Chapter 17 – Giant Horned Boar
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The elves examined the foe before them, making an assessment on the large beast.

It gave of a powerful aura indicating its strength, to dare show itself in front of the large group of elven cultivators indicated it’s cultivation wasn’t ordinary. 

“It’s a Giant Horned Boar, seems to be at the Fourth Tier too since it’s not afraid at all of us.” One of the elven guards said seriously. 

“Hmm. Unusual a Giant Horned Boar to reach the fourth stage, especially since a magical beast of that level is rare around here anyways. Must have achieved its level recently with the patrols being less thorough due to a lack of manpower at the tribe.” Hoatan said before turning around continuing. 

“Caegar and Kaiden stay behind, protect the young mistress and the lady ship, the chief has went to war with us promising we’ll keep them safe they’re your priority. Reylan, protect the old man, we have enough to handle this big lump of meat.” Hoatan said fiercely. 

Ava found herself being asked escorted by the elves to a safe distance from the action.

The Boar huffed in rage at seeing them leave and began tensing its muscles, moving its hooves indicating it was about to charge. 

A Giant Horned Boar was an omnivore, it was highly aggressive and if it saw the opportunity to add meat to its diet it would take it.

As a Magical Beast, anything with an aura of Qi would be fatally attractive to it and the elves appeared like delicacies to the hungry Boar who had just been promoted a tier. 

Ava stared at the boar with eyes of fear for Hoatan and the others, it was simply a huge beast, with extremely wide and thick tusks, having a large jagged horn on the crown of its large head.

It was a bear sized boar and seemed gigantic in comparison to the elves. 

‘How will they defeat such a beast with such weapons…’ Ava thought, she had never seen a cultivator before she had no true idea on how strong one would be at this stage. 

Hoatan stood challengingly in front of the Boar as if mocking it to charge. 

His arrogant smirk seemed to anger it as it went straight for him, at an extremely swift speed for its size.

However Hoatan was faster, evading the beast with ease, dragging his sword along its hide whilst doing so leaving a swallow wound.

“You have some thick skin.” The elf murmured as he found the blow not leaving as much of a mark as he would have liked.

The other elves also sensing their opportunity sent strikes of their own, all of which were minor to the beast, who in return almost skewered an elf who was almost to slow to react to it turning around with surprising quickness.

Ava found the boars eyes seemed to fill with even more rage at the pesky things stabbing at it. 

She grew concerned about the elves despite the display of skill, after all the boar only needed to land a good blow and it could heavily or fatally injure an elf whereas their strikes only seemed to annoy the rampaging boar. 

Yet she found she underestimated the elves. The boar was nothing but a dumb brute, it was far stronger and durable than the elves but it was practically mindless, relying almost entirely on its instincts. 

It seemed like a bully who was used to winning fights on their size had come across a smaller, but capable fighter who toyed with them, with them finding it impossible to land a blow no matter how strong they were. 

‘So this is what it means to be a warrior, this is martial arts…’ she thought looking at the blinding display of footwork and sword work from the elves. 

Eventually all the wounds being drew on the boar began to add up, it was growing tired and weak from the blood loss. 

Despite it being full of rage and aggression, it only surmounted to so much, the elves were far more skilled and smarter, knowing when to pull away, Hoatan look most of the pressure of them being at the front of the Boars line of sight everyone since he was the only one here who matched its cultivation and was the strongest. 

‘Are Magical beasts only so much?’ She thought to Cense wondering why they were so feared at the same level.

‘Don’t be arrogant watching this battle. These are seasoned elven warriors who have been training together for a long time, they make this look easy as they are used to such opponents and have been training for countless years in the martial way. And the Boar is very low tier for a magical beast, its bloodline is among the weakest and this one has likely reached its limit. Intelligence wise it is also barely above that of a wild animal, the true dangerous magical beasts are the intelligent ones with strong bloodlines, for instance if this was a Tier 4 dragon type beast there would be little these elves could do but run and hope it’s not interested in them.’ Cense explained. 

Eventually the large boar was downed. The elves expertly dealt with it without taking much damage. 

The final strike Hoatan used a martial technique of some sort that seemed to skewer its head right of its shoulders. 

It seemed to drain him greatly though as he seemed to slump afterwards however  Ava was still greatly impressed her eyes gleamed a light of adoration as she looked at Hoatan. 

Hoatan grinned proudly upon noticing her big blue eyes looking up at him in admiration. 

“Awesome. I want to learn that!” Ava proclaimed deciding that was the next thing she wanted to learn. 

Loriel just looked like she was about to have a heart attack at how casual her daughter was being about this.

‘Why can’t I have a normal daughter who won’t worry me so…’ Loriel felt like she was going to be constantly stressed worrying about Ava at this rate. Deciding it was what made her happy, she knew she couldn’t stop her from pursuing this even if this terrified her. 

“Well who wants some cooked fried boar meat!” Hoatan loudly shouted in triumph to the cheers of the other elves.