Chapter 1: Another World
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Chapter 1: Another World

Darkness enveloped me, my senses tangled in a web of muddled feelings. My body was heavy and uncooperative, and my eyelids treated me the same. It felt as if my body wasn’t even mine, flailing like spaghetti. I still had so much work to do, a cat to take care of, and games to finish. Amongst my glaring headache and in and out of consciousness, I heard a muddled voice.


“A… gift… child…save…”, a hazy voice echoed.


"What?" I thought to myself, as my voice failed to cooperate.


My eyelids slowly parted to reveal a glass pane before me. As my gaze focused, I saw my reflection amidst a shimmering blue liquid, bathed in the glow of an otherworldly light radiating from behind me. Confusion gripped me as I beheld the image that met my eyes – a young, stunning girl with silver hair cascading like liquid moonlight and captivating azure eyes that pulsed with an inexplicable energy, ebbing and flowing like the tides.


Who is she? Why is she mimicking my every move? Slowly, it dawns on me that the reflection is none other than my own. Panic tightens as I start gasping for air, yet the unfamiliar liquid flows into my mouth, a strange sensation but I don’t suffocate. On the contrary, the liquid seeps into my being, and an unexpected vitality surges through me. The energy seeps into my entire body, and I feel infinitely relaxed as I close my eyes once more.


I awaken for a second time, and my headache is gradually subsiding. Gathering my thoughts, I take in my surroundings with more focus. I find myself suspended within the blue liquid, bathed in the gentle radiance emanating from behind me. Shackles confine my legs and arms. Beyond my mirrored self, I glimpse a dimly lit room. What I saw was a gruesome room that appeared to be a lab but nothing like the pristine white and clean one I am used to. Dark with what appeared to be various body parts from creatures and even some appearing like pieces from a humanoid creature. I want to hurl at the sight of it but hold it down and analyze what in the world is going on. The heads of some of these creatures had weird features, pointed ears, longer noses, and furry shapes. It was almost like… a video game I’ve played. Suddenly I hear voices.


The two voices I heard were outside my capsule, peering into my face. One of them donned a long robe that emitted a scholarly air, while the other was a man with a sword at his belt, adorned with what appeared to be military medals. They appeared taken aback by my awakening. The robed man opened his mouth and exclaimed in surprise.


"–Ωµ$α¡åδ®√!" The military man turned to the robed figure and applauded with delight.


"œ≠δ‰åµ©∞∫€™ƒ√«ƒ®•ç–µ," the robed figure murmured, casting an apologetic gaze toward their companion. With a graceful gesture, they extended their hand toward the glass right above my head. I stared at it in fear and confusion as a radiant light emanated from their palm, a cascade of brilliance that seemed to flow into me. However, what followed was an overwhelming flood of sensation, as if a torrent of words and symbols surged into my consciousness, each one a needle that pierced my mind, causing a whirlwind of pain to engulf me. My mind went blank, and an empty scream emanated from my lips, its sound muted by the liquid that enveloped me.


Amidst the agony, a simple word cut through the chaos – 




In my disoriented state, I could not even struggle to create a response besides limply staring at the figures. Their words crashed against my mind, a jumble of sounds that I could hardly grasp or process. It was as if the very fabric of language had been twisted and contorted, each syllable forced into my consciousness with a brutal insistence that left me gasping.


"#342 … … failure. Prepare her for ….." The militaristic man's voice boomed with an authoritative edge, his words punctuated by a sense of unwavering determination.


The robed figure hurriedly responds,  “But general …, we don’t know if … issue of ti—”


“Your … is to create a quality … but … disappoint … again.” The man's voice reverberates with a commanding resonance, filling the air with a presence that cannot be ignored.


“General …, …. still … leeway fo—,” 


The general seizes him by the neck, silencing his protest in a fierce grip.


“...... … no leeways for The ……, scholar, …… … spared the Alviran … and … mages … your treacheries.”


“Now … ready for … holy weapon.”


Suddenly, above the sea of words, a distinct sound cuts through – the soft hiss of the capsule's seal being broken. The sound reverberates within me, a clear note amidst the chaos, drawing my attention as I begin to grasp the significance of what's happening.

Two more people enter the scene, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit room. With practiced motions, they approach my capsule, their gloved hands gripping its edges. As they exert a gentle force, the capsule's seal gives way, and a new sensation floods in – the rush of fresh air, cool and untainted. The liquid within spills out as I breathe in the air around me for the first time.

My lifeless form was gently lifted from the pod where I'd been resting for what felt like an endless stretch of time. A brilliant rune, its pattern intricate and mesmerizing, adorned the interior of the capsule. My eyes traced the path of a radiant blue glow that flowed along the design, a rhythmic motion like the workings of a precise clock. I was captivated, unable to break my gaze.

How beautiful…

But the spell was broken as two figures, resembling soldiers, swept me away from the shadows of the laboratory. Their firm grip led me deeper into the darkness until we emerged in a dungeon. Within those stone walls, I found myself confined to a cell, the weight of the mysterious rune's image still imprinted in my mind.

The two soldiers sauntered off, their armored steps echoing with a noticeable thud against the stony ground.


Out of nowhere, the sound of footsteps drew near, distinctively softer than the departing soldiers. I mustered my feeble strength to turn and face the source. It was the robed man, the one who had just suffered at the hands of his superior. A pang of understanding resonated within me. Our pain felt like a shared language.


His gaze briefly met mine, and then he spoke softly, breaking the silence that hung between us.


"I apologize once again."


From beneath his robe, he produced two bracelets and began uttering words, each syllable flowing in a rhythm akin to an enchanting mantra. The air seemed to hum, and suddenly, the bracelet emitted a gentle glow. He placed one on his wrist and the other on mine. The instant the bracelet clasped around my wrist, a surge of change coursed through me. Unwanted subservience, a repugnant sensation, settled in my consciousness as if forced upon me.


"Understanding might elude you, but this," he gestured to the bracelet, "is a seal of slave magic. With this, you're bound to obey any command from the owner."


With that revelation, he withdrew, apologizing once more with a rueful tone, before shuffling away from my cell.

The information that was thrust into my mind earlier is beginning to find its place, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Now, I realize it's their native language, the common tongue spoken widely in this world, particularly among humans. I blink my eyes open and allow my thoughts to gather, reflecting on my past life when the lead researcher subjected me to cruel treatment. It feels surreal, how that trauma, which once consumed me, now pales in comparison to the astonishing experiences I've lived through in the short time I’ve experienced here.

Magic? A language steeped in mystery? Enigmatic runes? It's like the universe decided to remix all those video games and light novels I used to dive into when my life wasn't buried under work. The irony's thick – what once whisked me away from reality has now become my reality. I half-expected that my own stats might show up if I even mentioned the words “status page”.

But this world was clearly full of surprises. Just as the notion danced through my mind, a vivid blue light sizzled into existence, flickering in and out like an otherworldly glitch. It brought with it a short text, “Aurinna welcomes you to the new world.”

The surprise and disbelief of such an absurdity made me use the last of my strength to audibly whisper.

“What the fu-”

My world fades to black once more.