Chapter 32 – Arriving on Skull Island
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Jennifer was the first to fly towards the island, and David teleported with Eric 

Carrie, no longer carrying everyone, released her telekinetic bubble as she hovered in the air with Matt, Brandon and Mary

"Go" Mary said with a smile as the remainder flyers shot towards the island, chasing after Jennifer

"Wahoo!" Matt hooted as the flyers flew showing fancy maneuvers, like they were going on a vacation and were running towards the beach

Jennifer shot further inland as David teleported to the beach with Eric with the rest of the psychics, namely Carrie and Matt arriving from behind

Brandon stayed in the air with Mary several miles away where they first spotted the island

Suddenly, several large monstrous crabs, each the size of a man attacked David, who instinctively teleported away, leaving Eric to fend for himself!

Eric took out Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor and smashed the skull of the first monster crab as several more appeared from the sand of the beach they were on

"You knew about this right? What is this?" Brandon asked

"According to Monach's files, the call these Trapdoor Crabs. You did want to find a place to train yourselves, didn't you?" Mary responded

"I thought you only mentioned a giant ape-like being ruling over the island" Brandon said

"The giant ape is the least of your worries. This island is full of monsters" Mary said

Brandon nodded and looked back towards Eric who had smashed several of the monsters and David had teleported back with a machete as he teleported several times to avoid being attacked by the large crabs and reappearing here and there to chop down on the crabs

That being said, he was having difficulties as the monster's shell were hard to penetrate and required him nearly several chops to kill each creature

Eric was having an easier time, demonstrating his might in killing the creatures with his lightning and striking them with his hammer

Carrie and Matt had joined in as well, killing these monsters with their telekinetic abilities, smashing the monsters to pulp with their minds

Brandon and Mary suddenly joined in at super speed, destroying the monsters as they flew past

Several minutes later, they finished up the group of "Trapdoor Crabs" as Mary called them

"Where is Jennifer?" Mary asked

"I think she flew deeper inland" David said, a bit embarrassed that among the lot, he was the weakest among them

"Reckless! Does she think this would be a holiday?" Mary scolded

"Don't worry about Jennifer. She can handle herself" Brandon said, seeing how Mary was seething in anger at how lightly Jennifer was taking this

They gathered and moved inland to look for Jennifer. David and Eric walked while Mary, Brandon, Carrie and Matt hovered in the air above them, scanning each direction as they entered the nearby forest

Suddenly, what looked like a fallen tree moved and attacked Eric, who was the nearest one on the ground to it

Without warning, he reacted by smashing his hammer into the bark of the tree as the whole "tree" flew several hundred meters away, engulfed in lightning and flames

"Watch out. There are creatures that camouflage themselves, like that Spore Mantis over there" Mary said  

"Brandon! Take out that Venus Fly Trap creature over there, with the yellow flowers, then that Vinestrangler" Mary ordered

Brandon looked at where she pointed and shot his eyebeams at the two nearby creatures, looking like innocent plants, but were maneaters that were not even 10 feet away from them in different directions

Eric gulped as he did not expect them to be dangerous creatures

They explored past the forest, killing all the creatures that they encountered when they finally saw Jennifer, sitting naked on a log as she barbequed a large crocodile-like creature

Though she looked naked, she was not actually fully nude. Although she was completely covered in skin, her pussy and nipples were not exposed and had "disappeared", making her look more like a doll

"Well done! A Sirenjaw! But why are you naked?" Mary asked

"Oh... it ambushed me and as my clothes were just my shapeshifted flesh anyway, it was easier fighting in the nude, without the extra bits of flesh acting as clothes" Jennifer said, without feeling shame at all

Brandon wanted to change her mind, how dare she talk so openly about nudity in front of his mum

But Mary simply replied "As you wish. I am not here to judge you, only to train you on this island of monsters" 

"How does it taste?" Carrie interrupted the flow of the conversation and tore off a leg of the giant crocodile and took a big bite

"Don't know. You're having the first bite" Jennifer said

"Not bad. Could use more seasoning" Carrie replied non challently

The rest started digging in, taking out pieces of flesh from the giant croc

Brandon looked around at the forest surrounding them, scanning the area with his super vision

"We're surrounded" he suddenly said, noticing a large number of strange looking monsters staring at them from the dark trees

"Just enjoy yourselves. Let me" Jennifer said as she opened a portal

Brandon, Carrie and David recognized the numerous white spikes, mimics, xenomorphs and youtja jumping out of the portal, all of them undead as they charged into the forest. Two human looking naked humans walked out of the portal too, one wearing a hockey mask, and the other a pale human face, both holding machetes and charged into the forest after those creatures. There was also the Kandorian demon running into the forest to join the battle

Screams and monstrous noises emanated from the forest

"Are those the undead you said she kept?" Mary asked while she took a bite on some giant crocodile flesh

"Yes, those are the ones" Brandon said, having informed Mary about their adventures in the other dimensions

"Hmmm I would like to see how she handles her new power" Mary said

Mary instructed Jennifer not to completely annihilate all the creatures with her monsters, although she allowed Jennifer to turn a few of them into zombies

After all, they were here for training, not to make all monsters here extinct