Chapter 16 – Evergreen Forest
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“No!” Her mother said for the umpteenth time. Her mother had been supportive of everything she did so far however this time she wasn’t having it.

“Why?” She said pleadingly trying to use her cuteness, her mothers gaze softened for a moment before hardening again.

“You expect me to let you go into a forest with just you and old Arwen, there’s magical beasts there and you’d not be safe!” Her mother tried to explain her worries to her.

Understanding that from her mothers point of view with everyone at the tribe believing Arwen has no cultivation, it seemed ludicrous to go alone with him into the forest. 

She thought this was an impossible task to do so until an elf announced Arwen and Hoatan wanting to meet her.

Her mother showing approval for them to enter, Arwen entered the room flanked by a stern looking Hoatan and few other elves dressed in warrior garb.

After talking for a while with her mother Arwen said, “We’ll be escorted and only go towards the outskirts at most, it’ll be good for her to see, if she ever ended up lost in the forest this experience may prove invaluable.”

Hoatan couldn’t help but show his agreement, he would bring children only a bit older than Ava to the forest to widen their horizons, it was a good experience for them.

Ava was smart and capable for her age, from months of training her, he felt she would only benefit from this.

Eventually both got her mother to agree, however at the cost of letting her come along, noticing they couldn’t dissuade a mother from wanting to protect her daughter, they headed out of the tribe with mother, Hoatan, his men and a few more of the tribes guards who had come to protect both her and her mother.

Ava knew the forest covering the expanse of land outside the tribe, holding dozens of similar tribes within was known as the Evergreen Forest. It was named after the clan which ruled the scope of this forest. 

It held much bountiful resources within and was a valuable resource for the elves who would send herb gatherers to collect useful plants, herbs whilst leaving behind suitable conditions for the resources to naturally grow back. 

The elves harvested a generous amount every year by doing so though would never upset the balance by over harvesting the natural resources in order to maintain sustainability.

The forest was beautiful. Looking at her surroundings she found herself looking up as high as the eye can see since the trees were so tall she was unable to see the top.

Everything was so lush and bright, flowers, plants of an assortment of colours was a common sight in the forest. 

The sounds of the birds and nature was both relaxing and calming yet she knew anyone would be a fool to not be vigilant at all times here. 

Dangerous creatures roamed the forest, the tribe was well protected by regular patrols, magical wards that dissuaded the creatures from nearing.

However outside the tribe there were plenty threats around you needed to be careful of.

Having Hoatan here though meant there should be no problems since the strongest magical beasts in the forest around the tribe was only Tier 3, not a problem for Hoatan who also had the other elves for support. 

Magical beasts had similar tiers to cultivators though usually they were stronger than a cultivator at the same tier. 

Nonetheless having access to good weapons, martial techniques and usually being in groups, elves were more than a match for magical beasts. 

She could see why her Mother was terrified at the prospect of her coming here with just Arwen since even the normal wild beasts in the forest would be end of an old man and a little girl.

“Now you see here this is actually a magical herb known as a Blue Capped Mushroom, it is often mixed up with an Blue Spotted Mushroom which is highly toxic and poisonous. The way to tell the difference is an authentic Blue Capped Mushroom always has a marking to indicate its age and potency. They are used in the process of concocting potions to recover a mages elemental Qi and are valued because of this.” Arwen said instructing her along the way.

As they went around the outskirts of the forest for the next hour she ended up learning a lot of interesting things. 

Arwen discussed herbs which can hide her scent from predators, that could be used in an emergency situation for sustenance, herbs of value, that can promote recovery of wounds.

She found the practical nature of seeing the herbs and plants discussed over the last few months cemented them further into her mind.

Hoatan and the elven guards walked silently in the background. Her mother who was sceptical at the beginning of the point of the extrusion seemed happy upon seeing how engaged her daughter was learning about the forest. 

She also found it beautiful and relaxing, it was a nice change of scenery to being locked up in the tribe all the time. 

Ava found Hoatan hawk like gaze on her often. When she first met him she assumed the worst of him however she now viewed him like a stern grandparent. 

Ones who may sometime have old-fashioned, narrow minded views from their upbringing but deep down are old softies. 

Hoatan had been looking out for them often since her Father left, and seemed to take up the father role gladly in her life when he left.

He was more prudent about her safety on this expedition out to the forest than even her mother by the way he stalked around her at all times, silently ready at any moment. 

However the time spent in the forest went smooth throughout, deciding it was time to turn back, Arwen promised he would bring her back again another time since it was growing late. 

That was until the largest boar she had ever seen appeared in front of them menacingly leading the elves to halt in their tracks.

This was the first magic beast she had seen up close, so far the magic beasts and other wild animals seemed to stay clear of their party sensing the strengths of the elves. 

Feeling nervous she wondered how Hoatan would deal with such a formidable opponent.