Chapter 70. Tactics
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“Wake up Ken!” Rose said as she smacked the young man.

“Rose! You need to stop doing that! I said you could smack me awake if I was trying something, not that you should do it whenever you see me!” Ken complained as the pair got up and ready for the training to start.

As soon as the pair left the room, they were greeted by a servant who led the pair to the dining room where a massive breakfast was already prepared and Siveril was already enjoying his meal.

“Morning Siveril! What sort of training are we doing today?” Ken asked excitedly, ready to get started.

“We will be spending the day at my personal library today.” Siveril replied.

“We are not going to train today?” Ken asked in confusion. 

“We will be training our mind! I am not someone who’s the fastest, strongest or has the most powerful magic. You have seen plenty of my fights now, what do you think my fighting style is?” Siveril asked as the pair followed him to the library after finishing their breakfast.

“From what I have seen. You defend with your heavy armor and shield while trying to corner your opponent with your giant axe that’s enchanted with some sort of ice magic that sends out shards on impact.” Ken replied as the group reached the giant library filled to the ceiling with shelves of books.

“Correct! My fighting style is extremely simple. My heavy armor and shield for defense and my ice shard enchanted axe for offense. However, in order to make that work and for me to win against people who are more talented and have access to the same top tier items. My strategies, tactics, stamina and knowledge are what allows me to come out on top time and time again even against people who have achieved higher levels of mastries.” Siveril advised as he showed Ken books and notes and all the studying the giant lizardman had done over the years to stay on top against the likes of Fernard who has already achieved higher levels of raw power.

“I can’t believe how much Siveril studies on techniques and does research! With his physique and his fighting style, I totally thought he got where he is today by brute force. But it makes sense since in pure power, he could never match up for not reaching holy level.” Ken said.

“That’s why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” Rose replied as the pair laid in bed chatting after a day spent in the library studying and getting tips and hints from Siveril on how to improve from learning attack patterns, defense patterns, elemental advantages and disadvantages and how to use information to one's advantage. 

“It’s good to learn from the top tier for sure. The concepts he talked about I have obviously heard plenty of times at Dragonspire, but with his first hand experience fighting against the best of the best, he’s able to provide so much more context on how it’s useful!” Ken said happily as he was impressed by what Siveril was able to teach him on their very first day and looked forward to the month long training with the hero so he could get as strong as possible. 

“Time to get ready Ken.” Rose whispered as she kissed the sleeping young man.

“Not getting smacked today?” Ken replied sleepily with a smirk. 

“I will let you off the hook since it’s our last day here.” Rose replied, with a hint of sadness that the pair will be separated soon.

“Don’t sound so sad Rose, I will see you again soon when you and your father come to Dragonspire for the tournament.” Ken answered as the pair got ready and headed to the dining room for breakfast and to chat with Siveril one final time.

“Morning Siveril! Thank you for everything you did for me this month!” Ken said happily as the pair joined the lizardman at the dining table.

Similar to Nolan, Siveril spends more time focused on his own training rather than spending time at the academy training the next generation like Yvette or Sylvester. Over the month Ken trained with Siveril, they went and held classes at the Illithor Academy once a week where Siveril fulfilled his duty to the kingdom as its hero while Ken got an equally large number of admirers to Rose’s dismay. 

The rest of the month was spent at Siveril’s library learning about tactics and strategies and training at Siveril’s personal training facility to put those theories into practice.

“Morning you two! I can’t believe it’s been a month already! Having someone as talented as you two really motivated me to push myself harder!” Siveril replied happily as the giant lizardman was already sitting at the dining table when the pair arrived.

“Thanks Siveril! I couldn’t have reached divine level without your help! And training with you has definitely taught me the importance of using tactics to win against people who have superior abilities!” Ken answered gratefully. 

“Don’t forget stamina! The only reason I can be where I am at is because I have the stamina to last long enough to carry out all my tactics! Obviously, when I face off against the absolute talent like the top 4, I am simply outclassed and no amount of tactics will help me win against them. To think someone your age could already reach divine level when I was in my late 20s when I was finally able to reach this level. Now I think it might have been a mistake training you.” Siveril said with a laugh.

“Come on Siveril! I am still far from able to compete against you or any of the top 10. Besides, I have seen how the world operates. The tournament is rigged in a way that if I was to take a spot, it would be from one of the human heroes.” Ken replied as he sat down with Rose to enjoy some early breakfast before he was to be teleported back to Dragonspire at 9.

“Sadly, that is the truth. The world is still very much divided even after thousands of years of peace. Race superiority and divide is very much still a common thing especially in smaller towns and cities, I won’t bore you with the politics or what those in power thinks but it’s definitely Frederick and Yvette who need to worry about their positions from you, while I just need to watch out for that dragoon girlfriend of yours.” Siveril replied while Ken nodded in agreement. 

“Speaking of which, is there anyone else you can recommend for me to go train with? I know hitting divine level is a big milestone but I need to reach holy level in a little over a year and I feel like the hard part just started.” Ken asked as the trio sat around the dining table enjoying the food.

“Obviously personal training from Zishell and Julius would be the most beneficial for you but I don’t have any deeper connection with either of them to be able to get you a recommendation and I think there are also some restrictions from the kingdoms. Other than my mentor Sylvester, Frederick is the only other hero I have a connection with since we are the only ones that didn’t graduate from Dragonspire and had to crawl to our positions without the superior talents like the rest. I can send a recommendation to him but since you are so talented, I can’t guarantee he would accept.” Siveril offered.

“Thanks Siveril! When I get back to Dragonspire, I will send in an exchange request for next semester and hopefully I can speak with Frederick during the tournament and get him to agree.” Ken replied while thanking Siveril for all he has done.

“Well, I will be going to my training now. It was fun having the pair of you here. Good luck making it to holy level Ken. I look forward to seeing you succeed. Good luck on your studying as well Rose and say hi to the professor for me.” Siveril said happily as he left the dining room to start his daily training. 

“Rose. Thanks for helping me with the training this month. It’s good to have you around so I don’t get tempted by other girls and your expertise on space magic is an added bonus. Thank your dad for me and I will see you in a month at the tournament.” Ken said to Rose as the pair relaxed at the dining room, waiting for Ken’s necklace to activate. 

“Hopefully you will get to holy level in a year and have the king of Yelwraek recognize your talent so I can convince my dad to let me be with you full time. His opinion on you has improved since your stay with us but until you are no longer a target, he’s not going to fully trust you.” Rose replied while hugging the young man.

“Don’t worry about it! Everyone I have seen so far, even the best of the best have said I got the talent! With my life on the line, I will no doubt push myself to the limit so I can see my 20th birthday.” Ken replied with a smile and gave Rose a kiss as the necklace activated and the young man once again returned to Dragonspire where his girls waited impatiently for his return so they could catch up and get all the details on how he spent the month away from their watchful eyes. 

“I gotta say, when Ken dresses up for the banquet, he is so handsome!” Genesis proclaimed happily as the girls got ready for the end of year banquet on the final night of the school year.

“Aren’t I always handsome? From the number of girls that profess their love for me whenever I visit a new place, I think I am probably the best looking guy in the entire world!” Ken teased as the group headed for the dining hall.

“Luke is definitely more attractive than you are. Those girls are just interested because you are famous. And now that you have reached divine level and even got to the final round of day 2 against a hero this tournament. Sadly, you will only get more attention and your head will just get even bigger.” Clare commented, trying to keep Ken’s ego in check.

“I think I did quite well against Yvette yesterday. I don’t want to sound cocky but I have noticed that the majority who have reached holy level are extremely specialized. Someone who is good at everything like me and can go up against anyone is destined for greatness!” Ken proclaimed, his ego and confidence skyrocketing after making it to the final match against Yvette where winning would have gotten him a spot in the final day and becoming one of the top 10 heroes. 

“I know you have gotten strong Ken, but you have to realize there are a lot of powerful people that are simply not participating in the tournament.” Lovetta warned.

“Lovetta! I know there are strong people like your father out there that I still can’t compete with but can’t you at least let me be confident and feel like I’m close to the top 10? Everyone is trying to bring me down a notch today!” Ken complained as the group arrived at the dining hall where the banquet had already started with thousands of people gathered.

“You only got a year to reach holy level Ken. No time for you to get a big head. We all know you are extremely talented but it’s not good enough unless you reach holy level.” Alice added as the girls continued to let Ken know that he is still far from his goal and needs to stay on course. 

“Well. I need to go speak with Ferderick to confirm my exchange for next semester and also check in with the king of Yelwraek and let him know of my progress.” Ken told the girls as the group divided up.

After greeting Sylvester, Yvette, Nolan, Siveril and chatted with each of the 4 heroes who had trained him in one way or another. Ken greeted Alice’s parents, chatted with his childhood hero Ryder briefly and had a quick conversation with the king of Yelwraek where he notified the king of his advancements and plans for the upcoming year.

Keeping a poker face, the king simply nodded and congratulated the young man on reaching divine level and how well he did on the tournament without giving Ken any hint if he was at all impressed or not with what Ken was able to accomplish.

With how important the king of Yelwreak is, Ken knew better than to take up more of his time and after a quick conversation, he bid the king a goodnight and went to speak with Frederick. 

“Good evening Mr. Neremont. I hope you are having a good night. I do believe Siveril has sent you a recommendation on my behalf for an exchange.” Ken said politely after catching Frederick chatting with one of the royalty. 

“Yes. I have certainly gotten the message from Siveril and I don’t see how training someone like you would benefit me in any way.” Frederick replied as he turned to Ken.

“I know as a fellow human, your position is at risk with my existence. Honestly, I too feel like surpassing you is not a matter of if but when. With that said, my one and only goal is to become the number 1 hero and take over Julius’s position in Darrumburgh. Yvette once told me that Julius would for sure retire if someone was to overtake his position. So by helping me, you are actually protecting your own top 10 position and as my mentor, when I become the top hero, it’s certainly beneficial for you as well.” Ken replied with an air of confidence. 

“AH! I like it. It will definitely take someone cocky and confident to overtake Julius or Zishell and that person certainly won’t be me.” Frederick replied with a laugh as the tense suddenly disappeared and Frederick let out a warm smile.

After agreeing to approve Ken’s exchange request, the pair chatted for a few more minutes before Ken thanked the hero and grabbed plates full of food and headed back to the general section to be with his girls and friends.

“Good news! Sweet talked Frederick into accepting me on an exchange!” Ken said happily as he sat down with the dishes to be with his girls at their usual people watching spot on the second floor.  

“That’s great! Are you going anywhere this break or are you finally going to be home for the entire time?” Emma asked as Ken shoved some king crab onto her plate.

“No plans so it looks like I will be spending the next month just getting some rest.” Ken replied as he started chatting with Vincent and Fernard, both of whom had joined the table before Ken arrived. 

“How was your training in Ostrium, Vincent? You were gone for three whole months! I was missing training with you when I got back from Illithor.” Ken complained.

“Sorry Ken! I only planned to stay for a month but training with Fernard and professor Aethelwulf helped me so much that I decided to stay the entire time until we came for the tournament.” Vincent replied apologetically.

“I’m just joking! You need to do what’s the best for you to improve! Anyways, Fernard! How’s Gwen been doing? You are taking care of my little sister right?” Ken asked in between taking bites of food.

“Gwen is amazing! She is extremely smart and very mature for such a young girl.” Fernard replied as the trio chatted happily.

“Good evening everyone.”

“Rose! Why didn’t you come with professor Gilliam on the first day of the open tournament?” Ken asked as Rose joined the group.

“My dad won’t let me come any earlier because he doesn’t want me to get even more attached to you.” Rose replied, annoyed at her father’s actions. 

“Thank you for taking care of Ken when he was in Illithor.” Indra said softly as she greeted Rose.

“He is a handful for sure! So many girls would try to flirt with him! It gets super annoying having to deal with that and he just smirks and enjoys the attention.” Rose complained as she chatted with the rest.

“Right! Most of them are so thick skinned and don’t even care that he is already taken!” Genesis joined the conversation as the girls complained about all they had to deal with.

“That just means we are the lucky ones!” Seraphina added happily as Ken nodded in agreement. 

After chatting happily with everyone, the party eventually came to an end. Saying goodbye to Vincent, Fernard and Rose, the group returned to their suite for one last night as the fourth year of Ken’s academy life came to an end.

“Ken. Come to Hatharal with me! My father talked to Valentina and she agreed to a personal training session for the break.” Cecilla said happily as the group reached the suite to see the trio of Alice, Clare and Cecilla already in the room waiting.

“He just said he's going to be spending the month home with us!” Genesis complained, knowing Ken wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to go train with a hero. 

After going over the details, Emma helped Ken get his things packed and from thinking he would get to take a month to finally be with his family for an extended amount of time. Ken ended up agreeing to go to Hatharal with Cecilla for 3 weeks before returning home for the final week of break to spend some time with the family.

“Well. That was a short notice. Anyways, enjoy your time with the family, everyone!” Ken said as Cecilla grabbed him and the pair teleported away to the capital city of Hatharal to begin the next phrase of Ken’s training. 









70 chapters! Plan was for part 1 to be 30-40 chapters lol. Everyone dressed up for the banquet!