Chapter 17
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I awake from the darkness light streaming into my eyes, my entire body aches why? What exactly happened and why am I waking up the last thing I remember was talking to Authos about lifting something and now I'm lying on my back in extraordinary pain and still wet. I slowly move myself onto my side at which points pain begins to lance through my body. "What happened?"

"Dullahan, milord has awoken from whatever you did to him!" I hear Fraulines voice in my ears her voice setting of waves of pain in my mind from how loud it is. I guess something really bad happened to me, what on Earth did Authos do to me that could leave me in this condition. I thought we were just doing some training.

"Please keep it down Frauline, my head aches terribly so."

"As, as ... milord." I miss the middle section of what Frauline says as she speaks far too quietly for me to actually hear her. "Do you ... milord."

"I, just want the pain to go away Frauline." I gently lower myself back down onto my back lying on my side like that was far more painful than just laying on my back was. "Oh, yeah that is way more comfortable." The pain in my back begins to subside immediately upon my back entering back into the dirt that I'd been lying into before. The light streaming back in is of course annoying but that's a simple fix I can just close them. 

I hear footsteps coming towards me I guess that's Authos. I wonder what she's going to say to me I wonder if she will apologise or whatever I mean she probably should right? It wasn't me that did something bad? It couldn't have been I wouldn't have done anything like that and with how much my body hurts I very much doubt I asked to fight her or something it's way too everywhere for that.

"Get up milord."

"No way everything hurts way too much for that."

A sigh enters the air. "It seems I'll have to pick you up. We have to get you out of the gunk that surrounds you. I mean we'll probably have to get you new clothing as well. I mean that stuff looks disgusting and it's probably keeping some of the gunk on your body."

"What gunk?" I mean I didn't really notice any when I turned myself on my side a few seconds ago. Then again I wasn't really paying attention to anything else.

Soon after I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and a then one on the other with the grip tightening. Pain soon following after the grip. "Up we go." The nice ground goes away from my back. The pain growing in my back as I come off the ground and a loud sound comes into my ears and my throat suddenly is in pain again. A darker black creeping in from the edges of my vision.

Soon upon me being placed upright and Authos's hands being removed from my shoulders I take a step away from her. What in the hell did she actually choose to do to me. "What in the hell did you do to me." As I speak I taste blood on my tongue did I perhaps bite it whilst I was screaming just now or is it that my throat has started bleeding because of the pain I've been left in. 

"It was just a way to test for mana channels in your body. You did have them and it seems they were incredibly thin to the point of basically being unusable now however you should be able to use them after all they were drastically widened."

"Why on Earth did you do that? That was unnecessary my body was supposedly already going through changes as things were according to the Lady of the Lake, you didn't even ask about this. You didn't consult me in anyway before doing this I was forced into an incredibly painful situation without any input from me and you forced incredibly pain upon me I very much doubt I can ever trust your thoughts again Authos."

"It had to be done so that you could find your mana veins, I'm sure even Frauline went through something like this before her death." I can't believe that Authos is trying to make an excuse in this situation, it's truly not acceptable she's being ridiculous at this point at least let my evolution or whatever stop or ask me before doing something.

"Nope, I never had to have my mana veins looked at, I've always been a banshee what mana veins could I have? I just naturally absorb the energy in the air around me?"

"Wait what, you're a natural banshee that's ridiculous banshees are formed from resentment and longing not naturally around! Are you like deaths counter or something rather than a banshee."

"No I'm just a regular banshee? I've always been this way and I will always be this way. I was created when milord summoned me from the stone with some memories of what I can do but not much else. You're the weird one you are supposed to be some summoned being but you act as if you have lived a life before. Plus you are being so reckless with our masters health and life without consulting the rest of us." Frauline crosses her arm and makes a cute noise.

I guess both of them come from very different points of reality and Authos is probably some being who has been working alongside the Lady of the Lake for a long period of time whereas Frauline is my summon and one of my followers. Great I have even more politics to take into account going forward in the future, I mean these schools of thought are inevitably going to have a larger and larger clash of ideas.