Chapter 71. City of Hatharal
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“Morning Ken. I can’t believe it’s been this long since I had you to myself.” Cecilla whispered as she woke Ken up for their first morning in the city of Hatharal. 

“Morning Cecilla!” Ken replied with a yawn as the pair got up and ready to get their day started.

“Morning Valentina! Thanks for letting me bring Ken with me.” Cecilla said happily as the pair reached the dining room of the hero’s beautiful mansion.

“Sure thing! I couldn’t say no to the king of Yelwraek and having an extra student isn’t going to change anything especially when it’s the next superstar.” Valentina, the beautiful elf hero replied as she greeted the pair.

“I mean, a superstar is a bit much but thanks for having me.” Ken replied as the pair joined Valentina at the table for some breakfast.

“Why don’t the two of you take the day to explore the city and go on a date. We can start the training tomorrow.” Valentina offered as Cecilla happily agreed to the suggestion.

The city of Hatharal, capital city of the Hatharal kingdom is a coastal city located on the west coast of the kingdom. The kingdom as a whole is located on the continent of  Yuwoa, sharing its northern border with the almighty kingdom of Darrumburgh.

“The buildings here resemble Darrumburgh a lot! The stones used just don’t seem to be the fancy white ones from Alice’s home.” Ken commented as the pair rode in a carriage from Valentina’s mansion into the city center. 

“A peasant version of Yelwraek.” Cecilla replied, not impressed at all.

“Come on Cecilla! Don’t be so rude! How many cities in the entire world could possibly have the wealth of Yelwraek city?” Ken replied.

“Why did your father ask Valentina to train you when you have Zishell?” Ken wondered, as the pair got off the carriage and started strolling around the city center amongst the busy streets, full of elves going about their daily life.

“I have been training with Zishell since I was a kid. Obviously I am extremely talented to have reached expert level before I was even old enough to join Dragonspire but my growth has slowed significantly. My father isn’t really happy that you are the talk of town when it comes to the new generation of talent since you blew past me and are already at divine level while I am still at least another year away before I think I could reach it. He wanted to see if training with someone else could bring something out of me. We just need to make sure no one finds out that I got Valentina to agree to have you tag along.” Cecilla replied as the pair explored the city.

“Sorry Cecilla. Unfortunately you won’t have a chance to be the chosen one anymore. You will achieve greatness for sure but I will no doubt be the superior one.” Ken said confidently as the pair decided to stop at a busy shop to grab some lunch after a morning of sightseeing. 

“Don’t get too cocky Ken. I know you are talented, smart and all that but maybe you are just a fast starter and now that you have reached divine level, you will begin to fizzle out while I have the potential to keep on going until I reach the top.” Cecilla replied as she ordered some food for the pair to share.

“Cecilla! Are you wishing me an early death? Your very own father is the reason why I’m busting my butt out here trying to get as strong as I could! If I hit a plateau now, you will end up a widow!” 

“We aren’t even married yet so I can’t really be a widow can I?” Cecilla replied with a smirk as the pair continued to eat.

“I wonder what Valentina could teach us. Whatever it is, she is at least nice to look at.” Ken replied as Cecilla smacked him on the arm.

“Ken! She is like over 60 or 70 years old! Besides, you got me to fulfill all your needs.” Cecilla replied as the pair paid for the food and got back to their sightseeing. 

“I really hope I don’t hit that wall that most seems to hit after reaching divine level. I thought I would have impressed your father for reaching divine level and made it to the fight against Yvette but he doesn’t seem all that impressed.” 

“There is no way he isn’t impressed. But as the king of Yelwreak, he’s not going to show his emotions and you won’t be let off the hook unless you reach holy level by the end of next year. You really set yourself up for failure on that one. Should have at least consulted us before you went and proclaimed that deal with my father. Now the only way for him, the king of Yelwreak, to let you live, is if you could keep your end of the deal or else he would be made to look like a fool.” Cecilla replied as Ken pondered at her words.

“Couldn’t help it. I simply wanted to speak with the king when I walked up to him but in the moment, I remembered how long it took Julius and Zishell to reach holy level and my mind just decided that if I could reach it before them then surely it would prove my worth so I just blurred it out.” Ken replied as the pair headed for the beach on this chilly December day. 

“I guess you won’t be you if you think everything through or take the easy way out. If I were you, I would have just let Xandrian have Clare and never even have to deal with any of this.”

“I doubt you want to see the day I let someone else have Clare. Only way I can see that happening is someone beating me to death and forcibly taking her away or if I have given up on living.” Ken replied.

“Geez, don’t have to get so serious and dramatic all of a sudden when I am just joking around. I know you are not the type to do that. So let’s just both get as strong as possible! You might have surpassed me for now but I will eventually catch up!” Cecilla said happily as the pair continued to chat and wander around the city looking at any and everything that interested them.

After spending the day exploring the city, the pair enjoyed a lavish dinner at a fancy restaurant befitting a princess and returned to Valentina’s mansion late into the night after a fun filled date.

“That was fun to just spend the day wandering around, eat some great food and just relax. I need to get over this feud with your father so I can start enjoying life instead of trying so hard to get stronger.” Ken commented as the pair got in bed in a beautiful room that Valentina graciously let them stay in.

“Your journey won’t end until you reach the top, Ken. Maybe once you are at holy level, you can slow down the pace instead of having to cram everything in such a short time but you still have a long way to go before you can enjoy that comfortable, easy life at the very top.” 

“Cecilla! Why can’t I just quit after I reach holy level and just go be the head of the royal guard for a medium-sized kingdom and be the big fish in a small pond? Why do I have to aim for the top? It’s so tiring and draining to have to try so hard at all times.” Ken complained.

“Why be a big fish in a small pond when you have what it takes to be the biggest fish in the world? I’m not saying you shouldn’t take a break from training after you reach holy level and get through this, but eventually, with your talent and potential. You have to aim for the top or else you are just another Genesis. Wasting away your top talent.” Cecilla replied as the pair laid in bed chatting away. 

“Guess I will just take it one day at a time right now. I don’t want to end up like you predicted and fizzle out at divine level and have to start hiding to avoid getting killed in a year. Whatever happens after can wait.” Ken said with a sigh as the pair got intimate before their training officially started.

“Morning Mrs. Branimir!” Ken said happily as he and Cecilla arrived at the dining room the following day to start their lessons.

“Valentina is fine. Enjoy your breakfast and we can get started after.” The elf hero replied as the pair sat down to enjoy their breakfast.

“So Valentina. How come you aren’t in a relationship? I noticed that Yvette, Siveril and you all seem to be without partners. Not sure about Nolan since I only saw him at the academy but even professor Gilliam hasn’t had any relationship since the passing of his wife.” Ken wondered as the trio ate.

“It’s not that I don’t want a stable relationship. But it’s hard for someone in our position to keep a steady relationship if we ever lose it. With how much status and power we hold as a hero, I get to meet and be courted by thousands of people and it’s not easy to know why they are interested in me. Oftentimes, I end up second guessing myself, is he into me because I am the hero Valentina Branimir? Or why is he interested in me? Osmar and Frederick are the only two in the top 10 with a stable family and I envy them. I envy you as well! Get yourself so many beautiful girls while you are still so young so you are not questioning their intentions and can just be hopelessly in love. Just be careful, those types of relationships might not always work out.” Valentina replied as Ken seemed to hit a sour spot of hers.

“Don’t be envious of me Valentina! I literally have a death sentence over my head because I’m a hopeless lover and have to deal with the consequences!” Ken responded as the trio finished up their meal and headed for Valentina’s personal training facility. 

“Alright you two. I am obviously known for my specialized ice and fire magic. As an elf, I’m sure Cecilla is probably leaning more towards elemental magic than physical abilities so that’s why the king of Yelwreak asked for my assistance.  As for Ken, I can’t comprehend how someone could be so talented to reach divine level on every single element and physical enhancement and not even be 20 years old. Not sure what I could really teach you but I’m sure training with me would be beneficial for you as well.” Valentina advised as the pair nodded eagerly, ready to get their training started.

“Are you for real? Teleporting as well? Your boy here is insane!” Valentina remarked in disbelief as the day went along and she sparred with the pair while offering tips. 

“Speaking of teleporting. Do you know Thallan well enough to send him a recommendation? I have been having issues with my ability to teleport faster so it’s actually useful in combat.” Ken asked as the trio got done with their training and headed for the dining room where servants had already prepared a fancy meal for the trio to enjoy.

“No thanks. I have no interest in speaking to Thallan, especially not asking him for a favor.” Valentina replied, flat out rejecting Ken’s attempt of setting up his next exchange.

“You think there was something between the two? Valentina seemed super agitated when You brought up Thallan’s name.” Cecilla gossiped as the pair got in bed after a long day of training.

“Who knows. I am sure both of them have had plenty of lovers. I won’t be surprised if they had a fling or two. Won’t do me any good to gossip about her love life though. I just need to focus on my training and my own love life.” Ken replied with a smile as he kissed Cecilla and the two made love late into the night.

“Thanks Valentina for having me and training me for the past 3 weeks!” Ken said gratefully on the final morning of his stay after spending 3 weeks training with the hero and Cecilla. 

“Did you at least get something out of it? Training with kids as talented as you two makes me feel like my era is about to come to an end.” Valentina asked as the trio sat at the dining room for their final meal together.

“Come on Valentina! You know you were of great help! Most people could never dream of getting a private lesson from a hero, much less spending 3 whole weeks getting daily pointers and sparring!” Ken said sincerely.

“Why are you going home this early? It’s not like you have any restrictions on when to teleport using my personal teleport artifact.” Cecilla complained. 

“I told them I will be home at 9. Have to keep my promise or Genesis will throw a fit. Besides, the school necklace always activates at 9 so I’m used to this timing. Study hard when I’m not here alright? Don’t make trouble for Valentina and I will see you in a week.” Ken replied as he kissed the elf princess one final time as he activated the artifact and returned to the small beastman village. 

“Congratulations on one win away from becoming a top 10.”

“Thanks Rena!” Ken replied as he greeted the fox girl who was waiting for his return alongside the rest of his family.

“Welcome home, Ken. I wish you could have come back earlier. Rena and I will be leaving for school in just a few days.” Gwen greeted Ken with the rest of the family.

“Gwen! How’s school? I heard from Fernard that you are doing well, no one’s tried to bully you right?” 

“Who’s going to dare bully her when Fernard himself is always walking her from class to class like some overgrown bodyguard. Once they found out she is actually your sister, it takes all my energy to just keep those girls from trying to butter up to her so they could get to you.” Rena complained as the group happily went inside the wooden house so they could all catch up.

“School’s been great. Rena and I have gotten very close! She is a great friend who’s taught me many things and helped with my studying as well. Fernard can be overly protective. I think he is taking your words too literally about protecting me. But overall, school is great. I’m learning a lot of new things and meeting many amazing people. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.” Gwen replied as the family sat around the living room.

“I am glad you are enjoying your school life! You did a great job Juila for taking care of the family! But you will be 15 soon so you will be coming to dragonspire next year or I will get you into Ostrium, so you two need to be big brothers to Erika and help mom around the house.” Ken said to his siblings as the younger ones nodded in understanding. 

After getting the house keeping business out of the way. Ken begins his grand story about everything he did since the last time he was home. The kingdom built within a rainforest with flying wyverns, the desert kingdom with komodo lizards. The children listened in awe as Ken described his grand adventures and told them that one day, they too would be traveling around the world and experiencing everything he has firsthand.

 A few days after Ken returned home, the family said goodbye to Gwen as she set out on her journey to Ostrium academy with Rena. The next week passed quickly and soon, it was time for Ken, Emma and Genesis to say goodbye to the family and once again, return to the familiar days of studying, training and trying to reach holy level so he could start a new beginning. 




Almost finished with part 1! Working on the last few chapters. Part 1 will end up with either 79 or 80 chapters and they will be posted over the next 3 weeks before I go on vacation.