where the tree is there both were thinking this is a good place, Ella went into her own world looking at the land, air, and the flow of Qi in this place she ever went to different spot like on the top of the trees in this area, with her two disciples trying to keep up with her learn from what she is doing.

Jason on the other hand after taking a long drag of his smoking pipe hop off his beast mount with his disciple and were looking at the beast that live here the birds, bees, ants and the bare, were his were off to the side laying down seemingly not affected by the tree at all.


The birds, bees, ants and the bare were all very much freezers and could only let everyone have a look at them, although when Jason started poking the bare stomach while mumbling there is to mash fat, I had a hard time not laughing, seeing that there are all off doing something I let my disciples look away to

While everyone was doing their own thing one of Ella disciples the boy wanted to get an egg form the bird’s nest and was almost kill for it, as unknown to the other as there were too distracted to see the bare.

I could see the bare getting ready to attack the boy if he come down with the egg, but lucky for him Jason talk the boy what to do and other then his pride he was unharmed although his master give him a good hit to the back of the hand


After about 30 minters both Jason and Ella come over to me and start saying there are in, I was very happy at this, so I take out a map of this valley.

At this Ella pull out the same map and some ick and a brush and start to paint on the map, and say the first thing that we need to do also make a Qi gathering formation, when she is done, she explains that the Qi is hitting the mountains then going back with only a tiny bit going inside, but the Qi is then spiralling around the valley with only a little escaping or dispersing, because of this, this place can become a haven for the grow of plants and become a good place for cultivation as well.

Ella markdown 9 points on the map one close to the tree and the other 8 are on the mountains and make a 8-pointed star with all the points being connected to each other.

After that we go over some of the decals of both the sect and what is going to happen to the valley, things like where the sect will go, name of the sect and some other thing.

After we come to a preliminary plan, we call are disciples and handed back but not before the old bird got his keen to take the fruits form the tree and put it near has, each of has taking some then we leave.

We went back to my place to finished are talk and go through anything ease, after a few hours we are done then decide to talk to the city lord as the place we want to make our sect is within his area of jurisdiction although it’s near the edge.

So, a few days later we see the city lord and after some talks, he lets his have the land of course we had to pay a little and both sides have a oxidation to protect each other and so on, but he ever help has by giving has some people to help build the sect.


And so, after a mouth of getting everything ready for the building to begin we start out and after only two mouth everything was build.

The sect itself was not huge but it had everything that we needed, there was the main building where I and my personal disciples would live and where meeting would be held, as I have been made the patriarch of the sect.

Then on my right is elder Ella resident where she and her disciples will live, in front of her resident are the martial art hail/ library where disciples can get martial art manuals, cultivation method and other, then in front of the martial hail is the mission hail where disciples will be given or take on mission for the sect, these could be anything form find a rare herb kill a beast or help an elder do something.

On my left there is an area for the disciples to lever their beasts where there will be look after in front of that is elder Jason residence, then on front of the residence is where the elder will live.

Then in front of the mission hail is the training area for the disciples to use the equipment and there would be an elder or senior disciples to help instruct and keep order.

Then in front of the elder residence is where all the disciples will live and eat.

And finally, in between the training area and disciples home is the central plaza/arena this is where we will hold sect wide announcements hold competition and where the elders will tach all the disciples that do not have a master.

Then surrounding the whole sect is a wall that is 8 mater high.


Now I know what you what you are thinking there are only 10 people with only one beast and one of my disciples being at the 3rd realm and with such a large area how can we look after did, and that is very simple we will recruitment more disciples which we will tach and have look after the sect.

But 3 elder cannot look at everything at the same time we needed more people, and we got them, we got a few form the different power who wanted to have an eye and ears in the sect and a few loose cultivation most of whom were at the perk of the 3rd realm at had ever not the talent or opportunity to become a 4th realm or simply wanted a place to put down roots.

Now these peoples both could not be trusted and there were moistest at the perk of the 3rd realm, so we kill 2 birds with one stone, after some talk with the president of the alchemy branch in the city who is a 4th realm alchemy for a pill recipe, that recipe is the gold core forming pill there is only two know ways to become a 4th realm either have the talent to form your gold core or take the gold core forming pill.

This pill come in two recipes one is a 3rd realm which give depending on the quality of the pill can give anywhere form a 40 to 50% chance to form there core, or there is the 4th realm pill which gives the cultivation anywhere from 60 to 80% chance of cause this is if the cultivation is well forming their core.

He give me the 3rd realm pill for three reason one ever if I wanted to I can’t make the 4th realm one ever if I wanted to, two I don’t have the means to get the herbs need for the 4th realm pill, ever the 3rd I have all but only in a small number, and I could not afford the 4th realm pill as it is not some 1st realm pill, but a 4th that could give someone a 80% chance to form there gold core, but now that we have this recipes we are now a 4th grade power instant of a 3rd.

As having someone in the realm make your sect a quasi of that realm instead the power is formally recognised when there either have multiple of that realm or a memes to make that realm in our case it’s this pill recipes.

And so, we made the people who wanted to get in our sect there either become disciples of the sect or there have to be in the 4th realm to become elder and swear a heavenly oath to a contract which boiled down to.

Do not betray the sect, there mast protect the sect, and there have an obligatory to be loyal to the sect for 100 years with this if there do not stick to the conditions there will be struck by heavenly lightning.

Now we got teacher and some ever a good amount of 4th realm to protect are self all we need now are the new disciples.