Ch 03 – Preparing for surgery – part 2
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After a short hesitation, Mia is positioning herself between my wide open legs. But she is unable to make the next move. I can sense her insecurity as she stares at my crotch nervously and Amy, the more experienced nurse watches over her junior colleague. The doctor has excused herself and left the room, leaving a tense silence that hangs in the air around us. I swear I can almost feel Mia's gaze on my penis as she goes back and forth with her eyes, unsure of what to do next.

Amy pauses for a moment and then breaks the tension by attempting to help Mia out of her trance-like state. She gently coaxes Mia, reminding her to start with the first step in the process - applying the shaving cream. Amy places a comforting hand on Mia's shoulder, allowing her to take a few moments of pause. Taking in a deep breath, Mia finally grabs the cream and timidly gives a nod of agreement.

It is clear that Mia has never shaved a man before, and it seems as if she is avoiding contact with certain parts of my body. Her application of the shaving cream appears to be rushed, as she starts with applying it to the region below my belly button and slightly above my shaft. She seems to be attempting to avoid the more sensitive regions on my body, carefully spreading cream around them without ever wanting her hands to come in contact.

Amy reminds her that the cream must be applied to all areas prone to producing hair, which includes the testicles and lower regions of the penis. I can see Mia blushing nervously, but at the same time she is also evidently trying her best to comply with her new duties as a trainee nurse.

I start to feel a bit uneasy at the thought of this young nurse about to lay her hands on my penis and testicles. It's been some time since a woman other than Katherine has had such intimate contact with me, and it's strange to see such an attractive yet innocent looking individual approaching me with that intent.

I was so occupied with Amy and Mia applying the cream to me, that I had almost forgotten Katherine next to me. What kind of thoughts must she be having? Is she feeling uncomfortable as well? All these questions float in my head as I try to steady myself for Mia’s approaching hands and touch.

Mia cautiously brings the cream to my balls. But my entire body recoils from the initial touch of her fingertips to my testicle and she quickly retracts her hands with profuse apologies. I try to reassure her that it was just a bit ticklish, so that she can finish up, but really I'm feeling something else entirely - a sensation beyond pleasant tickles.

All I wish is for this whole ordeal to be finished quickly; I don't want to have to face the embarrassment of becoming aroused in front of everyone, especially my soon-to-be wife. It's not a pleasant feeling for either one of us and it would be horrible if my fiance were to see me in an that state caused by another woman.

Mia continued to apply the cream carefully yet still swiftly enough that it appeared as if she was eager to complete the task. Her movements were still timid and fragile due to her lack of practice. As she worked, I attempted to take my mind off what was happening and divert my attention away- picturing the surgery and imagining a scalpel slicing into my testicles proved quite successful. This allowed me to prevent an erection in spite of these gentle hands working on me.

I can feel Mia stop her motion. And as far as I can see from my position she managed to apply cream to all necessary regions. She also seems pleased with her job.

Mia is looking at Amy for approval. Amy after a short inspection, tells Mia that she did well, but she can see that the cream was only applied very superficially. It’s better if the cream is rubbed into the skin, to make sure the pores and hair follicle are soft and smooth.